Shame on The Christians For a Trump Loss

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Sir Joseph

A Lonely Life Supporting Member
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Jan 12, 2019
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It's logical and consistent for progressives to vote for Biden, even if he is incompetent or crooked, because his supporting party represents their liberal values.  It's also understandable why many moderates would favor Biden over Trump, due to the media's success in vilifying him as the most evil man since Hitler.

What I don't understand are Christians who would support Biden over Trump.  Some will blame Trump's supposed racism, hatred, intolerance, and despicable nature as their justification for voting against him.  But others always vote for the Democrat candidate, regardless of how bad he is or how good the Republican candidate is.  They in fact choose liberal values over conservative values.  To this point, I'd suggest that they have betrayed their faith, along with the traditional American values that made this the most blessed, prosperous, free nation in world history.  Let me explain this important concept to all liberal supporting Christians.

Despite teaching and growing belief to the contrary, America was founded and built as a Christian nation with our founding fathers repeatedly stating that the security and prosperity of our nation depended upon the belief in God and support for Christian virtue (morality) more than anything else.  And up until about 60 years ago, such belief and Christian values shaped our families and culture, supplemented along the way by Government actions.  Since then however, we've experienced a steady trend of secularization that's taken God out of the public arena.
What's apparently unclear to many Christians is what force of government is steering our country from a Christian nation to a secular nation - one that publicly opposes God, belief in the Bible, objective morality, and traditional American values.  Anyone open to the facts though should have no problem determining the positions that distinguish conservatives from liberals.

Since the 1947 Supreme Court Ruling of Everson vs Board of Education, liberal justices (and hundreds of lower court judges) have been steadily eliminating Christianity from the government, educational system, and public arena.  This has been accomplished so pervasively that the vast majority of misguided Americans now accept the notion of separation of church and state as a historical premise - though it directly opposes the written beliefs of our founding fathers, America's established jurisprudence system, and 300 years of government actions supporting Christian beliefs and values.  Who's responsible for this major secular trend that favors Atheism over Christianity?  For the Supreme Court that now rules over state religious matters, it's the U.S. President.  And its inarguable that conservative presidents attempt to appoint justices respecting the founding fathers' intentions and traditional Christian American values, versus liberal presidents that appoint justices favoring social progressive reform over original constitutional values.  With some exceptions, liberal justices are appointed by Democrats whereas conservative justices are appointed by Republicans.  Given this, the Democrat party is most guilty of actively restricting Christianity and promoting Atheism within America for the past half century via the executive branches of government.
Let's consider moral values of the past half century.  Is there anyone ignorant of the huge divide between liberals and conservatives on abortion, homosexuality, and transgender issues?  (And let Christians not forget that the first two were just cause for God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.) Granted, there are liberal Republicans who stand on the wrong side of these issues, but as a general rule, Democrat leaders overwhelmingly support values that conflict with God's objective moral standards divinely written in the Bible.

Unfortunately, many Christians today have been mislead through evolutionary teaching and discrediting of the Bible's authority, causing them to disregard its moral standards.  In the name of perceived tolerance or religious diversity they have substituted God's Word for Man's Word.  They have chosen cultural trends over eternal truth.  In effect, they have betrayed their Christian faith by disregarding its scriptural foundations - and helped degrade a Christian nation in the process.

Christians are called upon to elect Godly leaders.  And while people would be justified in opposing Trump's arrogant, offensive nature, a whole thread could be written defending him as a non-racist who has done more for Christianity within this nation and worldwide than any president since Ronald Reagan.  But that's not the point.  The point is that political leaders come and go and they all have flaws.  What matters most isn't who speaks the nicest or acts the most presidential.  Rather, it's the values that they hold for steering the country's direction - which tends to be significantly left or right.
Christians should care more about holding onto America's Christian heritage, moral values, and God's blessing as a nation than global warming, gun control, Covid, or other important but non-biblical issues. Given this, there's little excuse for them supporting the Democrat agenda which openly opposes God and Christian virtue for the nation.  For those of you who didn't vote for Trump, you've helped Satan in the battle for America's heart.  You might reconsider your priorities next time around.
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