why would anyone have a vendetta against you eve?
i really wasn't paying a whole lot of attention
is someone just going around deleting peoples account
it's like an online horror movie
*is scared*
that's pretty strange
maybe this person was able to find out the users passwords or something
or maybe if they found out the mods or admins passwords they could do a lot of stuff
of course that's really all the hacking i know about besides just knowing the person's password
so if it's not that then maybe they're pretty tech savyy
*puts on thinking monocle*
*lights classy thinking pipe*
okay i is in full hypothasising mode
so someone tech savvy with probably little else to do
maybe it was a lonely person that joined, but didn't find any help from the site
maybe they felt like they were being ignored here or had an important thread go unnoticed making them feel more lonely
thus spurring their personal vendetta against alonelylife.com
or perhaps it's just a popular dick/duschbag with time to kill over their summer vaca that just wants to wreck havoc witht he social outcasts,
but i feel there would be a higher probability with the prior
just my 2 cents worth
pay it heed if you wish to or not
does bjarne know about this?
sorry i just finished watching a james bond film
so please forgive the dramatic secret agent dialect
now please excuse me while i make a dramatic exit
*jumps out of an exploding airplane*