prop 8 is unconstitution and makes me ashamed to be an american

  • Thread starter evanescencefan91
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well i didn't know that,

thanks for sharing that, that actually makes me feel a little better knowing they can still get the same treatment.

i'm not sure if thats the same in other states

actually before proposistion 8 a few people from iowa went all the way to california to get married. But it's kinda weird becuase i don't know if the marriage would be recognized in iowa.
Newmanium said:

California Family Code: Section 297

297.5. (a) Registered domestic partners shall have the same rights,
protections, and benefits, and shall be subject to the same
responsibilities, obligations, and duties under law, whether they
derive from statutes, administrative regulations, court rules,
government policies, common law, or any other provisions or sources
of law, as are granted to and imposed upon spouses.

That makes it sound like a Jim Crow Law.

See here is the thing, and this is not specifically towards you, just a thought... Voting on an issue like this is ludicrous because it should be a right, if the majority of voting people have decided against it, that just makes the majority vote wrong. Democracy was being used as it was intended when Hitler was voted in, Democracy was being used as it was intended when blacks were being kept out of white schools, popularity does not equal justice.

It's not like marriage is something I feel that strongly about anyway, it's not some sacred religious rite that's being encroached upon, we're talking about an archaic tradition that has it's roots in reducing women to currency. The bigger problem is that once you follow the logic of this issue, you cannot go both ways to the same extent. What happens if homosexuals are allowed to marry? Is there a step further that it can go to where it WOULD be any worst? On the other hand if we're voting against gays being able to marry how long before we're voting against interracial marriages, or religion specific marriages, or ethnic marriages. To me it's more a scary potential chain when we start deciding personal matters like this to individuals. Homophobia as public policy affecting a personal mutual agreement to show two folks actually care about each other (taxes aside) is a little too intrusive for my tastes. I wouldn't like people voting on when I can ****, or where I go to lunch, or when and who I can marry, it just doesn't sit right with me as far as freedoms are concerned which is supposedly what we based this country on.

I think it's beyond a matter of being constitutional at this point, it's a sign of the human condition as a whole.
I personally think that if they want to get married they should be able to do what they want. So incestual marriage should be allowed too
Prop 8 is unconstitutional? Does it say there that "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California"?

*link removed*
i dont support gay marriage.
dont be hating on my beliefs.
stop hating and let things be.
sorry i did not mean to be hating or offensive

it's okay now, cuz now we've got gay marriage in Iowa

one person I saw had a tshirt with a rainbow, that said IOWA cooler than California since 2009

Personally I fully support Proposition 8.

As has already been stated above, Prop 8 has nothing to do with hate or descrimination against gays. I have seen many liberals make a huge mess over this and I really dont get why. The people voted and our democracy worked just like it was intended to.

It is because of our democracy that the liberal left has the support and government representation that it does.
yes we disagree, but I'm glad you guys are using gental words

there are much bigger things out there we could argue about

we should ya then all try harder not to get so rilled up about such things

I'll try harder if others agree to try too


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