Old-School Games & Gaming Systems

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Does anyone remember:

-Mario Kart
-Yoshi's Story
-Zelda, The Ocarina of Time
-Super Smash Bros.
-1080 Snowboarding

For Nintendo 64?

Pokemon Blue

For Game Boy Color/Advance?

Does anyone remember Omninusha for x box?

What about Grand Theft Auto, or Shinobi for Playstation 2?

These days games seem to be massive multiplayer online for the most part. >.>

Back in the day you needed a USB cord to trade pokemon with each other on Gameboy color or needed to plug in an extra 3 controllers so your friends could play on your Nintendo 64. :p

Oh, remember those days? :(

I feel so old now. o__o

The first gaming experience I ever had was on a Game Gear (made by Sega). I was 6 and I was playing a sonic the hedgehog game. :)
Oh you are taking me back :D I used to babysit kids who had a N64, we would play Mario Kart for hours. I had a Commodore 64, now that is old school but we had a ton of games for it. My mom wouldn't buy us gaming systems, some friends of mine had an Atari. Good times.
Sci-Fi said:
Oh you are taking me back :D I used to babysit kids who had a N64, we would play Mario Kart for hours. I had a Commodore 64, now that is old school but we had a ton of games for it. My mom wouldn't buy us gaming systems, some friends of mine had an Atari. Good times.

I am too young to remember Atari or Commodore 64 >.>

Mario Kart was awesome though!!
Soooo, when are we getting married Soph? Is next Tuesday good? I think my schedule is clear that day. :p

Also you think you're old now? I look at that list and wonder why you're listing off a bunch of new games! :D
This thread makes me wanna get my atari out.... even tho atari wasn't mentioned.
SNES Super Mario World was my jam.

Replayed it in college a few years ago...still love it
Old school gaming for me goes back a little further.

First computer i remember we actually had before i was born so i have no idea when i started using it but very young as i loved playing with computers.

It was a BBC Micro A, modified into a B by a adding more ram.
Also had add in board which i would change the Sideways ROM chips over for different operating systems and other stuff, which meant opening the case pulling out chips and putting different ones in, which often meant you would turn it on and there would be some error.
So that stereotypical imagine of tapping the top of the computer to make it work often did but sometimes you would need to open the case fiddle with the various chips to make sure they are fitted right and turn back on.
Also having Disk drives were a godsend compared to the tapes which would often not load right lol.
The monitor was out of a Space Invaders cabinet which used to be in my living room as a coffee table. My dad took it apart because it was not worth anything at the time lol, i am sure they are worth alot now.
Best part about that monitor is it had no plastic surround so was completely bare at the back and on cold damp mornings you could see the High voltage part on the monitor spark and it looked cool in the dark lol.

Playing games like Elite, Exile, Granny's Garden, Blitz, Knightlore, Repton, Imogen, Tempest and a bunch of others that escape me at the moment. I remember the joystick for the BBC was fantastic to use and had great feel compared to the Thumbsticks everyone uses these days.

After that we mostly used PC's i did not really have any consoles like megadrives, snes etc. But would often be playing on my friends ones.

Playing on a megadrive around my friends house i was doing well on Roadrash and then as i was totally focused on the game he took the desk lamp and pressed the hot lamp on the back of my neck causing me to lose the race lol.

I do remember having great fun playing Goldeneye Multiplayer on the N64 with a few friends, also beating my my friends much older brother even though i at the time had hardly used a N64 and he had been playing it all the time. He was not pleased and threw the controller stormed out lol.

But i would say the most fun gaming i had was long 8hour plus sessions playing Total Annihilation (1997) on the PC over lan at home. Some great times, i do remember one particular match where my friend beat me by having a secret base that i did not know about and after i destroyed his what i thought was his main base he destroyed me with a bunch of long range cannons great times.

Well i have rambled enough about gaming lol.

LOL just kidding with ya John (not really) no I am. :D

I used to love playing this game called Congo Bongo, it was trippy, if you stared at the screen for too long the level would look like it was inverted. You'd actually lose your sense of direction. It was a total mind f-


LOL just kidding with ya John (not really) no I am. :D

I used to love playing this game called Congo Bongo, it was trippy, if you stared at the screen for too long the level would look like it was inverted. You'd actually lose your sense of direction. It was a total mind f-
Limlim said:
Soooo, when are we getting married Soph? Is next Tuesday good? I think my schedule is clear that day. :p


Limlim said:
you think you're old now? I look at that list and wonder why you're listing off a bunch of new games! :D

I agree. That list of games has given me the urge to go out and have hip-replacement surgery.
Shinobi - I had that on the Spectrum 128K :)

I had a commodore 64 first too. Munch Mania (pac man), Chiller, way of the exploding fist and duck shoot Hypersports, dizzy. Mastertronic cassettes £2 each. Cheetah and quickshot joysticks, an auto fire button was a must..

Ahh a more innocent age.
Shinobi lol

I played that as a little kid on the arcades! Along with "Elevator Action", that one is amazing.

This games are all in the MAME, luckly.
My first Console was the N64, got a Gameboy around the same time. Man, those were the days... Perfection
My first console was the NES (closely followed by a gameboy). I loved that machine, so much that even today it's still my favourite gaming device. I still own it, together with all the games I ever bought (all still boxed as well!).

The SNES was pretty awesome as well though, I still have that one (but not all of the game boxes survived though).
Vividly. I've played all of the "Mario Karts" I could get my hands on. I devoted hours and hours fishing for the "Hylian Loach"
in "OOT". It took long enough to catch the little bastard. It seems like just yesterday I was playing "Mario Kart" for the SNES.
I was just too young for the NES and SNES. Although I remember when I lived in England as a kid, they had this play area for kids in the big supermarket that we went to. It had beanbags and toys and stuff, and it had this little booth with a SNES and Super Mario All-Stars. I remember that vividly from when I really young.

I absolutely loved Mario kart 64, loved it. Wasn't too fond of the gamecube one, Double dash.
I've never really gotten into N64 much. I didn't have one as a kid, and eventhough I was impressed with Mario 64 (my cousins had one), I feel like the system hasn't really aged well with its early 3d graphics.

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