I agree-rather than somehow being positive, constant rejection & failure is extremely painful and demoralizing. This is especially true because a large part of how people treat you is based on your level of physical attractiveness. Even when attractive people are young, thery receive huge amounts of positive reinforcement from their family, friends & teachers. This often translates into them building a high self esteem as adults. Of course, the opposite is also true in that unattractive people receive negative reinforcement based on our inferior looks so end up with low self esteem because it is what we have been taught-that we are unworthy.
I think this may be the case for the orginal poster-he or she is physically unattractive so people dislike them and they have a low self esteem. I don't think the importance of being good looking can be understated and the tragedy of being ugly is likewise a critical factor in ones overall life experience-especially for sub 5 men.