Need Some Help With Girl(s)

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WolFoxrr said:
Dude are you ******* serious. You have this girl obviously wanting to get to know you and you run away like a ******* bitch. You know how many ******* losers would give for your opportunity . Stop ******* being a bitch and making excuses. She could be an awesome friend or more. Grow some ******* balls bro.

Subject presents himself as an 'Alpha' even though in all likelihood he is nothing close to what he is advising someone else to be.

WolFoxrr said:
This post srsly pissed me off. Got a problem with the way I express my feelings ban me. If your not even willing to try.. Well ****. It's pathetic. Oh make myself look bad. Hahahaha you must have not read my other posts.

Continues Alpha posturing...

WolFoxrr said:
Thanks ignoredone. I actually got one of my rl friends out of depression by being blunt. Oh and I tried myself tonight! Had so much fun :)

Subject references events that are most likely fictitious.

WolFoxrr said:
Sure sweety. I'll cus appropriately next time.

Display of attempted sarcasm and humor. Higher brain seems to be functioning at minimal capacity.

WolFoxrr said:
So much hate guys. I thought I was the one in the wrong! Hehe. This loser will never approach this girl with you losers not being real with him.

Brazenly insults entire community comparing the wealth of its knowledge versus his own.

Behavior will most likely continue until subject reaches puberty...
Funky dude.. If I gave as much of a **** as you do I might try to defend myself.. But I'd rather just keep smiling, cause of how much you don't know about me.

Oh update: the "fictitious" event, had a lot of fun today as well. I was shy, but pushed myself. Next weeks going to be busy. Hope I have enough time to entertain ya'll.
WolFoxrr said:
This post srsly pissed me off. Got a problem with the way I express my feelings ban me. If your not even willing to try.. Well ****. It's pathetic. Oh make myself look bad. Hahahaha you must have not read my other posts.

I have a problem with it. Stop calling people such obnoxious names. Seriously. Yes, that was a warning - your third if Im not mistaken.
3 warnings? Sure I never saw them but I'll take um. How many to get banned? Let's see if I'll last a week! Hehe. You guys are fun. Lots of love fur you guys. Too bad you kids can't see my good intentions.
WolFoxrr said:
3 warnings? Sure I never saw them but I'll take um. How many to get banned? Let's see if I'll last a week! Hehe. You guys are fun. Lots of love fur you guys. Too bad you kids can't see my good intentions.

Then tone your "good intentions" down. Calling people "*******" and "losers" doesn't equate to "good intentions."

And it only takes three, so take my advice and tone your reactions down a bit.
I can understand you being wary. I wouldn't trust myself either, anyway we shouldn't steal this mans thread. Back to the topic!
I feel like deleting this thread now...
WolF did less damage with his words than how he got this thread off on a tangent. If I had people exert as much energy into try to help me as they did into chastizing a guy I don't care about at all, maybe I'd have sorted something out by now.
Thanks to those that did help, or at least tried to help. Appreciate it.
RJLJD said:
I feel like deleting this thread now...
WolF did less damage with his words than how he got this thread off on a tangent. If I had people exert as much energy into try to help me as they did into chastizing a guy I don't care about at all, maybe I'd have sorted something out by now.
Thanks to those that did help, or at least tried to help. Appreciate it.

That was my thought as well.

Anyway, have you gotten a chance to speak with the girl lately? Really, you need to just engage her in some fashion, otherwise its not going to go anywhere by speculation.

You said to be prepared - actually, in some ways, you need to avoid that. It may sound strange, but appearing like you are 'prepared' can easily look 'creepy', as if you're planning out how to speak and act. Your best bet really is to find something casual enough so that it doesn't make it look like you're too invested in her, but close enough so that you'll get to be able to speak with her. Really, you /should/ be fine with just asking her to coffee with something like, "Hey, I'm going to get to Starbucks, would you like to grab a cup too?"

Its difficult to give exact advice - I know that a lot of guys essentially seem to be looking for a cookbook, but unfortunately, the 'best' approach is ultimately something that is rather fluid. I'll be happy to talk more about the theory of it and what little I know from my experience, but be aware that you aren't the same as me, so what works for me may not work for you and what worked for the girls in my past, may not work for this girl in particular.
EveWasFramed said:
Yes well, you'll have to excuse the forum mods for doing their jobs.

I harbor no ill feelings toward any forum mod, including you, Eve. I harbor no ill feelings toward anyone here at all, if only some frustration at posters posting half a page of legitimate advice and 3 pages (mostly NOT from mods) of "Now WolFoxx, that wasn't very nice... say you're sorry". This is all a digression and I recognize I'm hurting my cause more than helping it and probably coming off like a selfish jerk right now. So I will stop.

IgnoredOne said:
Anyway, have you gotten a chance to speak with the girl lately? Really, you need to just engage her in some fashion, otherwise its not going to go anywhere by speculation.
I haven't. The episode that I spoke about in the original post happened last Friday. I was not on campus all weekend, and having just gotten back from my morning classes today I did not see her let alone get a chance to talk to her.

IgnoredOne said:
You said to be prepared - actually, in some ways, you need to avoid that. It may sound strange, but appearing like you are 'prepared' can easily look 'creepy', as if you're planning out how to speak and act. Your best bet really is to find something casual enough so that it doesn't make it look like you're too invested in her, but close enough so that you'll get to be able to speak with her. Really, you /should/ be fine with just asking her to coffee with something like, "Hey, I'm going to get to Starbucks, would you like to grab a cup too?"

Its difficult to give exact advice - I know that a lot of guys essentially seem to be looking for a cookbook, but unfortunately, the 'best' approach is ultimately something that is rather fluid. I'll be happy to talk more about the theory of it and what little I know from my experience, but be aware that you aren't the same as me, so what works for me may not work for you and what worked for the girls in my past, may not work for this girl in particular.

No doubt, I understand. And I figure, here in lies my problem. I don't have confidence in my ability to improvise a conversation out of thin air, but you're right, that's what it is going to take.
Maybe I should just forget about her, I hardly have the opportunity, nor the ability right now to make this work.
RJLJD said:
No doubt, I understand. And I figure, here in lies my problem. I don't have confidence in my ability to improvise a conversation out of thin air, but you're right, that's what it is going to take.
Maybe I should just forget about her, I hardly have the opportunity, nor the ability right now to make this work.

So why do you need to succeed? Nobody learned how to talk to girls by not talking to them, and as masochistic as it might sound at times, I've often said that the best way to learn is just to crash and burn repeatedly.

If I was in your shoes, I would just give it my best shot - do some very basic research and then improvise the rest. If it comes off as a cheesy, or even if she never looks at me again, I can at least say that I tried and I learned something from it. And so as long as we learn, we have not failed.

After all, she might genuinely be interested in you, too, in which case you'd be denying her an opportunity by not approaching her. Give her a chance, and give yourself a chance.
IgnoredOne said:
So why do you need to succeed?

I'm no therapist, but maybe because I refuse not too. I'm like that with a lot in life. Anything significantly important to me: I refuse to fail at it. I've spent the majority of my recent past working on my studies, for instance.

Say I have a big test coming up: I study, I prepare, I put myself in the best possible position to succeed. This is so new to me, I don't know what to make of it.

I used to play competitive baseball. I would practice, the day before the game I would go through all my mechanics with my coach and make sure I was on point. I would physically and mentally prepare before the game, give myself the best possible opportunity to succeed.

In both these instances, at the very least I gave myself the chance to succeed, and often I did. I DON'T know how to do this with women. I haven't the slightest clue, and I'm obviously out of my element. Its just drastically different for me, you know.

I'm making excuses, but I'm also explaining how I feel, and until you asked this question, IO, I hadn't even thought about it this way.

IgnoredOne said:
If I was in your shoes, I would just give it my best shot - do some very basic research and then improvise the rest. If it comes off as a cheesy, or even if she never looks at me again, I can at least say that I tried and I learned something from it. And so as long as we learn, we have not failed.

What if I don't learn anything, just reaffirm that I suck at this?

IgnoredOne said:
Give her a chance, and give yourself a chance.

I want to. I'm not sure I have the frame of mind for it though.

I really need to shut up and just do it.
As they say, the enemy of now is later; it is also said that the surest way to fail is not to try. I can completely understand the perfectionist impulse, but at the same time, it helps to realize that your best odds are, indeed, to try now. From trying and learning, you're maximizing your chances, which is as damn close to success as you can possibly get in an uncertain world.

You will always learn something, I assure. Even if you fail and suck at it, you'll learn at least one particularly approach did not work for you, review and consider an alternate approach.

Say if you played a chess game, and you epically failed, allowing your opponent to take the center and then slaughter you. While shameful, on postanalysis, you can notice that you opened with your d2-d4, black copied with d7-d5, but then you cockily moved into a kingside attack while ignoring the obvious additional defender that black had from his queen. As a result, you miscalculated, you lost your center pawn when you attacked, allowing the black queen to take a commanding position on d5 without counterplay from your knight. From that point on, things went to **** when black tore into your pawn defenders, isolated pawns, and destroyed you.

Upon awareness of this, in future games, you can just move one additional defender before commencing on a kingside attack, securing future games.

And as far as research, it does take a some awareness and observation, but you can sometimes tell a bit about a person from very little information. Does she wear cutesy stuff? Does she try to appear as a tomboy? How does she try to present herself to the world? Shy? Outgoing? Religious? Posh? Etc. Everything tells you something about her, and allows you to modify your approach to her, if you wish.

ANd yes, just shutting up and doing it is a good idea. If nothing else, you've known that you've been brave and did the best thing possible for yourself, and that's worth a hell of a lot.
you're right. i give myself no chance to succeed if i don't try. if i try, the odds of not being successful are high, but the odds of being successful actually exist at least.

oddly enough (and i know what i'm about to say isn't the point of your example), i used to play chess and was rather lousy at it, but i played anyway because it interested me. that goes entirely against the "perfectionist impulse" as you put it. why then was that an acceptable activity for me? because i didn't take it too seriously. maybe i'm taking all of this too seriously, maybe i'm taking myself too seriously. it shouldn't be, that i fail that it ruins my week. it should be, if i fail, well another chance will come and i'm just doing this for the fun of it anyway.

i just hope i snap to the right mindset when it matters the most, because i'd still like to give myself a decent chance to succeed.
more to your point though, it should at least be a learning experience, and maybe i should be more openminded about who i talk to and how often. more practice, you know.

its settled then. i'm at least going to speak to her the next time i see her, even if its just a "hello. how are you?", hopefully more, but the last few times i've seen her we've been going opposite directions and i don't know if i will have time for more.

i legitimately still haven't seen her though since last friday. it would really suck if i don't see her again now that i've come to this decision.

thanks for your help, IO.
Sorry, RJ, for replying to the troll instead of you-
Glad to see ignored one has given some good advice. You have nothing to lose by talking to this girl, I say go for it. And keep us updated on how you're doing- :)

I'm not one suitable to give relationship advice, but I read through all the posts and I'm so glad that you've firmly decided to approach her the next time you see her. Who knows, maybe she's been thinking the exact same thing as you all this time and waiting for you to respond.

I wish you all the best with this girl. Don't think too much and just casually talk to her if you can. Even if you stutter or mess up, some girls find that incredibly adorable, and that will leave a good impression too. :)
You are doing one of two things. You are looking to deeply into nothing out of desperation or you are thinking too much.

The fastest way to find out if she is interested. Go ******* talk to her. Stop this freaking out and wussing out. If you are still in a class with her bring up something about the class. Ask her a random question, just go up and say hi. So what if you get rejected and humiliated? Let her go off to the lower who is going to knock her up. Just get out there and do it. That is all it takes.

Look at it this way. You can talk to her make a fool out of yourself and move on with your life. With that you break even.

Or you can keep doing what you are doing and lose. Which is worse? You are a senior after all, what is the chance she will be seeing you after this semester?

If you don't try you will fail.

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