Ok. Listen Up. In all likelihood, this is not a good decision, and here's why:
You are getting a rhinoplasty.
If you were hideously deformed and/or had some sort of disgusting birthmark that was responsible for cruel and inhumane treatment at the hands of your fellow peers, then you would be getting plastic surgery to correct
that defect.
Getting a rhinoplasty is the plastic surgery equivalent of getting a haircut. Unless your nose is ridiculously huge, and I mean, like Boris Yeltsin Clown nose huge, very few people will actually notice, especially if they have not met you before.
To add insult to injury, the rhinoplasty is often touted as the number one procedure to get for women looking to appear attractive. This is, however, completely unsubstantiated and likely to be statistically wrong. The vast majority of women already have small noses, including women of African descent. Any improvement in your appearance that you may get from a rhinoplasty will be quite marginal. You would get a larger amount of attention with some carefully applied makeup, a padded bra, and a thong.
In light of all this, I can not say with 100% certainty that you absolutely do not need a rhinoplasty. At best, I can only say that it is highly,
highly unlikely. If you add to this that plastic surgery often costs a lot of money...
Well. There is a problem. This is a dangerous road, because if the rhinoplasty doesn't work, then you'll get a liposuction. And when that doesn't work, you'll get a **** job. When that fails, you'll get laser wax removal. Labioplasty. Butt Implants. Facial restructuring.
This is a problem because these treatments are all very expensive. They often have the result of making the girl look very,
very attractive, but do not have the desired effect of raising self-esteem. At this point, sexual misconduct begins to take a turn for the worse.
Uhmm...yeah. So...sorry if I have scared you in any way shape or form. It could be that I am entirely wrong. At the same time, it is never bad advice to err on the side of caution when things like self-esteem are involved.
I should probably mention that the smallness of women's noses is comparative to the size of a man's. A good rule of thumb: If you're nose is smaller than the nose of the very next man you see, you're sexy. If it is about the same size, you are safe. If it is larger, then a rhinoplasty will have a significant effect. :3