Heya, I attempted to create an account under the username "VoodooGirl" - but no activation email was sent so I couldn't start any threads or post... I tried clicking the "resend activation email" option a few times but it never worked and I double checked the email I'd inputted and it is the right one.
Also I'm writing this as a guest cos I'm not even permitted to start threads under the username I created in this forum, even though registration isn't required to post here.
Could you please help as I'd love to be part of this forum as, from what I've seen so far, it seems like a great community full of similar people to me. Thank you in advance for any help xXxXx
Also I'm writing this as a guest cos I'm not even permitted to start threads under the username I created in this forum, even though registration isn't required to post here.
Could you please help as I'd love to be part of this forum as, from what I've seen so far, it seems like a great community full of similar people to me. Thank you in advance for any help xXxXx