Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos

It's not for me anymore, but with drugs such as Meth, Heroin, and Crack out there, Marijuana should just be legalized. The government could tax the **** out of it, and it would be much safer to take. A lot of dealers these days add opium to it to increase it's effects.

Personally, I find that alcohol addiction is much more harmful, and it's legal. I've never seen someone smoke a joint and pass out, pick fights, drive their car into a tree killing themselves, or someone else.

Even though I don't smoke it anymore, I do believe that it should be legalized. They have much bigger fish to fry these days no?

I'm interested to know your opinions on this.

Thanks for viewing.

Yes, its not for me, went through a phase at uni but grew out of it. But if people want to smoke it let them.

I don't believe if taken in moderation its long term health effects are any worse than smoking, drinking or unhealthy eating and while I wouldn't encourage someone to become dependent ultimately I'm tired of living in a nanny state where people are told how to live their lives to placate the more moderate uninformed and conservative elements.

If it was legalized I think you could control the strength of what was on the market and take the money out of organized crimes pockets. Half the problem is the strains now are so powerful it reduces people to dribbling idiots.

My main belief though is people should be free to do what they want as long as they are not hurting anyone else. Smoking pot is a life choice, smoking crack isn't, before anyone says. Yes there is potential for social dependency but you could say that about anything, fruit machines, scratch cards alchohol. People should be allowed to choose.
Everything should be legalized.

When idiots who OD on coke or meth or whatever the hell, when they go to the emergency room, let them die.

And those who like to use it for fun can use it.
The problem is that it won't stop people from adding things to it to enhance it's effects. They would have to restrict it much like alcohol, don't smoke and drive, and no smoking in public areas. You think legalizing it is going to keep people from doing that though? The authorities would have to control the growth and distribution of it so that wouldn't happen. Do you really think they would be able to do that, and to stop someone at home from obtaining something stronger to put in with their marijuana?

I'm sorry, I've worked with people who smoked pot, and wanted to drive. I never let them drive if I ever thought they might have been smoking pot. So they never did drive when with me. Pot slows your motor functions and response time, you want that behind the wheel of a vehicle? You don't think someone who's been high on pot has never gotten into a car accident?

Sci-Fi said:
The problem is that it won't stop people from adding things to it to enhance it's effects. They would have to restrict it much like alcohol, don't smoke and drive, and no smoking in public areas. You think legalizing it is going to keep people from doing that though? The authorities would have to control the growth and distribution of it so that wouldn't happen. Do you really think they would be able to do that, and to stop someone at home from obtaining something stronger to put in with their marijuana?

I'm sorry, I've worked with people who smoked pot, and wanted to drive. I never let them drive if I ever thought they might have been smoking pot. So they never did drive when with me. Pot slows your motor functions and response time, you want that behind the wheel of a vehicle? You don't think someone who's been high on pot has never gotten into a car accident?
That's what I mean. If the government legalized it, they could tax the **** out of it and sell with liquor in the same store.
Of course they couldn't stop some dealers from tainting it, but they would rake in tons of cash. The drug war will never end. The government may as well cash in on the weed.

Smoking Pot and driving should be a criminal offence whether its legalized or not. Again it comes back to the causing harm to others point which smoking and driving clearly falls into.

There is a black market for alchohol still regardless of it being legal, mainly down to price though as Alchohol is taxed to high heaven.

Being a realist, if people want to smoke pot they will so why let that revenue go to organised crime outfits? The biggest objectors to legalizing it would be the people currently making all the money from it that should make it a no brainer as to why it should be legal. I bet many politicians would like to see it done they just lack the balls to offend the section of the ellectorate who want to dictate what others are allowed to do with their lives.
This could be a hot topic, lets try to keep it civil, okay. :)
I said that I've never seen anyone smoke a joint and crash into a tree. I didn't say it never happened. It's just in my experience, that I've seen several people drive just fine after lighting up. Not so with liquor.
I have a few relatives that have successfully (sadly not being caught either) drive themselves home while intoxicated. Sorry though, same thing with people who have been drinking, I will not and will never be the passenger in a vehicle with anyone who's smoked a joint. You will never convince me otherwise. Marijuana is legal in some areas (for medicinal reasons) as it is anyway. I'm pretty sure it is where I live.
Off topic: I like callie's avatar, it made me laugh.

The Good Citizen said:
Both of which are over 14 months old though.

Sometimes i revive old threads if I have something to contribute. Nothing wrong with reviving old threads.
SophiaGrace said:
Off topic: I like callie's avatar, it made me laugh.

The Good Citizen said:
Both of which are over 14 months old though.

Sometimes i revive old threads if I have something to contribute. Nothing wrong with reviving old threads.

I'm still learning the etiquette on when to bring up old posts... Sci-Fi did explain it to me :)
The Good Citizen said:
SophiaGrace said:
Off topic: I like callie's avatar, it made me laugh.

The Good Citizen said:
Both of which are over 14 months old though.

Sometimes i revive old threads if I have something to contribute. Nothing wrong with reviving old threads.

I'm still learning the etiquette on when to bring up old posts... Sci-Fi did explain it to me :)

There's no ettiquette here. Please revive any old thread you wish. :)
The Good Citizen said:
Both of which are over 14 months old though.

So what? That doesn't change the fact that there doesn't need to be ANOTHER thread about this topic.
I definitely think weed should be legal. For two separate reasons.

A.) There are health benefits to those that need medical marijuana. In those cases, it should be available to be legally prescribed by a doctor.
B.) There are people out there who smoke weed recreationally, and aren't hooked. By legalizing it, you are taking money and power away from the drug dealers, making something available to everyone, and making the people who do smoke it occasionally and recreationally, safer.
That's right, even if a thread is 2 years old and you have something to constructive to add to it. Just as long as no one starts posting "I can do a somersault" in random threads, that might get you into trouble.
Callie said:
A simple search would have shown you that there are already at least 2 threads about this very thing.... (D)

It's not easy coming up with new topics Callie. Instead of pointing out what I did wrong, why not post something the benefits the thread as opposed to pointing out my mistakes. If you have a problem with my threads, then don't post in them to make me look like a jerk. Create some of your own sometime.

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