Should Parents Legally Have More Freedom In The Way They Discipline Their Children?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
Hey Everyone.:)

My grandmother is always going on about how parents these days are
afraid to discipline their children with a smack to the ass or cheek for fear of being charged for it.

She says that these days you can end up court for something so minor as a smack across the face or ass. When I was 14yo I called the old man a bastard, and he cuffed me on the nose. I was a mouthy son of a bitch back then and I had it coming.

Do you feel that parents are too restricted in the way they discipline their children these days? It's not like dad clinched his fist and gave me a right hook to the jaw or anything.

God Bless.
This is going to be a hot topic. There are so many different views on this kind of thing. Legally I say yes they should. A parent shouldn't be punished for spanking their child, it's insane to hear of that happening. Now I'm not for beating a kid either, there is an acceptable amount of force for spanking. Turning their bums into red raw pieces of meat is way to far in my opinion. My mom used to spank my brother and I, she was old school too with the strap. Whatever would sting. To me that is going too far, you are using a device to inflict harm to another person beyond your own strength. In society if someone came after you and started attacking you with their belt, it would be considered assault with a weapon. I don't know if it was because my mom had two boys so she figured she needed to assert her physical dominance over us or what.

But I'll tell you this, it made us afraid to ever do something bad. Of course we still did, we were kids after all, kids always do thing you shouldn't do. But it also made us afraid to ever ask her to even hang out with our friends, because she was so strict we figured she'd say no. Or make us to chores before we could, and by then it was too late to play. She figured if we wanted to have fun we should also do something in exchange for that. I disagree with that. You want kids to be responsible and learn how to function on their own, but to obstruct their social development?

I've talked to parents (many of my friends, if not all are parents) and some are afraid to raise their hand at their kids. Some have even threatened to call children's aid on them. There is always one bad apple in the bunch, one who ends up being the more wild child that is harder to control. That is just wrong, when we've gotten to a point where a parent is afraid to discipline their own child. Some kids only respond to a spanking. I used to live next door to a woman who was so blind as to the bad kid her son was, it took her common law husband to finally do something about it. She would never discipline him and chalked it up to "boys being boys". She freaked out over him spanking the boy, which all went down outside so I got to hear everything. He was sick and tired of the kid misbehaving and her doing nothing about it. Grounding or telling him not to do that did not work. He was going to do something that will work. She talked him out of it, which was too bad cause that kid was a brat. I think it would have done him some good to get a spanking.


Point is, a parent should not be afraid to spank their child if that is what is needed. It's been used for centuries and people have turned out just fine. Just don't beat the kid, use control and restraint. It's surprising how much a slight tap on a bare bum can do. Just enough so they feel it, but not enough that's going to leave a mark.
I'm a saint.

you dont hit people.

if you need to hit your children in order to discipline/raise them, you have a problem.
No, that isn't true. That depends on the parent. I have friends who were spanked, they didn't fear their parents whatsoever, they still behaved though cause no kid likes to be spanked even if its a little tap. This "time out" method doesn't work, I've never seen it work first hand.
You can smack children. You can't smack adults.

Why is it okay to smack one but not the other? Why is it that parenting has to resort to physical punishment?

It's been outlawed in schools. It should be outlawed at home. :)
It's always a bit twisted when you see a parent smacking a kid for hitting their brother or sister. However I guess some behaviours may require it.

I guess there's aways going to be a grey area around what different people term acceptable force so yeah there needs to be restrictions though a good parent ending up in court for tapping that child is a bit mad.
how are you going to teach a child anything by doing something you are telling him is wrong to do.

you can`t hit other people, but when you grow up and have kids its ok to smack em around a little.

how can anyone convince themselfs that thats ok ?

if youd smack a dog in the "face" people are gonne go nuts.
I think it should be the parents choice... as long as it's not leaving bruises or scraps... it's not abuse in my opinion. Sometimes the only way to get a hyper child to listen or to calm down is a spanking. It's good to experiment on which punishments are more effective because every kid is different. Sometimes a spanking is what it takes...sometimes it's a simple time out. There is one thing with spankings that needs to be known though... screaming and yelling like a wild maniac while spanking could scare the child. There should be a calmly way of doing so and an explanation of why they got one afterwards. That's my opinion.
I was naturally hyper as a kid. I got spankings all the time cause of it. I was pretty used to it. I got to where I considered going to church meant I was going to be getting a spanking.

On the flip side, it was hard to ground me. I spent most of my time locked up in my bedroom.
Every time I hear someone mention being "grounded" it always makes me think about how my parents, my dad especially, wouldn't use that as a punishment because it was too American! :rolleyes:
I'm so freaking sick of people who flip out about spankings. Most of them don't have children. Those who do usually have kids who behave horribly. If you don't want to do it, that's fine... but leave parents who do it alone. I'm not a bad mom. Heck, most people tell me that I'm one of the best moms they know- including my kid's friends. There's a line between punishment and abuse, and it's important not to cross it.

I believe in spanking, and have spanked my child. I posed the questions to her. This is what my kid has to say:
"I know that really just being spanked or getting smacked is kind of a way to say you did the wrong thing so really I just don't do the wrong thing. I try not to at least. And I'm really not scared of her, because I know it's kind of a way to say I did something wrong. I feel like she is my friend and my mother, not like my enemy and nightmare. I don't believe that it's a big scary thing. It might hurt a bit, but that's kind of it."

I asked if something would be more effective, and she said electric shock would be, but that I shouldn't do that *laughs*
Hi People.:)

I understand that this a sincere topic, but it reminded me of a clip from a movie I saw. This vid is perfect for this thread.

My sis hits her kids. It doesn't make them behave better; in fact, they throw fits after being hit.

I don't believe in spanking, because I don't think it solves anything. All it does is show the child that problems can be solved through violence. Then later, when they get into fights and end up in prison, you can blame it on the spanking.
This sort of question lends itself to sweeping generalizations and oversimplified answers.

Like so many things, the answer lies in between.

What could be more nuanced a topic than how we discipline our children?

As a victim of rather horrendous child abuse myself, I believe I can offer a viewpoint based in reality as opposed to theory.

(Wanna see the pics of my face?)

Anyway, sometimes kids need their ***** hit!

Running toward a busy road, climbing the fence at the alligator exhibit, answering the door when a stranger knocks - these sorts of things can be SO dangerous, that if a smack on the ass guarantees it doesn't happen again. Better to be bruised than dead.

There is a difference between a swat or two on the ass and a beating. I used to get lifted off the ground and hit so hard and so many times with a belt across my ass that I had to crawl away screaming and hide in a corner, unable to walk.

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