Whenever I hear about hatred I imagine someone grabbing a burning piece of coal and throwing it into someone else's direction. But once you grab the coal it burns you too. So the only good thing that can come from hatred is that you also get burned and hopefully that pain can teach you to never do it again.
There is nothing good about hate. It's an often misused horrible emotion that only serves to feed anger. Anger, no matter what you might think, is not a good thing to live with. It will eat you alive.
BS! Lots of good comes from hatred. Just like lots of good comes from wars even thought they are horrible. Hatred is just an emotion/feeling. It doesn't have to dictate negative actions. One can choose the actions they take even if they feel hatred towards someone or something. Motivation is just one great thing that comes from hatred.
^I agree, it can be a great start for motivation. But do you really remain hateful when you get to where you are going? I think it fades away at some point, no?
there is only one good thing I can name that can come from hatred and that is empathy. knowing what its like to hate another person. it's good to be able to relate to every feeling there is.
To me, you can't truly hate someone if you didn't deeply care for them. If you didn't care for them, there wouldn't be enough hurt and anger for you to actually hate them. So, IMO, it's not hate that creates empathy, it's love.
People use the term hate way too often, the word has lost most of its real meaning. I don't allow my kids to use the word. To me, it's just as bad as any curse word.
I am trying to think if it was the actual hate or something else that was a positive outcome. I guess, that hatred made me want to do better, but I feel that is spite....not hate.
I've felt strong dislike for some people at various points in my life.
I don't know. On the one hand, part of it feels justified. But on the other hand, it takes up feelings, mental resources and space. You have to put time and effort into disliking someone. It's active, as opposed to passive. It's like keeping yourself in a state of war. It takes energy.
This popped up near the top when I searched for Hate without Love. I searched that because they are both strong emotions. Read the article: It might hit home for some on here. It's from Psychology Today.
From the article: "Indeed, human beings are not all good or bad. If we disown our hateful, aggressive, rejecting feelings─ to garner love and attention─ we have depleted our inner selves and are rendered powerless."
IMO, we need to experience all of our feelings while they are minor and learn to deal with them on a rational basis. It's not good to ignore them because eventually they will come out in a big unexpected way like a volcano. I've hated others for things they have done to me. After I released my anger via punching bags, screaming, and exercising I wised up, which was a good thing.
Nothing good will come of it. My reasons are mostly religious but i agree with what Callie said in her second post as well. I don't think hate is just a feeling, that'd just be anger or frustration.
I don't think I've ever hated anyone so I don't know if any good comes from it.I find it really hard to even dislike people I'm more concerned if people like me let alone hate.
That's something else I've been thinking lately too.
I've noticed that, at various points in my life, I've gotten into really disliking some people, to where my thoughts keep coming back to it.
On the one hand, part of it is unresolved anger, feeling I've been wronged.
But on the other hand, when I've looked back, I've noticed that I seem to be most susceptible to falling into this feeling, reminding myself of this anger, when I don't have enough to do. When I have more to do, I'm too busy to be angry. So maybe when it happens it's a sign that I'm not busy enough and I should redirect my thoughts, away from spending energy on someone I don't like.
No one likes EVERYONE. But, having enemies doesn't mean you have to hate them. There have been many people I could easily hate throughout my life, but what's the point? Hating someone means that they, in some way, have control or power over you. Why let someone have that? Live your own life and don't worry about other people. There will always be "haters," but you get to choose how you react to them and how much influence you let them have over your life.
I used to really dislike the word "hate" but then there came a time when I felt it for some. I didn't like that these people had that affect on me as hate doesn't feel good, to me. Perhaps I was feeling deep anger. Whatever the reasons or feeling I don't like to feel that way so I try not to focus on those who have had me feel hate and then it seemed to go away. I think every emotion out there happens to us all at some point and hate taught me I was expending too much energy in that direction.