So, the reason I believe I'm here and my support team, professionals, whatever are really focused on my total lack of any type of non work, non family relationships. I don't deny I have no friends, and haven't in years. I'm mostly OK with that. People can be draining. No other type of relationships either. Granted I was a severely toxic individual and made exceptionally horrible connections. But I do find I'm lonely. I don't feel their logic that at a place I'm paid to be at, with others who are also being paid to be there, is a decent litmus test to how I interact with society as a whole. Me engaging a coworker is not anywhere near as nerve-wracking as some random stranger. Also, I'm not going to be shy or uncomfortable with the person being paid to talk to me for an hour. Hence the reason I thought this forum may possibly be a step in the right direction that they want, but puts me closer to something I should be more comfortable with. In theory anyway.