Psychiatry Exposed

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Skorian you cheeky monkey lol. You Edited your post and now its even longer then it was the first time I read it :rolleyes:

Skorian said:
Basically people have a hard time understanding their own ignorance. How can one know what they don't know they don't know?

Well if they understood it they would not be ignorant. But I do get what your trying to say. ppl need to admit moor freely when they don't understand smoothing.

Skorian said:
In my experience there are two basic styles of psychiatry. One they sit, take notes, and barely say a word. The other hardly listens at all and tries to tell you how to think and feel.

One is called a counselor, They listen.
The other is called a Psychiatrist, They do something about it and act on what ever information they have at hand. That could be to give advice or to do something else like go a walk with someone if they have a forbear of going outside for example.

Skorian said:
I think many people feel understood by the listeners and that is their charm. Probably they do less damage then the other type.

Maybe your right that some do moor damage then good. Sometimes like any doctor what they do well not be the right thing. Then you have them that should never be trying to give advice in the first place. This is why its important that if you or anyone is trying to get a counselor or a Psychiatrist that you do your research and find the one that beast suits you. Just like a teacher, one teacher might be good at teaching a student something where as the same teacher well not be any good at teaching another student. You have to find the one that is right for you. Just like when looking for friends. Same thing.

Skorian said:
If you believe it, you become it. And this really gets into just how dangerous and damaging psychology really is. A sick society could convince many of its members that those with a certain color of hair were bad and less deserving of basic rights. You could create all sorts of supposedly rational proof that proved this was the case. However, the whole thing would be a belief, not a fact. The problem with psychology is they have preached their tenants as science and fact, rather then opinion/belief. And being the weak-minded souls that many of us are, we have believed them. You can create a self-sustaining logic that you can judge people based upon fingerprints. You could convince people that it is fact. In many, maybe most cases people would then define themselves by that logic and make it true. It's a frightening thing really, realizing how vulnerable we all are to ignorance.

Them same ppl could be convinced to buy something from a good sails person.

I would say it would be moor of a sick thing if we as a society did not try and help ppl when there in pain. OK this ppl that get paid to do this do not get it right all of the time. And trying to understand the human mind is near enough inoperable. But try we most.

What well work for one person well not for another. This ppl know that.

Skorian said:
How can anyone possibly know who you are when we as beings are so complex and can actually change? We can't. Our minds simply are not able to conceive of themselves. Psychologists are just people like everyone else. They really don't know more or less then anyone else. Though they try, there is no way to get a certification in life. All they can really offer is their own personal opinion, just like everyone else. Trying to define how the mind works is like trying to define how a choice works. How can one define something that has near infinite variations? Quite simply you can't.

You are right that they are just ppl the same as everyone else and its just there personal opinion. This is why you most try to get the one that is going to be right for you.

If when faced with a problem that something has worked lats say %70 of the time and that's the only option you have, then would it not be right to try? You might fail and you might even make a persons life weirs by trying. But %70 is good odds. Do you not try out of fear that you make a persons life weirs. So there for the %70 of the ppl that it would benefit don't get any of the help they would had got.

Sometimes to do nothing is weirs then to do something and risk making things weirs. Also a lot of the time when ppl do go to see this kinder ppl things have to get weirs in order to get better.

I think most ppl that are working in this field are they cos they wont to make a difference. I think probaby there has been moor good out of this sort of thing then bad. And ye ok a lot of what they talk of is maybe to some a load of crap. You may even think that any of it is for the weak minded ppl. And maybe your right there. But you know when your in so much pain you do get weaker. You get stronger as a result from being weaker but that can take years. Sometimes its necessary for ppl to have to use a Psychiatrist. This ppl have saved life's. No mater how silly or unfounded there ways are they have saved life's.
SilentThinker said:
I tot you are talking about ghost stories.Bad experiences are things that we need to face,Like it or not,we all face them and we need to get out of them.Writing down bad experience makes u feel better.How about u try it next time?

Already have. There is alot of information I could put here. It's just a matter of getting to it. Writting about experiences can help people feel better, but it can also help save others from the same bad experiences and mistakes that have been suffered.

I do believe that there are people who tried but failed in the relationship between friends.Of course there are people who take it as reflection but there are some who just takes it as part of their life.

I do have a friend who takes thing as normal and having no friends is just part of life.No matter what I said,he still believes he is stuck in the same situation forever.

When someone comes to a psychiatry on his own accord,he came maybe because that he trusts the psychiatrist and the treatment would be effective.

I really don't get the sense you fully understand what I am saying above. There really isn't anything else I can say.

Bluey said:
Skorian you cheeky monkey lol. You Edited your post and now its even longer then it was the first time I read it :rolleyes:

Skorian said:
Basically people have a hard time understanding their own ignorance. How can one know what they don't know they don't know?

Well if they understood it they would not be ignorant. But I do get what your trying to say. ppl need to admit moor freely when they don't understand smoothing.

Definitly, and some things by their vary nature can't be understood in the ways that we would like. We all have limits and limitations.

Skorian said:
In my experience there are two basic styles of psychiatry. One they sit, take notes, and barely say a word. The other hardly listens at all and tries to tell you how to think and feel.

One is called a counselor, They listen.
The other is called a Psychiatrist, They do something about it and act on what ever information they have at hand. That could be to give advice or to do something else like go a walk with someone if they have a forbear of going outside for example.

I really don't think this is accurate.

Skorian said:
I think many people feel understood by the listeners and that is their charm. Probably they do less damage then the other type.

Maybe your right that some do moor damage then good. Sometimes like any doctor what they do well not be the right thing. Then you have them that should never be trying to give advice in the first place. This is why its important that if you or anyone is trying to get a counselor or a Psychiatrist that you do your research and find the one that beast suits you. Just like a teacher, one teacher might be good at teaching a student something where as the same teacher well not be any good at teaching another student. You have to find the one that is right for you. Just like when looking for friends. Same thing.

Ya, but you could seek out simply anyone without these titles as well for help and they could be more helpful too. That is sort of my point.

Skorian said:
If you believe it, you become it. And this really gets into just how dangerous and damaging psychology really is. A sick society could convince many of its members that those with a certain color of hair were bad and less deserving of basic rights. You could create all sorts of supposedly rational proof that proved this was the case. However, the whole thing would be a belief, not a fact. The problem with psychology is they have preached their tenants as science and fact, rather then opinion/belief. And being the weak-minded souls that many of us are, we have believed them. You can create a self-sustaining logic that you can judge people based upon fingerprints. You could convince people that it is fact. In many, maybe most cases people would then define themselves by that logic and make it true. It's a frightening thing really, realizing how vulnerable we all are to ignorance.

Them same ppl could be convinced to buy something from a good sails person.

Similar in nature, but not the same. Though I guess if that sales person was in a position to do great harm maybe it would have similar stakes.

I would say it would be moor of a sick thing if we as a society did not try and help ppl when there in pain. OK this ppl that get paid to do this do not get it right all of the time. And trying to understand the human mind is near enough inoperable. But try we most.

I don't think I claim we shouldn't.

What well work for one person well not for another. This ppl know that.

Some things won't really work for much of anyone. And sometimes people think they have been helped, but in fact have been hurt.

Skorian said:
How can anyone possibly know who you are when we as beings are so complex and can actually change? We can't. Our minds simply are not able to conceive of themselves. Psychologists are just people like everyone else. They really don't know more or less then anyone else. Though they try, there is no way to get a certification in life. All they can really offer is their own personal opinion, just like everyone else. Trying to define how the mind works is like trying to define how a choice works. How can one define something that has near infinite variations? Quite simply you can't.

You are right that they are just ppl the same as everyone else and its just there personal opinion. This is why you most try to get the one that is going to be right for you.

If when faced with a problem that something has worked lats say %70 of the time and that's the only option you have, then would it not be right to try? You might fail and you might even make a persons life weirs by trying. But %70 is good odds. Do you not try out of fear that you make a persons life weirs. So there for the %70 of the ppl that it would benefit don't get any of the help they would had got.

Ah, but the odds are more like 25% or lower. Some claim it to be only 10-20%. That is my point and part of the problem. Also, the stakes can be extreme. Imagine living death.

Sometimes to do nothing is weirs then to do something and risk making things weirs. Also a lot of the time when ppl do go to see this kinder ppl things have to get weirs in order to get better.

Yes, but many people never recover at all. You really need to read some of peoples stories to understand. And their stories are very common.

I think most ppl that are working in this field are they cos they wont to make a difference.

The stereotype (though I don't care for stereotypes) is that people get into these fields to try to understand themselves. Now I know this is not always the case, but it is very common. Many in this field are very messed up themselves and never actually resolve their own issues. Then they go on to advise others, when they should instead focus on themselves. It's so common it's scary. People who have problems believe they will find answers and get pulled into this field. And because of the types of people in this field is part of why they do so much harm. Human rights violations are rather common. Sometimes people who are trying to do good do more damage then those who are trying to do bad. A persons motives or intentions do not justify hurting others.

I think probaby there has been moor good out of this sort of thing then bad. And ye ok a lot of what they talk of is maybe to some a load of crap. You may even think that any of it is for the weak minded ppl. And maybe your right there. But you know when your in so much pain you do get weaker. You get stronger as a result from being weaker but that can take years. Sometimes its necessary for ppl to have to use a Psychiatrist. This ppl have saved life's. No mater how silly or unfounded there ways are they have saved life's.

I really recommend people read some of the stories of peoples experiences in those links. It could save someones life.
The problem isn't that they are so much quacks as their beliefs are inherently flawed. I don't even really know what to say about what your saying really.

What i was saying was that psychiatry helped me alot and i was one of those who didn't believe in its "powers", just stating a point with Your talk about the magic wands.

The article isn't in regards to this site. It's just one of many possible good places to put it. As far as negativity is concerned. I do not believe in such a concept. I used to, but the problem isn't that the glass is half full, or half empty. The truth is the glass is half full "AND" half empty. This fundamental mistake is one of many huge faults in this field’s philosophy. This is not geared towards negativity. It is geared towards making a point. The fact that you even view it in terms of positive or negative is actually concerning to me. My point in this is saving people from the mistakes I personally made. It's point is to be informative. If only I knew 10 years ago, what I know now.

Well i guess i didn't explain myself well enough. The reason why i mentioned how depressed people don't need any more negativity is because i have yet to see the half-full glass in this thread, where You state what people should do instead of seeing a psychiatrist. That's why it to me seems like You're just doing more damage than good. If You take a possible way of getting out of depression off from the radar for people i think it's a little harsh not to clearly state another way to get better, especially from an experienced and sensible guy like You.

It would be very interesting and bring a whole new meaning to this thread if You could explain what the mistakes You made were, what they have to do with psychiatry being a fraud, and why knowing what You know now would have made any difference to You in this aspect ten years ago.

And what then is this site? My argument actually supports the existence of sites just like this. It argues that friendships and even total strangers have as much or more insight into problems then psychiatrists. Who often don't really even know how to help themselves.

Yeah, but Your argument can also state the opposite; that You shouldn't come to anyone to talk because nobody cares enough about You and/or are experienced enough to help. Psychiatrists are at least well-read in their ancient and slow although working ways of becoming better. In the many hundreds of deeply personal contacts i've had with people over the internet the last years it's clear to me that there is just as much and sometimes even more unreal to people that they can get help from anyone who isn't a psychiatrist. It's not easy to find someone like Deniese.

The thing is, Your argument is rather one-sided too, because You started it entirely because of Your obviously very negative experiences with psychiatry. I for example have only had very positive experiences with psychiatry, which is why a thread like this of mine probably wouldn't be very accurate either. I'm simply bringing up some obstacles to this thread that You didn't seem to think of yet.

In my opinion, which i'm aware of might not be shared with others, it's much more effective and helpful to attract people to the good rather than to repel them from the bad. And that's a compliment, actually, because i'm sure that You both could and would like to do just that, if You had the chance.

Well I would just say that total strangers from any field can do just as much or more. It really depends on who your talking about.

Well, total strangers are total strangers. Doctors of all kinds are well-read at least, and lots of people have serious trust issues. Besides, there are quite a few good websites online where You can find recommended doctors and psychiatrists voted on from the public, even in my small country with a population of only nine milion.

I would argue that only being in it for the money is often a huge conflict of interest and in many cases such people won't care if they do harm or not. Being a doctor does not mean by default that you help anything and if they are only in it for the money in some cases they do far more harm then good. Did leaching and blood letting helping anyone?

I'm with You all the way on this, as i was with my last reply as well. But they can also make alot of good. And what chance do You think people would take; one of the dozen of doctors in Your area or one of the thousands of people of whom most are total idiots and of whom some would hang You in Your testicles from the ceiling? lol

The problem is your only looking at what I say from one side.

Well, as i said above, we're both a problem in that case.

You droped out of highschool? :( I am sorry to hear that.

Sure did. But had i got the psychiatric help sooner i would have finished it without a problem.

Maybe the psychiatry "quality" differs alot from country to country?
Robin said:
The problem isn't that they are so much quacks as their beliefs are inherently flawed. I don't even really know what to say about what your saying really.

What i was saying was that psychiatry helped me alot and i was one of those who didn't believe in its "powers", just stating a point with Your talk about the magic wands.

And I would claim that there are no magical powers so how they helped you had no relation to psychiatry. If simply anyone who has some insight into life tries to help others then they probably can. So if you claim to be helped by psychiatry. Were you actually helped by the field itself? Or just someone who listens to others? I think the distinction needs to be made. What I am basically saying is all that is required to help others in this field is people who have a few certain traits and attributes. It has nothing to do with any amount of training.

The article isn't in regards to this site. It's just one of many possible good places to put it. As far as negativity is concerned. I do not believe in such a concept. I used to, but the problem isn't that the glass is half full, or half empty. The truth is the glass is half full "AND" half empty. This fundamental mistake is one of many huge faults in this field’s philosophy. This is not geared towards negativity. It is geared towards making a point. The fact that you even view it in terms of positive or negative is actually concerning to me. My point in this is saving people from the mistakes I personally made. It's point is to be informative. If only I knew 10 years ago, what I know now.

Well i guess i didn't explain myself well enough. The reason why i mentioned how depressed people don't need any more negativity is because i have yet to see the half-full glass in this thread, where You state what people should do instead of seeing a psychiatrist. That's why it to me seems like You're just doing more damage than good. If You take a possible way of getting out of depression off from the radar for people i think it's a little harsh not to clearly state another way to get better, especially from an experienced and sensible guy like You.

Ah, but I really haven't written much yet. And I think at this point people are still totally miss understanding what I am even saying. Also, I am not trying to say talking to someone isn't helpful. Just trying to dispel the illusion wrapped around this mystical field. Not to mention I have already advocated places like this forum. So really you can’t say it’s one sided. I would also recommend you look at some of the resources I provided.

It would be very interesting and bring a whole new meaning to this thread if You could explain what the mistakes You made were, what they have to do with psychiatry being a fraud, and why knowing what You know now would have made any difference to You in this aspect ten years ago.

I will get to that eventually, but basically I made the mistake of openly trusting those who do not deserve such trust and believing what I shouldn't have. Just because someone takes your money and claims to offer help and advice does not mean they have any common sense at all. Little did I know. Feel free to remind me of this question. Again, I recommend you look at the links above and try to understand what I am saying.

And what then is this site? My argument actually supports the existence of sites just like this. It argues that friendships and even total strangers have as much or more insight into problems then psychiatrists. Who often don't really even know how to help themselves.

Yeah, but Your argument can also state the opposite; that You shouldn't come to anyone to talk because nobody cares enough about You and/or are experienced enough to help. Psychiatrists are at least well-read in their ancient and slow although working ways of becoming better. In the many hundreds of deeply personal contacts i've had with people over the internet the last years it's clear to me that there is just as much and sometimes even more unreal to people that they can get help from anyone who isn't a psychiatrist. It's not easy to find someone like Deniese.

Well many people don't really care beyond their next paycheck. Also people caring can be dangerous. What they think is in your best interest and what you do might be two totally different things. Really if you want to be specific it's more a matter of the traits people have then any amount of training. Part of what you say has such a typo in it I am not sure what your saying.

The thing is, Your argument is rather one-sided too, because You started it entirely because of Your obviously very negative experiences with psychiatry. I for example have only had very positive experiences with psychiatry, which is why a thread like this of mine probably wouldn't be very accurate either. I'm simply bringing up some obstacles to this thread that You didn't seem to think of yet.

I really don't think you get what I am saying.

In my opinion, which i'm aware of might not be shared with others, it's much more effective and helpful to attract people to the good rather than to repel them from the bad. And that's a compliment, actually, because i'm sure that You both could and would like to do just that, if You had the chance.

Well, but I don't think you really understand what I am saying. Links, links, links. That is why they are there.

Well I would just say that total strangers from any field can do just as much or more. It really depends on who your talking about.

Well, total strangers are total strangers. Doctors of all kinds are well-read at least, and lots of people have serious trust issues. Besides, there are quite a few good websites online where You can find recommended doctors and psychiatrists voted on from the public, even in my small country with a population of only nine milion.

People recommend narcotics too. If only life were so simple.

I would argue that only being in it for the money is often a huge conflict of interest and in many cases such people won't care if they do harm or not. Being a doctor does not mean by default that you help anything and if they are only in it for the money in some cases they do far more harm then good. Did leaching and blood letting helping anyone?

I'm with You all the way on this, as i was with my last reply as well. But they can also make alot of good. And what chance do You think people would take; one of the dozen of doctors in Your area or one of the thousands of people of whom most are total idiots and of whom some would hang You in Your testicles from the ceiling? lol

Well in some cases the damage that people in some positions can do far exceeds being hung by ones testicles. Hard to believe till it happens to you, but there it is. It really just depends. Degrees are no guarantee of common sense.

The problem is your only looking at what I say from one side.

Well, as i said above, we're both a problem in that case.

Not really. This thread is incomplete.

You droped out of highschool? :( I am sorry to hear that.

Sure did. But had i got the psychiatric help sooner i would have finished it without a problem.

Maybe the psychiatry "quality" differs alot from country to country?

Well we Americans like to brag about our healthcare in this country. We like to believe it's the best in the world, but the truth is we are behind on pretty much everything, but military power. Statistically our healthcare sucks when compared to other industrialized countries. And I often wonder if the common sense of Americans is lower on average then in many other places.
Skorian said:
Bluey said:
One is called a counselor, They listen.
The other is called a Psychiatrist, They do something about it and act on what ever information they have at hand. That could be to give advice or to do something else like go a walk with someone if they have a forbear of going outside for example.
I really don't think this is accurate.

I really think you well find it is. It was a Psychiatrist that told me this.

Skorian said:
Similar in nature, but not the same. Though I guess if that sales person was in a position to do great harm maybe it would have similar stakes.

Yes, You got where I was coming from with that :)

Skorian said:
Bluey said:
I would say it would be moor of a sick thing if we as a society did not try and help ppl when there in pain. OK this ppl that get paid to do this do not get it right all of the time. And trying to understand the human mind is near enough inoperable. But try we most.
I don't think I claim we shouldn't.

No you did not but with out this ppl how do we help ppl with mental health problems? By seating with any random person? To rely on that every person in the world has a good friend. Now you know as well as me that would just not be possible.

Skorian said:
Ah, but the odds are more like 25% or lower. Some claim it to be only 10-20%. That is my point and part of the problem. Also, the stakes can be extreme. Imagine living death.

Well I just used my odds as an example. I would have no idea of the real odds. I have to say that if your odds are based on fact that dose seem very very low.

Skorian said:
The stereotype (though I don't care for stereotypes) is that people get into these fields to try to understand themselves. Now I know this is not always the case, but it is very common. Many in this field are very messed up themselves and never actually resolve their own issues. Then they go on to advise others, when they should instead focus on themselves. It's so common it's scary. People who have problems believe they will find answers and get pulled into this field. And because of the types of people in this field is part of why they do so much harm. Human rights violations are rather common. Sometimes people who are trying to do good do more damage then those who are trying to do bad. A persons motives or intentions do not justify hurting others.

Hmm, True. ppl do go into this field cos of there own experiences. But why do ppl do anything? I Guss if no-one had had anything bad happen to them then there would not be any need for this. ppl who have hurt in the past know better how someone else is hurting. I would say that gives them an advantage in trying to help another person. But as you say if they have not first sorted there own **** out that could go the other way.

And ye sometimes trying to do good can be harmfully. But again I think its better to try then to not to do anything.
Avoid foods to which one is allergic. This includes avoiding foods of which one is inordinately fond (craving may be fueled by allergy) or from which one obviously becomes sick.

This is just a note from something I was looking at. LOL. I will remove it later after maybe I do somethign with it.
SilentThinker said:
How about you meeting a good psychiatrist?xD

I have. The result was they convinced me they knew what they were talking about. Gave me several diagnoses I won't even comment on. It's sort of funny how if you go to 10 different psychiatrists you almost get 10 different diagnoses. I went from being healthy, going to school, working, and socializing in a way I was able to, to losing it all overnight. Sure I had problems. If I didn't I wouldn't have listened to supposed answers. One day after a few weeks of talking to a psychiatrist I decided medications would be a good idea. Within a few weeks of starting paxil my life imploded. I fell out of school, lost my job, lost my friends and became nearly completely bed ridden for almost 9 months. After that I tried several other medications and on several almost lost motor functions where my head wanted to move in bizarre ways. I wasn't capable of doing anything. I spent about 2 years where I couldn't even form much of a coherent sentence. All because of some tiny garbage pill and some flawed theories that have no actual factual basis. Once I escaped from that. Which is another story in itself. I started to wonder what really happened. So I did some digging and found out my story happens to 10,000's. Online I have talked to others still taking pills and so messed up. One guy actually bit his own father and couldn't even understand why.

The real irony of it all is that just before I took medications I got some spam email going on about the dangers of anti depressants or something to that effect. Going on and on about stuff not unlike I say here. I ignored it, thought it was completely stupid. If only I had listened, it would have saved me from having permanent damage done to my health from some darned pills that are supposedly safe. The truth is the dangers are practically disregarded. If people take the time to look, they will find so much testimony to this fact that it boggles the mind that it could even happen.

And through it all not one single test was done to find out if there were reasons for the way I was feeling. Such as anemia, low blood sugar, blood pressure abnormalities, allergies, and adrenal glands that don't behave like they should. The question that comes to my mind now every time I think about it is. Why wouldn't they look for physical answers? Well the truth is, it's about money. Not helping people, but money. And if they answer the questions as to what is really causing things, then they can't get away with what they do. I really don't want to get into it at the moment.

I have spent hundreds of hours talking to psychiatrists. Had what I said ignored, demeaned, been insulted, believed what they told me, and done what they told me. And the funny thing is I ignored the fact that I was being insulted and ignored, because I thought they must know what they were talking about. It quite simply is the biggest mistake of my life. And what bothers me most is tens of thousands are having the same done to them. It takes years to repair the damage, to find some real answers, to tell their story. And people such as your self don’t even take the time to look at things like the links I provided. Instead you assume you have a clue. And because of how you view things people literally die to ideas that seem relatively harmless. Your views will result in innocent peoples deaths. Which it’s not your fault, but you are one of many whose ignorance prevents real solutions. All because you watch some TV show or see something that you don’t question or look into. And so the cycle continues.

My personal experiences are nothing compared to some. What frightens me is that as a result of saying what I do some people would think, oh he needs to see a psychiatrist. Such logic is quite simply broken. It's time for the insanity to stop.
Skorian said:
Robin said:
A total fraud? All psychiatrists are different and some simply suck while some patients can't be helped simply because they got this crazy idea that psychiatry doesn't work! Three hours of what You call a total fraud got me back from a five year long depression and gave me the courage to look for a girlfriend which i found three months after that chat. I don't know how psychiatrists work in other countries, but the one's i talked to here in Sweden were the best bunch of people i'll ever meet.

Psychiatry is extremely relative, so saying it's a total fraud just because You Yourself didn't get better from it, or someone You know, is irrelevant. Don't listen to this guy or anyone else who says that psychiatry doesn't work! It's hard to understand how talking about Your problems can solve anything sometimes, but i'm personally a very good example of how well GOOD psychiatry works.

Every single person who have been sad for over two weeks ought to seek psychiatric help since they'll head for depression not long after that otherwise. Alot of things can happen which can make people allright again all by themselves, but depression is too great a problem to risk getting into and should be stopped by all means necessary.

There are just as many people who preach for most things as against most things and anyone could as well fish up as many good reasons (and videos) why psychiatry WORKS as You've done with the contrary. People's minds and their interaction with the help they get is, as said, totally relative.

Simply stating that all psychiatry is a total fraud is as stupid as stating all psychiatry works. You watch too much Youtube, Skorian.

All of your argument has less to do with psychiatry then it does just having someone to talk to. I am not saying they don't have some uses. They don't however, have any special abilities or powers acquired through education like many people are lead to believe. Beyond just believing someone can fix you and then going to them and believing you’re fixed. I have a magic wand. If you believe in it, then it can do amazing things.... If you don't believe, then it's just a funny looking twig. Such is the power of belief. It's complicated. I have personal experience in what I say and have spent a good deal of time trying to understand what went wrong as a result of my own bad experiences.

Psychology is a budding science, but a science no less. It's still in it's infancy, so to call it a fraud is a bit of a stretch. The mind is a complicated thing, not to mention that it varies almost completely from person to person. Psychology is a young science, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a fraud.
Liapos said:
Skorian said:
All of your argument has less to do with psychiatry then it does just having someone to talk to. I am not saying they don't have some uses. They don't however, have any special abilities or powers acquired through education like many people are lead to believe. Beyond just believing someone can fix you and then going to them and believing you’re fixed. I have a magic wand. If you believe in it, then it can do amazing things.... If you don't believe, then it's just a funny looking twig. Such is the power of belief. It's complicated. I have personal experience in what I say and have spent a good deal of time trying to understand what went wrong as a result of my own bad experiences.
Psychology is a budding science, but a science no less. It's still in it's infancy, so to call it a fraud is a bit of a stretch. The mind is a complicated thing, not to mention that it varies almost completely from person to person. Psychology is a young science, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a fraud.
Perhaps, I should clarify what I mean. First of all there are partial truths to most of what they believe. The problem isn't so much all psychiatry, but rather that which is most well known. There are small branches of psychiatry that do infact deal in science. They are however undercut because they are out for truth and as such are not as useful a tool for raking in profits as the psychiatry that we all know.

Mainstream psychiatry is as much a science as Christianity is. I used to believe as you do, however I know better now and have done enough reading to understand a great deal of how and why they go wrong. The truth is we could heal people who have problems. Almost cure them infact, but we don’t simply because cures don’t generate as much profit as sickness does. The way things work simply doesn’t look at people as more capable of generating more profit if they are healthier in all aspects of their lives. Instead we tend to look at the profit of industries over the profit of individuals. It’s a sick world.

This is something you have to know much more about to understand what I am saying. Which is why I have provided links to resources that can aid with just that.
I guess I should try to approach this here from a different vantage point. A person is who they are. No one can think or make their choices for them. When we want to do things or be a certain way. We either behave that way or we don't. We can either figure something out ourselves by our own mind, "means", or not. No one can really take the place of that which is not already in us. And there are no magical powers that can put something into us that isn't already there. Most problems are as simple as making any choice. If you have a problem you can look for solutions and either resolve the problem or not. In most cases problems really aren't that complex.

If someone can't do something on their own, then in some cases a small nudge from someone, anyone, can be helpful. All that any psychologist can really provide to anyone is a "small" nudge. Which really no one requires. A person either does something or they don't. I know there is much I leave out here, but the basis of what I am saying in this thread is here. Psychologists cannot and never will be able to cast spells over ones mind. I know this is not expressly the way most view it, but at its very essence this is often what people expect to happen. Quite simply it is not possible.

In addition psychology does not actually have a real definitive definition of what is a "normal" personality.
I would first apologize to you for not reading your links sincerely.So pardon me for just now.

If psychiatry is a pseudoscience,what is it basing on then?Completely on faith and beliefs?
There's one part about psychiatry which I also agree with you is that medicines are not the best cure for mental illness.I believe that a good friend and a loving parent would be a better cure for mental illness.

Science is also not perfect.Diseases like asthma are still not curable even now.Many things in the world especially the supernatural are not explianed adequaely through science.
No offense Skorian, but perhaps it would be a good idea to change the name word "weeks" in the name of the topic to "months", just to make people more easily understand that Your first couple of posts isn't all You wanted to say here?
SilentThinker said:
I would first apologize to you for not reading your links sincerely.So pardon me for just now.

Please when you get some time review some of the resources that can be found through these links and pass what you learn along.

If psychiatry is a pseudoscience,what is it basing on then?Completely on faith and beliefs?

It's not that it's "all" based on faith and beliefs. This is where people get tricked. There are partial truths to what they say. However, that information is then miss represented and directed towards something more lucrative, then more effective treatments. This is what happens when you mix science "and" beliefs. Shake it up and declare both the miss information and the science, all science.

There's one part about psychiatry which I also agree with you is that medicines are not the best cure for mental illness.I believe that a good friend and a loving parent would be a better cure for mental illness.

Ah, but you should also include diet, exercise, and real proper medical treatment.

Science is also not perfect.Diseases like asthma are still not curable even now.Many things in the world especially the supernatural are not explianed adequaely through science.

We understand a great deal about why asthma is becoming an epidemic. However, to face why this is happening industries not unlike the tobacco industry would have to stop doing the things they are doing and fess up. People will go after profit regardless of those it hurts. Of course science isn't perfect, but in many cases this isn't the problem. Greed and corruption are the problem. You think even if we have the answers it will be done correctly?
Robin said:
No offense Skorian, but perhaps it would be a good idea to change the name word "weeks" in the name of the topic to "months", just to make people more easily understand that Your first couple of posts isn't all You wanted to say here?


I have found an entire video library provided by a worldwide organization known as the CCRH.

The link to this library of information can be found in the first post.

I have come to the realization that I am forgetting the distinction between psychiatry and psychology. As are many others here and the two are being blended together. This has been a mistake I shall try to remember to not make.
Psychiatry is a medical specialty officially devoted to the treatment and study of mental disorders. The term was first coined by the German physician Johann Christian Reil in 1808.


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