Disability benefits in the UK are not what they were, they have been cut quite dramatically and we have had many instances of disabled people killing themselves. For the most severely disabled we used to have a thing called the independent living fund, which as the name suggests allowed people to live an independent life, this has been scrapped. It will now be the task of family members to look after the severely disabled for free or that person will have to go into an institution. It's also no longer the case that a disabled person will get a government subsidised home automatically, this has to be fought for.
I did get a fairly decent flat with a housing association, please don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for that and in my 30's I have been living independently for almost 4 years now. But the welfare benefits were indirectly cut, we have a local tax called council tax, a disabled person was not expected to pay this before, now you have to. The new gov plans on adding a government tax to disability.
The work situation has not gone where it should. Theoretically I should be able to find an employer who would accommodate my disability. I can't. I'm a smart guy, the internet promised that we'd all be working from home didn't it? I can't see any signs this is possible in the UK. The idea being promoted by the med butis that people like me are lazy. Trust me, I would rather be fully employed and have some control over my life than sit bored on welfare.
My big interest is activism, particularly climate change activism and political reform. I had been planning an online campaign to do with this, but I now have to worry that anything I say against the government will get be labelled an extremist or terrorist or something and thrown in the gulag.
Our prison service has been cut and is going to be cut more. So prisons will literally be hell. Following the US lead, poor life is increasingly criminalized.