Relationship with God

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I believe in God. Doesn't matter to me what anyone else believes in. We're all free to believe in what we wish, and I will not be judged for the doing of anyone else. No one could ever change how I feel and my faith and what I believe in and what I don't believe in. That change would have to come from within me.
I do not believe. Any sort of rational/reasonable critical thinking applied to the concept of god says that even if there is one it is as flawed as we are and therefore not worthy of worship. The suspension of logic and reason required to believe in and especially worship god is too great as far as I'm concerned. I can't assume something like that is responsible for the universe and life and then not question where this supposed creator then came from. It's too complacent to just assume a creator and then stop there. Especially to have the attitude of "god works in mysterious ways." That's basically just like saying I don't know so **** it, lol. I can't do that. God has done nothing throughout the course of human history but exist as an explanation for whatever we don't currently understand at any given time. The amount of things thought to be caused by god that we have instead discovered to be a natural process that we ourselves can now explain does nothing but increase. The more we discover about the universe and learn to do for ourselves, the less powerful god becomes. And ultimately the less relevant. To me this says that god is man made and more or less represents what we ourselves strive to be.

Carl Sagan once said I don't want to believe, I want to know. That's basically how it is for me.
I have what I like to call a personal relationship with reality. Imagine what the world could be like if we believed in ourselves instead.
I often feel angry with God because I often feel that, no matter how hard I try to break away from loneliness, to meet a partner, to meet new friends, to build up a support network and to build the sort of life I need, I am still on my own. I wish that He had not given me the need to love and be loved and the need to really matter to at least one person, because if I didn't have these needs, they would not torment me all the time.
As callie pointed out He will not give you more **** than you can handle. I believe God makes us go through **** on purpose, because He, and plenty of people, know that one learns the most when he is fighting to survive. He's there for you, but not out to hold your hand, you're not His puppet, you're a human being, and every moment you can make a conscious decision to do what you do. I agree with edgecrusher in that we should all believe in ourselves.
Thank you everyone for your perspectives! I do appreciate everyone’s input. I know that it is a touchy subject as each individual has varied beliefs.

I was raised a Catholic, but no longer am. I slowly began to move away from the church several years ago. I found it too restrictive and it just didn’t fit my beliefs anymore. I did even question for a time if even believed in a God. The idea of a higher power seems more in tune with what I was feeling. It all stemmed from a very heartbreaking romantic relationship that made me doubt everything I had once believed in about who I was, and the path of my life. It truly broke my soul. After 9 years, I have been trying hard to put it behind me and move on, but the more I dig into the emotional process of doing that, the more pain I have found instead of healing, and I feel more shattered and alone than ever. That has led me to a place of re-questioning what my relationship with God is.
I believe god is not accountable for what you and I do or don't do on this planet. It doesn't seem sensible to get angry at god for anything. He gave us free will, and he did create the devil.

What I don't believe in is conforming to some regimented lifestyle because somebody said so. As long as you don't go out of your way to demoralize other people and you love/accept Jesus Christ (or other ascended master/advocate your culture is most associated with) and what he is all about, I doubt you would be banished to some terrible realm for it.

For a long time I adopted a very agnostic/nihilistic stance. Up until I got visited by demons etc. My beliefs don't stem so much from theological literature, but from what I've actually seen and felt.
I'm glad this thread remained civil instead of devolving. Yet another reason to like this forum :)

I was raised by strict Catholic parents but never found any comfort or answers in faith and after reading a book by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, decided I don't believe anymore.

But I think that one must never stop asking questions, whether you believe in god or not.

I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. This is a good forum and I hope you stick around :)

I don't know what I believe in anymore, I've gotten to the point where I just don't care if there is a higher power out there because it can't do anything to help me, I have to do that on my own. Someone mentioned that God never gives you more than you can handle. I don't believe that either.
I do believe in God (not an atheist), but I am struggling with feeling of anger and bitterness towards him. I feel like he has abandoned me, that no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I turn to him, he doesn’t hear me and has just left me drowning in pain, sadness and loneliness. Things always seem to get worse instead of better. I feel like he is punishing me and it has left me in such a hopeless place.

My own relationship with God has fluctuated from being very distant from Him (to the point of rejecting His existence) to accepting His call to priesthood. Life isn't always easy and it is normal to even feel anger towards God, but He has not abandoned you.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

It is often too difficult, even impossible to see when our eyes have been darkened by things that trouble us. There is something comforting to finding scapegoat to our problems, but that isn't really healthy way to deal with things, as sometimes things just happen the way they do. Not knowing exactly what the details of your situation is, but from the sound of it I'm going through something similiar. Heartbroken and questioning the point of it all.

But all we can really do is try to adjust to the situations we are given the best we can and trust that there is hope in future. When we are surrounded by darkness, we should not try to dwelwe on it, but seek light. Trust that God is there with us watching our every step and hearing our prayers.
My relationship is like that of a teacher and a lazy, stubborn student.

My teacher have helped me throughout my life, I can feel he loves me. There was a time when I had tough phase, I was getting angry on him, I had to be a patient and persistent, but then he showed me some real good fortunes. So, now I feel that he loves me, but he also teaches me to be patient by giving me hard times, but these days I can't take life as it is anymore, I feel tired, lazy, stubborn.

So, these days I'm leading a life more or less against the wishes of my teacher, the Creator or the God, and may be I will be punished soon, but I'd love it if he ended my life now, I'm tired of carrying life anymore, I don't wanna continue anymore, I wish he could have been kind enough to end my journey here.
Disaffected said:
SofiasMami said:
I'm not a believer. I also prefer the old-fashioned rule of not discussing religion or politics in mixed company. Plus, there are plenty of other forums for those topics.



stork_error said:
Disaffected said:
SofiasMami said:
I'm not a believer. I also prefer the old-fashioned rule of not discussing religion or politics in mixed company. Plus, there are plenty of other forums for those topics.




As long as it doesn't turn into arguing and fighting, there's nothing wrong with talking about it.
VanillaCreme said:
stork_error said:
Disaffected said:
SofiasMami said:
I'm not a believer. I also prefer the old-fashioned rule of not discussing religion or politics in mixed company. Plus, there are plenty of other forums for those topics.




As long as it doesn't turn into arguing and fighting, there's nothing wrong with talking about it.

It's always interesting to discuss & exchange different thoughts/viewpoints on the beliefs we hold, I agree with Nilla, as long as we can respect one another then there's no reason not to discuss such things.

I don't believe in God as a being, directing, controlling, instead I hold to the idea that all things are a part of the whole, & that the entirety of all combined-the collective of all energies continuously interracting, ever in a state of flux, yet always in balance-that's as close to the concept of god as it gets for me.
I grew up in an environment where faith and religion was completely out of the picture. I never even consciously met a religious person till I reached secondary school. I remember how somebody on the internet tried to missionize me because I posted some depressing stories on a social was the usual 'God is always there for you' talk. Let's just say I wasn't receptive to this. With every belief in a higher being or a higher power I feel I'd direct responsibility away from myself.

People can believe in everything they want inside there own four walls though...or their churches, cathedrals, mosques etc. As long as they don't invade other fields such as politics or try to force their beliefs into my home, I couldn't care less.

On a more humorous note, I read that quote not too long ago and I find that sentiment very amusing:
"Do you ever get the feeling that God has a plan? And you're the only one who can stop it?"
Rodent said:
I remember how somebody on the internet tried to missionize me because I posted some depressing stories on a social was the usual 'God is always there for you' talk. Let's just say I wasn't receptive to this.

I wasn't receptive to people telling me that either. Still not. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by how many people here would try to get me into a church. I've been to church a handful of times, but only out of respect, and for the simple fact that just because I don't believe church is necessary, it doesn't mean I can't enjoy the culture of it. I'd just as easily be fascinated by any other religious monument or building as well. That's just how I am.

But I try as nice as I can to turn down invitations from church-goers. I suppose I'm fortunate that no one has argued with me about not going within my guy's family. I don't know what they think of me not attending church like they were raised to, but that's not my concern. Someone telling me how I should deliver my faith and beliefs doesn't go well with me, and as long as they don't fuss with it, I have no reason to have to be rude.
Me and God have a perfect relationship ..................I don't talk to Him,and He never listens.
Given that I ... myself ... am the Devil - I can say that 'God' exists - but you'd do well to not concern yourself with God ... it's me you have to worry about ;)
I don't believe in him. I can't believe in him.
And I think if he exists he's a cruel sadistic bastard.
That I agree with. If there is a God,why did He make me ugly?He made me the way I am. He's either doesn't exist,or evil or got a sick sad sense of humour. I just ignore Him.
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