I know school might be hard to go to right now, but hang in there and always be open to the possibility that things can go your way. You dont have to live up to anyone expectations but yours. Also no make-up is way prettier in my opinion. And you are a pretty girl. Less is more, sleep is good and at least you can give yourself credit for not wasting time or money on your appearance while there are so many other important things out there.
Not that it is bad to care how you look. It's just there are limits. I look at youtube and see 13 year olds doing hair tutorials and it's nice ..but it might serve, them and me (since i waste time watching), and the world a bit better if we spent our energy doing things that actually matter and will help others in meaningful ways.
My point; be yourself, you are pretty without the fuss, and be open to actually enjoying your last year in school