Paranormal Ivestigator ( How it started)

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2008
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When I was 13 I was into motorcross racing, a few of us would race on a dirt road that nobody used anymore and if you were there alone we had a timed course laid out, It was about 3 miles long. I was running a timed race alone. It was a clear, warm, sunny day. About a mile into it I came out of a turn and noticed a man setting up in the woods, he was wearing a red checked shirt and blue pants. I thought it was a little strange for him to be there but let it go. A few turns later I saw a man wearing the same clothing sitting in the woods but closer this time. I started getting a bad feeling but kept going. The next turn the same guy was setting right beside the road, he turned and looked at me and smiled. This time I stopped and turned around, he was gone! I got a bad feeling and rode back home very slowly. I told my mom the story but she just dismissed it. A few weeks later I was at my grandmothers house looking at some old pictures and all the sudden there he was looking up at me. I ask who he was and she told me it was my uncle. I ask why I didn't know him and she said he had died when I was very young. I ask how he died and she said he was killed in a motorcycle wreck! I tell people this story and they don't believe me but I truely think that if I hadn't stopped I would have died that day, so that's why I try to prove there is something out there, ghosts or guardian angels, we are not alone. I just started doing the investagations about a year or so ago when my cousin started a group after watching Most Haunted on TV. This is just how it started, I have had many more experiences.
O yea there are definitely things that are unexplainable happening there is no way to deny all of the evidence collectively..

That's really cool that you investigate paranormal things, what all have you done before? I'd like to hear some others stories you have too. I started a thread a while ago that has some of the people here's paranormal stories in it, you might find it interesting:
Thats a very nice story :D
and i think its awsome that your a paranourmal investigator
...I ask who he was and she told me it was my uncle. ...

That would sure give you something to think about.
That was actually a real interesting story. I believe you to.

Thanks for sharing. I really would be interested in reading the other ones you have as well.

It is something that interests me.

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