blak000 said:Well, I think being socially successful is a combination of both having a positive attitude and using constructive methods to improve one's social skills. If it was entirely about attitude, people would be bowing down to every narcissistic or delusional person that came along. Being confident isn't enough to make a good impression, and develop friendships with people. It also takes experience and knowing what negative habits to avoid. If a person is argumentative and hateful, then all the confidence in the world won't gain him popularity.
Also, moving to a different country won't change much about a person's situation. If that person has poor social skills and low self-esteem in America, he'll still have those traits in Europe, Asia, or any other region of the world he decides to go to. Women, regardless of where they may be, will sense those negative qualities in him the moment he tries to talk to them. The belief that "people are different here" might work in the short-term, but ultimately that person might find his situation pretty much the same. Maybe this analogy will help better explain...
Let's say there is an American man who ran his business into the ground, because he is difficult to work with and has poor business acumen. Moving to Brazil won't fix his problems and suddenly make him successful and wealthy; he still possesses the traits that caused his business to fail in the first place. Brazilian people desire friendly customer service just as much as anyone else, and any business can only survive with good marketing and financial strategies. Moving to a different location isn't the answer to the American man's problem. If he hopes to improve his financial situation, he must use a different approach with his business. He must analyze what went wrong, and then take a constructive approach on dealing with those issues.
This is the same with social skills, low self-esteem, etc. People all over the world may differ culturally, but they all want to associate themselves with confident, friendly, and ambitious people. Instead of blaming your lack of success on external causes, I would urge you to take a more constructive approach in how you meet women.
Also, lonelyloser, I hate to break it to you, but there are sex-deprived, lonely men everywhere in the world. Loneliness is not a Western thing.
I have a feeling some of the negative views expressed here towards American women were spawned from the "grass is greener on the other side" logic. If you were to actually take the time and effort to move to another place, however, I have a feeling you might be disappointed.
I think it's true that you are the same person when you go to a different country, and you carry the same issues with you. But my point is that women in smaller, less prosperous countries are different, and sometimes that can change you. When I went to an certain country in Asia, I felt that I did not have to play the "game" there as much to attract a woman's attention. They weren't so complicated and I didn't have to try to act like I was someone else in order to get them to talk to me.
Sure, maybe all women like money, power and prestige, but not all of them play the mind games like so many American women do. Look at what is going on in this country - so many lonely people trying to go online to find someone, everyone is just wrapped up in their own life and career that dating becomes another job. There are so many businesses popping up, trying to take advantage of this situation, because they want to capitalize on the failure in the dating market. Sure there are sex deprived people in other countries, but in America, and many western countries, it's become an epidemic almost.
I feel that smaller countries have been infiltrated less by these negative forces and the relations between people are much less perverted.