I sometimes come across as an overbearing, harsh and hard guy, but your post almost brought tears to my eye, and I love it when posts do that!
Just a few points...
(1) Why are guests coming over if nobody likes the person within you?
(2) If you hardly know the person who judged you, you'll've not let your real self out for them to attack, that way - so, they're not qualified to be accurate about who you really are!
(3) In order to stop crying, you have to cry until it's finished - and, if it still doesn't want to, it's time for professional intervention and a serious and concerted plan of action, to pull you away from this state of mind. And, if you consult, professionally, I'd love to think that you could mention a certain something to them - this...
On my own mental health boards, in the past, I've spoken of a little awareness invention of mine: "RETRO-APPETITES!" When I was eight years of age, I diaried these by the name "Outrushes!"
Appetites, ordinarily, are those things that we desperately need, or merely prefer, from the outside of our bodies and minds, in order to survive, or to feel that we might be able to do so. (Food, drink, daylight, love, affection, sexual attention, appreciation, medication, etc..)
Retro-appetites, in my own definition, are those things within (including deep within) us...which MUST COME OUT...in order to survive, or to feel that we might be able to do so. Sometimes, they've been neglected for so long, they need to be made to come out for some considerable time before they work on the problems caused by their neglect in the past!
Retro-appetites include, laughter, crying, shouting, fury/rage, sexuality and sexual expression, talking, creativity in as many areas of art as we can possibly manage - singing, dancing and, yes...even prayer, as you've already tried.
I believe that every person on Earth gives far too little attention to these needs for outgoing "stuff"!
What areas of your own "retro-appetites" do you think yourself to be in need of satisfying and have possibly been neglecting, of late? Sometimes, changing the way in which you are already addressing the retro-appetite deficiency only needs to be altered, a little, rather than switched for a completely different one. Think of those words, again: "...laughter, crying, shouting, fury/rage, sexuality and sexual expression, creativity in as many areas of art as we can possibly manage, talking, singing and, yes...even prayer, ...".
A. Where can you improve your service to any of those retro-appetites?
B. What new ones can you think of?
C. How would you go about confronting the need to get those retro-appetites satisfied?
DON'T UNDER-ESTIMATE THE USE OF DRAMATIC ACTING! That's a fantastic release for pressures, including those that you didn't even realise needed to get out at all!
PS: If you would care to, please feel free to PM me about this.