Skorian you cheeky monkey lol. You Edited your post and now its even longer then it was the first time I read it
Well if they understood it they would not be ignorant. But I do get what your trying to say. ppl need to admit moor freely when they don't understand smoothing.
One is called a counselor, They listen.
The other is called a Psychiatrist, They do something about it and act on what ever information they have at hand. That could be to give advice or to do something else like go a walk with someone if they have a forbear of going outside for example.
Maybe your right that some do moor damage then good. Sometimes like any doctor what they do well not be the right thing. Then you have them that should never be trying to give advice in the first place. This is why its important that if you or anyone is trying to get a counselor or a Psychiatrist that you do your research and find the one that beast suits you. Just like a teacher, one teacher might be good at teaching a student something where as the same teacher well not be any good at teaching another student. You have to find the one that is right for you. Just like when looking for friends. Same thing.
Them same ppl could be convinced to buy something from a good sails person.
I would say it would be moor of a sick thing if we as a society did not try and help ppl when there in pain. OK this ppl that get paid to do this do not get it right all of the time. And trying to understand the human mind is near enough inoperable. But try we most.
What well work for one person well not for another. This ppl know that.
You are right that they are just ppl the same as everyone else and its just there personal opinion. This is why you most try to get the one that is going to be right for you.
If when faced with a problem that something has worked lats say %70 of the time and that's the only option you have, then would it not be right to try? You might fail and you might even make a persons life weirs by trying. But %70 is good odds. Do you not try out of fear that you make a persons life weirs. So there for the %70 of the ppl that it would benefit don't get any of the help they would had got.
Sometimes to do nothing is weirs then to do something and risk making things weirs. Also a lot of the time when ppl do go to see this kinder ppl things have to get weirs in order to get better.
I think most ppl that are working in this field are they cos they wont to make a difference. I think probaby there has been moor good out of this sort of thing then bad. And ye ok a lot of what they talk of is maybe to some a load of crap. You may even think that any of it is for the weak minded ppl. And maybe your right there. But you know when your in so much pain you do get weaker. You get stronger as a result from being weaker but that can take years. Sometimes its necessary for ppl to have to use a Psychiatrist. This ppl have saved life's. No mater how silly or unfounded there ways are they have saved life's.
Skorian said:Basically people have a hard time understanding their own ignorance. How can one know what they don't know they don't know?
Well if they understood it they would not be ignorant. But I do get what your trying to say. ppl need to admit moor freely when they don't understand smoothing.
Skorian said:In my experience there are two basic styles of psychiatry. One they sit, take notes, and barely say a word. The other hardly listens at all and tries to tell you how to think and feel.
One is called a counselor, They listen.
The other is called a Psychiatrist, They do something about it and act on what ever information they have at hand. That could be to give advice or to do something else like go a walk with someone if they have a forbear of going outside for example.
Skorian said:I think many people feel understood by the listeners and that is their charm. Probably they do less damage then the other type.
Maybe your right that some do moor damage then good. Sometimes like any doctor what they do well not be the right thing. Then you have them that should never be trying to give advice in the first place. This is why its important that if you or anyone is trying to get a counselor or a Psychiatrist that you do your research and find the one that beast suits you. Just like a teacher, one teacher might be good at teaching a student something where as the same teacher well not be any good at teaching another student. You have to find the one that is right for you. Just like when looking for friends. Same thing.
Skorian said:If you believe it, you become it. And this really gets into just how dangerous and damaging psychology really is. A sick society could convince many of its members that those with a certain color of hair were bad and less deserving of basic rights. You could create all sorts of supposedly rational proof that proved this was the case. However, the whole thing would be a belief, not a fact. The problem with psychology is they have preached their tenants as science and fact, rather then opinion/belief. And being the weak-minded souls that many of us are, we have believed them. You can create a self-sustaining logic that you can judge people based upon fingerprints. You could convince people that it is fact. In many, maybe most cases people would then define themselves by that logic and make it true. It's a frightening thing really, realizing how vulnerable we all are to ignorance.
Them same ppl could be convinced to buy something from a good sails person.
I would say it would be moor of a sick thing if we as a society did not try and help ppl when there in pain. OK this ppl that get paid to do this do not get it right all of the time. And trying to understand the human mind is near enough inoperable. But try we most.
What well work for one person well not for another. This ppl know that.
Skorian said:How can anyone possibly know who you are when we as beings are so complex and can actually change? We can't. Our minds simply are not able to conceive of themselves. Psychologists are just people like everyone else. They really don't know more or less then anyone else. Though they try, there is no way to get a certification in life. All they can really offer is their own personal opinion, just like everyone else. Trying to define how the mind works is like trying to define how a choice works. How can one define something that has near infinite variations? Quite simply you can't.
You are right that they are just ppl the same as everyone else and its just there personal opinion. This is why you most try to get the one that is going to be right for you.
If when faced with a problem that something has worked lats say %70 of the time and that's the only option you have, then would it not be right to try? You might fail and you might even make a persons life weirs by trying. But %70 is good odds. Do you not try out of fear that you make a persons life weirs. So there for the %70 of the ppl that it would benefit don't get any of the help they would had got.
Sometimes to do nothing is weirs then to do something and risk making things weirs. Also a lot of the time when ppl do go to see this kinder ppl things have to get weirs in order to get better.
I think most ppl that are working in this field are they cos they wont to make a difference. I think probaby there has been moor good out of this sort of thing then bad. And ye ok a lot of what they talk of is maybe to some a load of crap. You may even think that any of it is for the weak minded ppl. And maybe your right there. But you know when your in so much pain you do get weaker. You get stronger as a result from being weaker but that can take years. Sometimes its necessary for ppl to have to use a Psychiatrist. This ppl have saved life's. No mater how silly or unfounded there ways are they have saved life's.