Well-known member
Yes. Awareness is a gift.
LoneKiller said:Well. I'm not so sure I agree Ignored. I don't believe that weed is evil. I can't speak for others, but being a recovering addict of over a decade. I have experience abusing weed and liquor. It's been my experience that alcohol is far more destructive than weed, and alcohol is legal. The government should legalize weed and tax the **** out of it. They have much bigger fish to fry. All that money spent to go around busting weed dealers and their crops, would be better applied to existing funds used to combat seriously dangerous drugs such as heroin and meth.
People have been smoking weed since the stone age. I know people who have been smoking weed for a little north of 20 years now, and they're just fine. I can't say the same for some of those I knew who drank like fish may they rest in peace.
Marijuana also contains healing properties for some. I can't think of anything therapeutic about booze. Not one.
perfanoff said:Pot is a psychedelic drug that alters one's perception of reality. Done often, it can change people's personality, ruin their discipline and motivation, and give an illusory sense of joy/happiness when nothing has been accomplished. I speak from personal experience, and I have several friends that have succumbed to that drug and have their potential to make something out of their life ruined.
I'm not out there to argue with pot addicts; I've been close to being one, I've had friends that are such, and I state my point with confidence. I will find it very, very hard to trust someone who abuses this drug.
LoneKiller said:How do you know that I don't? I've had people approach me asking for advice on kicking. I hate seeing others suffer..
perfanoff said:The other argument I have is this. Not everyone can travel to Mars, or win a gold medal or be the President of the USA or be a porn starSad only an extreamly small minority of people can be what they want to be. So what's wrong with people who decide they are just going to chillax get high and do as little as possible.
Phaedron said:I don't currently smoke, but I look forward to the day that I will no longer bear the shame of the heathen and will get my plant of renown as the Bible says. And No it is not a cancer, it cures cancer. Except for overuse and addiction it is 100% a miracle healing plant full of only good and whoever demonizes it is someone I would gladly slay on the battlefield.
IgnoredOne said:Parasites are deplorable and at the end of the day, they have an enormous cost - the cost they place on society as a whole. Its literally the definition of a societal crime; one that harms the human race itself and an insult to the dignity of intelligence, the one thing that distinguishes man from beast.