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Drama said:
we have to convert Minus into supernaturalism :p

what makes you thing i wasn't watching it from the beginning?
I had a spider visit me (strange cause usually don't see them during the winter) I hate spiders, I jumped, now I can't find it to kill it...it's still around somewhere... :/
Minus, id be really surprised if you watch it.

Sci-fi. Send the spider to me. Im sure we can be good friends
Ya got me. I only watched the first three or four seasons of it.

I could use a spider too.
You two can have it, though it might come dead once I spray around some spider spray. :D KILL IT!!
Scifi the spray will kill you before it kills the spider. these little creatures are smart.

Minus, you are full of surprises indeed :D
Now no need to poison the environment. Small explosives are just as effective and a lot more fun.



Goliath Spider
Yes, I hate them. Don't even like seeing pictures of them. Nope, nope, nope, nopenopenope, nope.

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