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does anyone want to talk? I have no life and nothing to do. so if anyone wants to say hi. I'm Trent, geez... I'm so hungry I could faint. but umm... one thing at a time. I want to talk. I'm not a pervert. and I am not a bastard. so I'm here if any one wants to talk
Hey... I was hungry too. I went to the store, bought some hot dogs, hot dog buns, and some ketchup.

Needless to say I ate two hot dogs. I don't really know how to cook so I'm pretty proud of myself right now...
lol i know the feeling whoaisme..i was so proud the first time i made a pancake and it was's yet to happen again...but yea

Trent hi! how was your day today?
Guest said:
does anyone want to talk? I have no life and nothing to do. so if anyone wants to say hi. I'm Trent, geez... I'm so hungry I could faint. but umm... one thing at a time. I want to talk. I'm not a pervert. and I am not a bastard. so I'm here if any one wants to talk
Hi Trent
hi everybody! I was happy to see a few of you responded to my post. as for my hunger. I ate already. nothing fancy like a hot dog or pancake. just a plain ole can of spaghetti and meat balls. I'm a single guy. so I rarely eat real food. mostly tv dinners and stuff like that. although I do know how to cook. but I don't like myself enough to go into the kitchen and make myself a proper dinner. but yeah.. thank you all for taking the time to write me. I don't really have anyone to talk to. I'm basically alone 14 hours a day. me and my brother are roommates. he's a great guy and I love him. but we don't talk much. and I can rarely bring myself to leave the house. unless I have to. but when I do go out. its just to run a few errands. so theres not really any opportunities for me to make friends. to be honest I don't really see it in the cards. for one, I'm not the type of person to walk up to some one and strike up a conversation. besides, people aren't so friendly where I come from. so if i were to walk up to some one and start talking. they would probably look at me like if I were a weirdo or some thing. and also I have the feeling that people just don't like me. almost as if were a spoiled stinky piece of cheese. I feel like people stay clear of me. some people my say its all in my head. but for fun I take account of things like that. for instance, over the span of 3 days. I sent 100 messages on 2 different peer sites. only 3 people responded to me on one of them. and although I added them. when ever I wrote them to say. they just basically ignored me. and on the other site. only 1 person responded. but after a week lost interest in me. the thing on my profiles. I made it clear. I'm not a pervert! and that I only wanted to make a friend. no strings attached. just some one to talk to. and maybe ever now and then share a laugh with. and they would all look at my page. but they just wouldn't write me. maybe its because I'm not good looking enough. but I don't see why that matters if I only want to be friends. the only other thing I could think of is, maybe everybody already has enough friends. but if so, then doesn't that make me screwed. while god was passing out friends. I must stepped out of line to take a piss. that sucks. but thats where I'm at ~ Trent
y dont u reg trent. so u can do priv msgs & stuff. when ur just a guest nobody has a way 2 reach u. sure posting is cool. but u wont get much started w/o regging. & sending out pms
i'm here too, if you need a friend.

and i don't think looks matter either, but sometimes, i guess, most people take notice of first impression. then again, i don't know how that is related to looks, as in your own looks. *shrugs* :)
NewBirth said:
y dont u reg trent. so u can do priv msgs & stuff. when ur just a guest nobody has a way 2 reach u. sure posting is cool. but u wont get much started w/o regging. & sending out pms

I've tried registering 3 times. with 2 different email addresses. and the 3rd time I wasn't allowed to register at all. it said my I.p already had 2 accounts in 24 hours. you see, im already signed up. the thing is before you can become a member. you have to click on a confirmation link that is sent to your email. and I'm not getting that email with the link. I keep clicking resend. but its not sending me that link. so its not that I don't want to be a member. its that I can't :(
mink said:
i'm here too, if you need a friend.

and i don't think looks matter either, but sometimes, i guess, most people take notice of first impression. then again, i don't know how that is related to looks, as in your own looks. *shrugs* :)

Hi mink! thank you for your offer. very cool of you. and I would like it if we could be friends. so tell me a little about yourself? like what country your from. and what kind of music you like. you know, the basic stuff
Guest said:
I've tried registering 3 times. with 2 different email addresses. and the 3rd time I wasn't allowed to register at all. it said my I.p already had 2 accounts in 24 hours. you see, im already signed up. the thing is before you can become a member. you have to click on a confirmation link that is sent to your email. and I'm not getting that email with the link. I keep clicking resend. but its not sending me that link. so its not that I don't want to be a member. its that I can't :(

Did you check your junk mail? Maybe it's there..

Guest said:
Hi mink! thank you for your offer. very cool of you. and I would like it if we could be friends. so tell me a little about yourself? like what country your from. and what kind of music you like. you know, the basic stuff

Okay sure, I'll do a bit of introduction for myself and then your turn for everyone here so we can all get to know you and be your friend. :)

I turn 19 today, I have friends but as lonely as ever in my life. I'm from Singapore, if you've heard of the country. It's that small tiny dot on the world map. Haha..
As for music, I'm more into rock and alternative basically but I do listen to other genres as well if they catch my ears. :D

Your turn!
Thats cool. I like rock music too. I don't really listen to much else. and believe it or not, I actually know where Singapore is on a map. I myself am from the United States of America. I don't know if you've heard of it? and my favorite food is pizza. your turn... tell me some thing else about yourself. so that I may better know you. so that when I think of mink, I think of.......
When you think mink, you think...
1. a semiaquatic weasellike animal of the genus Mustela, esp. the North American M. vison.
2. the fur of this animal, brownish in the natural state and having lustrous outside hairs and a thick, soft undercoat.
3. a coat, stole, etc., made of this fur.

Haha, okay I never knew why I chose mink for a nick! Until I realised that it has a real meaning. Lol.

Anyway, of course I know where the US of A is. It's huge on the world. I have a very mixed family in terms of race and religion so I'm very anti-racial. My brother-in-law is from your country.

Umm, I used to write some basic poetry but I've been having a writer's block ever since last year. I'm a stressed up girl who worries about a lot of things.

Go around the other threads where I have replied to, you could learn abit about me from there. Cos I've run out of things to say about myself now.

I'm listening to All Time Low at the moment! :D
mink said:
When you think mink, you think...
1. a semiaquatic weasellike animal of the genus Mustela, esp. the North American M. vison.
2. the fur of this animal, brownish in the natural state and having lustrous outside hairs and a thick, soft undercoat.
3. a coat, stole, etc., made of this fur.

Haha, okay I never knew why I chose mink for a nick! Until I realised that it has a real meaning. Lol.

Anyway, of course I know where the US of A is. It's huge on the world. I have a very mixed family in terms of race and religion so I'm very anti-racial. My brother-in-law is from your country.

Umm, I used to write some basic poetry but I've been having a writer's block ever since last year. I'm a stressed up girl who worries about a lot of things.

Go around the other threads where I have replied to, you could learn abit about me from there. Cos I've run out of things to say about myself now.

I'm listening to All Time Low at the moment! :D

Interesting.......... right now I am listening to a song called let it be. by the beatles. now I'm not old enough to have listened to their music when it was new. in fact I wasn't even born yet. but I just started to listening to them by chance. I don't know I think I read some thing about them some where. saying there like the best band of all time. so I thought, I'll be the judge of that. and yeah.... there actually really good. but when I'm not listening to them. then I'm listening to bands like a perfect circle. and tool. I also like smashing pumpkins, the deftones. and too many other bands to name :p
That's nice, the Beatles. Yeah I guess they are an awesome band, I did want to take a listen to them, lol, but then never really got around to it.

Hmm, pretty cool stuff. When you say Tool, I'm just reminded of my younger days when I'd go to gigs cos I remember this Tool t-shirt so well until now. I don't go to gigs anymore, well I haven't been to one for years now, so yeah.

Wait, you said you can cook? How well are you?
mink said:
That's nice, the Beatles. Yeah I guess they are an awesome band, I did want to take a listen to them, lol, but then never really got around to it.

Hmm, pretty cool stuff. When you say Tool, I'm just reminded of my younger days when I'd go to gigs cos I remember this Tool t-shirt so well until now. I don't go to gigs anymore, well I haven't been to one for years now, so yeah.

Wait, you said you can cook? How well are you?

I can pretty much cook anything if I had the recipe. oddly enough, the one thing that I don't cook so well is Mexican food. which is sad. because my ancestors are Spanish/Mexican :S but the thing i cook the best is Italian. and grilled food. in the states we call it Bar be que. yeah I'm really good at that. but mmm... what you said about gigs. I'm assuming you meant concerts. shows where the band play. I don't often go to any shows either. when it comes to being around the public. I'm pretty anti social. which makes it harder for some one like me to make friends. usually spend my time looking at TV. or writing. thats about it. I can't help but feel I'm wasting my life. cause I am. the thing is, if I could get off of my butt. and make some thing out of myself. then I would be able to make friends. and I would be a better person for it. and I would be happy. but then that would be like saying, if I could grow some wings. then I would fly away from here. obviously if I could do that one thing. then I would be better off. but some people don't understand is, I am not stupid. that thought did cross my mind. but some times your so emotionally crippled that. its not so easy to do the simplest thing. its hard to care. telling some one to care about the state of there life. is a lot easier then it is for some one to do it. basically every thing is easier said then done. I doubt people all over the world feel sad and lonely because they want to. and they have to do is stop feeling that way. sorry, some times i just go off on rants :p but you are very nice mink for talking to me. I really appreciate it.
Guest said:
the thing is, if I could get off of my butt. and make some thing out of myself. then I would be able to make friends. and I would be a better person for it. and I would be happy. but then that would be like saying, if I could grow some wings. then I would fly away from here. obviously if I could do that one thing. then I would be better off. but some people don't understand is, I am not stupid. that thought did cross my mind. but some times your so emotionally crippled that. its not so easy to do the simplest thing. its hard to care. telling some one to care about the state of there life. is a lot easier then it is for some one to do it. basically every thing is easier said then done. I doubt people all over the world feel sad and lonely because they want to. and they have to do is stop feeling that way. sorry, some times i just go off on rants :p but you are very nice mink for talking to me. I really appreciate it.

Trent, you still can't be registered as a member yet? Lol..

Yay! I mean, wow, at least you cook real food. Basically I like people who can cook. I don't cook much, but I'm learning, lol..

Anyway, I totally understand. Yeah, I always thought that those who say that they're "emotionally crippled" as you've put it, doesn't make it easy to do the simplest thing, are just making excuses but I've had those moments and yeah sometimes there's just a block there that prevents you from doing something.

But, you can keep trying you know. Climb over the block or just smash through it (meaning keep going on, even the hardest way) and just do something for yourself or something that you want to. What do you want to do first in your life right now? You don't have to do all things at once, just one at a time.

I mean, this year hasn't been a good one for me. It's my first year without my Dad, and initially all I did was slack my ass off. I didn't wanna do anything, stayed stuck to last year. I didn't see any reason to get my life back up on track. Last year's calendar was still hanging in my room. But one day last month, I decided, it's hard but I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna get up, and move. I cleared out my room, and his things, it was painful at first, had some tears shed now and then looking at the memories left but I took my first step of moving on.

I don't know how this is relative to what you're going through, but just so you know, I'm still trying to get up and do something while still slacking around, hence the many hours Bit by bit, well it takes time.

So, it's possible. If you just look at it differently and try. I'm not telling you what to do, just some advice. And it's no problem, we're all here to talk with each other. :)
Yeah I'm basically doing the same as you. I am trying, god knows I am. I'm just far from being a success story. but your right. do things bit by bit. and eventually I'll be further along for having taken steps to be a better person. and even if it doesn't happened. I'll have at least tried. but I'm not a strong person like yourself. if any thing I am the opposite. I'm really sensitive. even the littlest things get to me. I've interacted more with you in the last few days. then I have with anyone else. I just cannot seem to make friends! short of offering to pay some one to talk to me :p I am seriously considering giving up. at least for now. and instead, focusing my attention on studying. the first step to being a better person. maybe then going to college. then getting some simple job. to let you in on a little secret about myself, a part from being lonely. I am not a joyful person. meaning, I have a chemical imbalance in my brain. so no matter how great some thing is. I cant really enjoy it. so the few times that i was supposed to be happy. like a birthday. I just fake it. but just like a person who is blind. compensates for his lack of eye sight. by having his other sense heightened. such as hearing better. or feeling slight shifts of the air around them. I to have learned to compensate for my lack of ability. I've learned to appreciate things more. its hard to explain to some one exactly what its like. you just have to experience it for yourself. but any way, I hope you have fun online. its late here, or i should say... early. and i need to go to bed. but I'll talk to you later. bye bye mink! ~ Trent
Yeah no one would know how it really feels like unless they're going through it.

But hey, going to college is a good start. You can try again, meeting people and making friends.

I know it's always easier said then done, and it sure is not easy in your case. But I really hope that things will work out for you sooner or later. ;)

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