Those two posters, namely, Skafish and Oki worry me, because according to emotion evaluation, that constant number they have--indicates suicidal ideation. It's a wonder they are still alive. So maybe they actually meant 4 or 5 because they are still alive.
Thanks for the concern. Maybe I was being a little extreme rating my happiness at a 1, but even so, it's not that much higher.
5 is between 1 and 10, so let's say that 5 is "just OK" - not good, not bad.
Well, for me, between not having a skilled career and feeling not bright enough for one or good at the right things, not having something I'm good at to make me interesting/feel confidence, pride, self-esteem interest in myself or liking myself, not having a girlfriend, and other issues like our standard of living which wasn't that great in the first place getting even worse, feeling like the future/the world just keeps getting worse, loved ones passing away, and getting older with either the sense that life has passed me by or that I wasn't gifted enough to do anything with my life anyway, I would definitely say I'm not really "OK". I'm not happy with my personal life, or the state of the world/the direction that things seem to be going.
5 would be a really good day, very rare. 4 is an above normal day now. Most days are probably a 3 at best.
I've never been suicidal in the past, and I never actually tried. But more and more lately I've started feeling like, if this is all my life is going to be, I don't know if I really want any more. I'm already not happy with it, so why would I want more of what I know isn't making me happy? I only want more if there's still a chance I can be successful - if not, it's hard for me to get interested, excited, or care about anything that much beyond the next time I can drink.
Only the hope that maybe I haven't tried everything yet or tried my hardest yet, haven't found all my options yet, missed something, that I still might find the answers someday, keeps me going. I'd hate to have ended it, when I would have found the answers to my problems had I just hung on for one more day.