warned You to not do a such idiotic and completely rude act and LIE and try to make me seem like the reputation-spreading person You are infront of everyone here. A threat is when You explicitly tell someone You are going to hurt that person for no apparent reason. If i wanted to spread the reputation that You want to have sex with everyone here because You can't get enough from Your husband, and it wasn't true, i'd say damn well deserve to warn me from doing so again. How the heck could i do You physical harm? I don't even have enough money to get outside of Europe.
Ha! If one of Your close friends were beaten half to death a couple of hundred meters from Your apartment You would have gone nuts and come to this site for so much comfort Your fingers would fall off! I have dealt with my issues to myself,
in my head, without turning to someone else for
my issues and feel better than ever! While You seem to get worse no matter how much of Your crap You let out onto this crowd. Ask anyone who know me, from this site for example, if i seem to have "deep mental issues".
And now You try to teach me what i've been saying from the beginning... I know i can't change people, i know they have to change themselves, but i can
help them change themselves if they want to and have done so to make a heck lot more people love life and with way better results than You will ever manage to do in Your current state in mind. Don't even go there, little girl, because You can't separate reality from fiction.
Why won't You just grow up? Do You want to be the blend of women You are or just be the best one of them? I actually told You what i just found out about women, that You can have a very high hormone level without knowing it, to try help You in some way, and all i get is another pathetic try to defend Your own, stinking ego here. The only reason i mentioned the hormone level is because my girlfriend recently found out she had too high of a level, from a breast exam. Believe me, Ms. Bias, i don't treat women in any way different from how i treat men, or anyone else. Fact from fiction, lady. Hormones are a
real issue.
You can try all You want, to spread the good word about You, directly or in-directly, but the rude, selfish, arrogant and evil stuff You've also done in this mixture that is You can't just be erased, unless You stop being that person. Believe me, You've had Your chances to get any help from me when You sent Your PM after PM with cry-outs and chit-chat of how bad someone treated You here and there without You understanding at all why, and oh would You need it.
"...when my Christian values tell me to be NOTHING like a 'Hells Angel' and more like a kind, decent human as I can be. "
Yeah, those are Christian values and not just plain sense. It was god who gave You those values and not Your own brain and god loves You because of it, right? Aha.. well, meet Yourself. Wonder why i mentioned that just before i left? Because that was my issue at that point, which struck extra hard when You publically said that i had deleted a post that i hadn't simply because the other moderator said he didn't do it. Perhaps one of us moved it, have You thought about that? But unlike You who drop Your issues with capitals and curses all over this place when something bothers You and the whole damn world must know and try to comfort You and it still isn't helping anything, i
leave to not show myself as a rather depressed person infront of the great people here in need of some treatment.
I'm just trying to be honest and tell You what i believe is the answer to the question You draw up and help You understand what the problems with You are; why You continuously are being "flamed" when the bitch inside You pop out. But just like i thought Aaron was stubborn about his ideas about how to treat depressed people in the best way, You are just as stubborn with seeing Yourself as someone better than You actually are, just because You are that person when You greet new people. He was being stubborn for a good cause, i've come to understand, while You just do it for Yourself. I'm not saying You are bad person, in all of Your being, nobody can say that. But You reject the help from others because You don't like to do something about the problems You have unless it involves being even more active here, like a child.
Bjarne probably took away Your moderator status because You did something that a moderator isn't allowed to do; remove a post from another member because You have personal issues with him/her. You're not supposed to take sides with Your moderator privileges, didn't he tell You that? Gee, You just want more power to make this place into "LG's Lonely Life - Come watch it!", and i'm very glad that Bjarne is sensible enough to save thees people from Your ****** up grip on them.
And she actually turn to her reputation to make her seem like a better person than me. What i think? I think that You send people PM's in which You indirectly ask them to give You a positive vote, while You give them one. Just like when You sent PMs to people asking them to nominate You for moderator status, which they did, made You a mod, and then You screwed that up too because You're so hysterical.
You think You have the "BEST!" reputation?..... how stupid can a person be? What did You do before You got here? Chewed on asbestos? For crying out loud, just because everyone know You it doesn't mean You have the best rep! In percentage, people who are a hell lot better than You are, like Queen Cleocatra, Keeper, Teach, Cooljohn, Blue Sky, lonely2beeme, Tony30, BrokenDreams, Eyael and Michael in glasgow and some hundred more, have a MUCH better reputation than You have. There's practically nobody who dislikes them! Even i might have a better rep than You! Reputation isn't counted by numbers in Your profile, You idiot.
Lonelygirl isn't as perfect and innocent as You all might think. She's behind a very thick wall which she think can protect her from revealing the real, scared, "holier-than-thou" self, which she has revealed to me several times with personal PMs i were shocked to see a 31 year old woman write. I saw right through it and i know several people here who have too. You're just a very lonely school-girl who's wasting her time trying to convince people to like her enough to make them give her another, ridiculous reputation point, because she doesn't fit in to any other crowd in real life and because You think that is going to help You feel any less lonely. You have no place to go so You spend Your every damn free-time here, trying to became a legend because You're the most lonely of them all.
You might have one hell of a reputation amongst these people, but it's not
just a good one, and You are a fool if You think everyone here like You as much as You like Yourself.
You are a legend already, at least in my eyes, being the most active person in a forum i've ever been a member of. You're not the most helpful, caring or the best listener just because everyone know who You are and gave You a rep point because You simply were the quickest to reply to their first threads.

Ever word You write just make You seem less mature and lost.
You told me one day that, since You are so active here and have the highest post count, You are the most lonely person"!!!??!!!!". How the hell can You say something as selfish as that when You get everyone here by Your side and have a husband and kids? Are
YOU the most lonely person here? LoL, You're the most
attention-craving person here, and that's about it. That's lonelygirl in a nutshell.
If You really want some help, which You sure as heck need, You must accept the person that You are and start
listen to people instead of reject what they say to try and help by pointing out Your weaknesses, just because You got that reputation of Yours to keep up. You're making it alot worse for Yourself and i really do feel sorry for You. I see You as a nother lost teenager who really needs some guidance, but since You got that darned wall up which You just refuse to let down i don't think You're ever going to feel as good as You want and deserve to. You're a 31 year old women with the same issues i know "they" treat teenagers for, which i've done myself by the way. You're digging Your own grave.
LoL, and by the way, i have told You specifically that i love my mother and that i have a great relationship with her, even after the far below par upbringing she gave me. But once again You show Your childish, unintelligent side and try to kick on me by publically assuming i hate all women just because i've told everyone about my mother's blind eyes during my upbringing. You're really, really so very immature and laughable. Now stop the lies and start get a shrink or something if You want to stop feeling so "lonely", because the people in here obviously aren't enough to help You.
lonelygirl said:
Well, well, Robin. I thought you LEFT this site in a huff after you threatened me physical harm. Look, Robin. You have your own deep mental issues to contemplate.
Please, brother, remove the PLANK from your own eye before you point out the speck in mine. I'll try to remove my own plank. You can't change people, they can only change themselves.
Also, your talk of this 'hormonal' issue brings to mind the 'hysterical woman' sexist drivel. I know that you have admitted on this site to hating and resenting your mother. I'm sorry, but I'm not your mother. Nor are all women to be a target for your rage. And you criticizing my very female nature stinks of sexism.
Dear brother, I was offended when you equated the fact that a
"Hell's Angel" attacked your friend, when my Christian values tell me to be NOTHING like a 'Hells Angel' and more like a kind, decent human as I can be.
I can come here any time I please, and if you don't like my comments, please feel free to IGNORE them. This is not 'Robin's A Lonely Life' nor 'Atheists ONLY A Lonely Life,' last time I checked.
Having had the BEST reputation and never asking anyone for a vote, other than one close friend, I think my reputation speaks for itself. What do you think?