Reacting vs. Responding?

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Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Q: What is the difference between reacting versus responding??

A: The Law of Non-Resistance!

The Law of Non-Resistance; a Universal Law, states that the difference between reacting to an event and responding is that reacting signifies that we have lost at the game of creating our own reality; because we are not using our minds…our minds are using us.
To put it in another way, you are being an automatic response mechanism, because you are reacting unconsciously to a triggering event.

Yet, it is responding which indicates that we have harnessed the magnificent power of our minds in order to create choice. And awareness creates choice! Once we are aware of how we create our realities, we can choose as to how we shall perceive the stimulus that comes in from our environment and thus react accordingly in a fashion that serves us.

In essence, to live with the Law of Non-Resistance will cause you to be strong, to move forward in life and to create rather than disintegrate.
Whatever you resist will always persist, so if you learn not to resist and learn to respond with full awareness, you will be closer to mastering your mind and therefore mastering your life.
A knee jerk reaction is simply that.
Reacting without a consious decisiom or awearness.
Such as basic survial instints.

A response is a consious decidion.
A higher awearness.

what we resist persist.....
Such as newtons law..
With every action theres a reaction...
Rather with every force theres the opposite
force presurring againt itself.
An unfortunate person trips down the stairs. My reaction is that I laugh. My response is that I walk up to the person, apologize and help.

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