Reconnecting with School Friends

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follow the white rabbit
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2023
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It just sort of slowly happened, but I've been reconnecting with some old school friends. It's been really nice and a bit rewarding to say the least. There seems to be a bond there that has endured all these decades, which really surprises me. Today, after having tried several times in the past to find a certain best friend from my primary school some 45 years ago, I managed to get a reply to a phone number I tracked down on a website that this friend may still have been using. It was a week ago I sent the message, so thought it was another dead end, but he answered. To make sure it was him, he correctly answered a qualifying question I gave him. Unbelievably, he only lives 1/2hr away and has done so for years without each other knowing so. We're catching up in a couple of weeks and he's really looking forward to it. All of these reconnections have been possible due to Facebook pages regarding the schools I attended. It'll be interesting to catch to say the least. Hopefully we won't find each other intolerable lol.

Have you ever caught up with old school friends? How did it pan out for you?
Today I caught up with my best friend from Primary School. It’s been 45 years! It was a great reconnection and we will keep connected. Lives less than an hour away and neither of us realised. Our quick coffee turned into a two hour brunch and we barely scratched the surface of the content we could share. I’m so glad I made the effort to track him down.
They'd be very few people from school I'd want to reconnect with (or even be in the same room with), but it's nice for those who have fond memories.

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