Should relationships be based on logic or emotion?

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I think logic and emotion go hand in hand. I think being in a relationship can be challenging but it can also be emotionally appealing and so enhance our overall health. I need logic to keep me sane from the emotions. Works for me! :)
Both. I believe that you must start out by selecting your potential partner with your brain and then follow up with your heart. Too many people seem to treat Love like it's an accident.
I think you need to mix the two in differing ratios for different situations.

When logic dominates someone's relationship with a person, it usually produces a cold, cruel affair where the objective is to gain money or status or material profit.

When emotion dominates a relationship, it often results in the refusal to leave blatantly one sided or abusive relationships or irrationality and jealousy.

At the same time, emotion brings warmth and logic brings stability and progress.
ok, i already posted on here, but i want to change my answer. the truth is:

choosing a partner should be based mostly on logic, while maintaining a healthy relationship should be based only on emotion... or something along those lines, lol.
Emotion vs Logic = Heart vs Head. You cannot base your love life on one or the other. Trust me...that's been my problem my whole life. Using my damn head too much...and believing that emotion is not important and is a sign of weakness. Putting emotion on the back burner weakens the emotional part of you...and overworks the logical part. It would be like trying to strengthen your legs by hopping around on one foot all the time. Sure one leg would get really strong, but the other would get really weak. You're left with 2 mismatched limbs. Not good...

You need them both. If you act only with your head you'll over-think it and screw things up, if you act only out of emotion, you'll under-think and act rashly or too hastily and screw things up. As usual, the answer lies in the delicate balance, not one or the other.

Remember: When you're confronted by a dichotomy of extremes...the answer is right in the middle.
Logic, first and foremost. Emotion can blind you and leave you with trouble and torment, if you let it get ahead of you. If not this, then freedom's last post says it all.
In matters of the heart, I think logic should come a very distant second.