Today (April 11) marks 5 years since we lost our Golden Retriever. I didn't say anything when it happened because I was sad and didn't want to talk about it. Then time passed, and it just never seemed like the right time to mention it.
I miss you, Boomer.
I miss your twinkling eyes, your soft and warm fur, your thumping tail, your cute yawns with a chirp at the end, your fraps, your lick attacks, your cheerful bark, your big and sweet smile, your puppy face, your beautiful soul.
I miss seeing you wag your tail so joyfully with your bone, or thrashing your toys, or stealing Mom's slippers and biting them with a smile on your face. I miss going for walks with you and Mom, and seeing you climb on the playground sometimes. I miss shaking paws with you and giving you fruit. I miss you rolling over on your back for a tummy rub, smiling with your mouth wide open, showing your big fangs. I miss taking pictures with you, and you'd get tired of posing and want to get a treat. I miss hearing your claws on the tile and hearing you drink your water and hearing you breathe, letting us know you were here. I miss laying on the ground with you and getting kisses from you, and seeing you thump your tail on the ground for me. Or stopping by throughout my day to sit next to you and pet you.
I miss seeing you in all your spots, cooling yourself on the tile, laying by the vent, peeking out from under the curtains, staring out the window or laying in the middle of the living room. I miss how your presence filled the room with warmth, and you made us feel like all was well because you were here.
You made home, feel like home.
And it was you that made me a dog person. Before you came into our lives, I thought "dogs were alright", but I was more into things. But sharing life with you showed me how special they really are, and what the love of a dog means, and it means a lot more than things, that's for sure. You showed up to be our dog every day, and were a wonderful companion.
I will be a dog person forever, because of you.
I still think of you all the time, and I'm happy that you were a part of growing up, but I only wish you didn't have to go.
I love you