i'll post it here as it fits, and to avoid making a new thread.
we're still done. The last weeks have been a crazy rollercoaster, I ignore her and try to focus on other stuff, i make it for a while. THing is she was texting me almost daily, this was the first week we didnt talk at all. She was telling me how she loved me and how she wants us to be together, but we cant be together. Im not just sad, im confused too, as apparently we both love each other and want to be with each other, but we cant, for some reason. It's ok, I guess. Being with her was hurting me a lot, but i'd do it again.
I actually cracked twice and replied to her. Once she told me how much she misses me and that not being with me and not knowing what i do etc is making her sick and killing her. I was acting like it's all cool, even if inside i was dying. In the end i cracked and told her how much i miss her too etc. I told her that since she doesnt want us together, we need to have a break as by trying to be friends, we always come back to talking about us and she agreed, that it hurts us both as she feels like it's giving us hope we could get back together, and it's unfair.
The other time, it was weird. A while ago i had make a silly song for the group we were in, but we broke up just before i made it public, it had some silly subliminal references to me and her, it was something we used to do, keep us as a secret to most, but still show we're together with silly lines etc that people needed to pay attention to to get it. So i didnt share it then. She's an admin in that community though, so me sticking around means me "seeing" her all the time. So i actually left, i quit the community and gaming, and a week ago i just posted the song as our group collapsed after we left it, me and her were its best members, with me helping her get better and vica versa. So, she told me in skype, how fun the song was, how she loves it and laughed through it all and that she wants to make a song with me. I told her that i think it's a bit too soon for us to do things together again as I still got feelings. She started sweet and missing me and all, and then got angry at me not wanting it. She started talking about "how i still got hopes for us and she thought we've been through this". I told her that she needs to stop treating me like im stupid, and that i may be young, 10 years younger than her, but I understand how it works, that when she says it's over, it's over. She said that she doesnt believe me. It's the first time I got actually mad at her. I couldnt take it, I told her that she needs to stop being so stupidly self-centered and realize that I know we wont be together and that its hurting me but i accepted it and that she needs to realize it as well, and understand that while i'd love to be with her i know i wont, that I wont run after her anymore, that Im not gonna chase her. She got angry as well and told me how "it's good i make her look like the bad guy in our relationship". I told her how i was blaming me through it all, that I never thought she was wrong, that for me she is/was perfect. She said it's ******** and that im just trying to get her back. I cracked, and finally fully explained to her about me, she finaly learnt about how she saved me as i was killing myself and stopped just for her, how she made my life great etc. She said that she wants me in her life, and i fell asleep and said nothing more.
Last week was the week she was visiting me. She was trying hard to get the week off from work, she fought with her boss for it. We broke up during it. She said that it was my bday present, that she actually took the week off and was planning on telling me and booking in my bday night, as a present, but we broke up just before it so she thought i should never know, but after all she wanted me to see how much i meant to her. I didnt reply.
For a while she was trying to hurt me on purpose, posting on threads she never did cause she knew i will see it, to make me hurt and talk to her. Showing off fake dates, acting like it's all ok... I didnt payed attention to it, and in the end she cracked as well, from her actions and posts it's clear she's sad and hurt now.
And thats where we are. We havent talked for a week. Im still in love with her, but im over her. I still have her in my mind, but now its easy to replace the thoughts of her with other things. While I now see why my friends told me the relation was toxic, i still think she is the right one for me, just in the wrong time. I know we're done forever, and i dont know if i want us to ever actually be friends. I want her in my life, but i dont know if i should have her.
In my previous serious relationship, ater the break up i didnt have the mindset of "oh no i lost my girl", but the "oh yes, im single, time to find more". I went out, partied, had fun. 1 month later it hit me and made me sad etc, but i was over her. With this one, i'm knee-deep in sadness and depression. The break up amplified the pain, depression amplified my demotivating feelings, and it all together crushed me. Im being strong though, and while i ended up feeling numbed, feeling nothing, i think im having progress. I feel like im done with love, while i need it, i doubt i'll ever have it. everytime i felt it, i was hurt and betrayed, everyone told me it was the others' fault but i think it's me, i think im broken. Im either attracted to what hurts me, "like a moth to a flame, or im incapable of love, i drive them all away. I dont know no more, I feel unable to love. I had a girl telling me she is in love with me some days ago. I know her for 4 years, she's great, fun,pretty. But i didnt feel anything, not even excited about it, not even happy. I just felt nothing. Some girls in a bar flirted with me, same, i felt nothing, while they were attractive, i didnt feel like doing anything. first time in my life tht i had to say "im sorry, i just got out of a bad reltionship"
And thats how i feel now. It's better than feelind sad, but im scared i'll feel like that forever.
I anyone read through this, thank you, i wish i could give you a cookie! I mainly posted this to vent off, and cause my mind is a mess. I keep overthinking stuff, so having everything written and reading it helps me calm my thoughts and keep my head straight. Im at the point that im trying to fight my demons one by one. i cant fight my past, i cant get rid of it and it haunting me. but im trying to change my present. its hard and seems impossible, but im trying. im just waiting until i have another of these "totally bad" days, when i can barely get out of bed, until i feel so bad that i give up