So are any girls ever interested in non-alpha males?

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Omega is the very bottom of the social ladder in wolves. Translating it to humans, its probably not what you want.
So what are all the scientists and mathematicians men? Xi males and Pi males I gather? :)
I hate alpha males! Where I come from they act like they have a single digit IQ, seem to feel entitled to speaking loudly and obnoxiously at any moment they please and they attract girls who are only interested in sex and/or their looks. The whole scene to me just isn't pretty. The two relationships within my family with alpha guys involved both ended badly... And dramatically.

I am married to a non alpha guy and I know I made the right decision. The sensitive/romantic type is just what a lot of girls want but I think it's hard for two introverted types to meet. I guess you've got to tune in on each others shyness. If you're both shy then you're on the right track lol.

It's not that girls aren't attracted to non alphas, it's that some girls are only attracted to one or the other, and the girls that are attracted to non alphas are very different to the ones that aren't.
perfanoff said:
So what are all the scientists and mathematicians men? Xi males and Pi males I gather? :)

Sexy, that's what they are. Unfortunately, all but one of the scientists I know play way too many games.
nerdygirl said:
perfanoff said:
So what are all the scientists and mathematicians men? Xi males and Pi males I gather? :)

Sexy, that's what they are. Unfortunately, all but one of the scientists I know play way too many games.

Hear, hear. Lovable weirdos.
It is just hilarious to read everything in this thread. How all the girls confirm that it is better to have a steady income rather than actually having to try.

After all, why date someone who can easily replace you? That means you have to remain attractive and interesting. Nope better to pick a guy who struggles to get mates that way you know he will value you regardless of how far you fall.
AFrozenSoul said:
It is just hilarious to read everything in this thread. How all the girls confirm that it is better to have a steady income rather than actually having to try.

After all, why date someone who can easily replace you? That means you have to remain attractive and interesting. Nope better to pick a guy who struggles to get mates that way you know he will value you regardless of how far you fall.

I thought the complaint was that women didn't give "non-alpha" guys a chance? Doesn't seem that some men can be pleased whether women ignore them or date them. :rolleyes2:

More familiar with perpetually angry lines of thinking than I'd like to be. If a relationship went badly, clearly I chose "alpha chumps" instead of "nice guys." Because you can tell by a cursory glance at someone's personality who's capable of hurting people and who isn't. If I'm single in my 20's, clearly I've been chasing "bad boys" and finally want a "provider" taken off the back burner where I keep dozens of them just waiting; someone who'll "clean up the mess" or who "struggles to get mates and will value me regardless of how far I fall." I haven't come out of a relationship of four years, and I only like quiet and trustworthy men because of the fact that they're useful financially - not because of personal tastes and lifestyle compatibility.

Everything women do is part of some grand conspiracy or simply meant to make use of poor little men. You caught us.

You and the others, do keep it up. I guarantee I'm laughing significantly harder than you are at your revelations and how hard some men try to make me feel like honeysuckle despite the fact that I've done nothing to them.
A steady income doesn't mean that it's not pay check to pay check. You don't know everyone's monetary situation, Frozen. Assuming that you do and then how you talk about things like you really know every situation involving that issue, doesn't make you look good. My mom gets a steady monthly due to her disability, and she lives month to month. There is no extra money, even though she gets a steady stream of it monthly.
nerdygirl said:
perfanoff said:
So what are all the scientists and mathematicians men? Xi males and Pi males I gather? :)

Sexy, that's what they are. Unfortunately, all but one of the scientists I know play way too many games.

You mean mind games? Interesting :)

This thread really went down hill.

I am not speaking anything against women or men, but based on what i have observed, i wanted the opinion of others on what they thought in regards to the topic.

I didn't mean to get you all riled up and start arguing. This is not a forum to flame people, so please calm down. Thanks.
men and women are both flawed in their own ways - generally speaking.

yes, sometimes generalizations are accurate and useful.

here is what is being missed: free will and enlightenment.

most women MAY be drawn to "the leader" in their environment.

but, as a man, are you not attracted to "the uber-milf" in your environment?

don't deny it.

we are animals after all with natural inclinations.

women are no less human than men.

here is why:

most people are only as faithful as their options.

sometimes even the most "faithful" person is only singing that mantra because:

- they don't think they can do any better
- they don't want to be alone
- they have low self-esteem or other issues that handicap their ability to connect with people
- and the list goes on

you give that same person ten million dollars, and you would be surprised just how many would abandon their partner.

this is not a woman issue, this is a human issue.

now, in this culture, women tend to have more options (generally speaking) for a couple of reasons:

- we are societies (western cultures) based on chivalry, so women are "elevated" and "adored"
- the media markets women as sex goddesses (many actually buy into this, it FEELS GOOD, y'know?
- and a whole host of other reasons

so you take a woman (a human) and give her options (or the appearance of truly viable ones) and guess what?

she will be a human and be flawed and choose unwisely.

well, many will.

men would do the same thing, will do the same thing, DO DO the same thing.

again, all based on their respective options.

enlightenment and decency are not exclusive to men.

if you want a faithful woman, you will need to find one that understands herself. she will need to understand who she is, what she is, what her natural inclinations are, what her hopes and longings are, and does she TRULY appreciate being in a committed relationship with someone WHO LOVES HER more than any other desires or options in life.

this is rare.

like said above, equally rare with men and women.

it's just that women DO TEND TO have more options.

they are not all good options, but it takes an experienced and wise women to realize this.

unfortunately she may have to live through this first hand to realize that just because a hundred guys would bang her if she wanted them to, it doesn't take away the fact that YOU are one in a million.

it's about appreciation.

if a man appreciates a woman and she appreciates him, then it can work.

i ramble.
Tealeaf said:
Everything women do is part of some grand conspiracy or simply meant to make use of poor little men. You caught us.

^ LMAO! Tealeaf is right - there is a super secret Skype room and we have weekly planning and strategy meetings.....
IgnoredOne said:
Trent said:
but, as a man, are you not attracted to "the uber-milf" in your environment?


Its not really the traditional ideal either.




so none of ^those^ make your peepee tingle?

if so, you are probably in the minority.

it's okay, i can admit this because i know my GF gets moist for viggo mortensen

@Tealeaf: I did not catch you there are plenty of men who make millions of dollars off of teaching men how to get around your conspiracy.

@VanillaCreme: True, but she knows EXACTLY how much money she is going to get. So she can budget based on that amount. That is what I mean. Dating a loser, like myself, means you know he will come back and will keep coming back until you are bored of him. As where dating an alpha is more like an hourly job. Where you can expect to work X amount of hours a month. However, if the business falls on hard times you hours will be cut back. That is what I mean. We all live pay check to pay check. However, some of us, like me, know the exact amount of money that pay check will have.
AFrozenSoul said:
@VanillaCreme: True, but she knows EXACTLY how much money she is going to get. So she can budget based on that amount. That is what I mean. Dating a loser, like myself, means you know he will come back and will keep coming back until you are bored of him. As where dating an alpha is more like an hourly job. Where you can expect to work X amount of hours a month. However, if the business falls on hard times you hours will be cut back. That is what I mean. We all live pay check to pay check. However, some of us, like me, know the exact amount of money that pay check will have.

That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read.
Taylor Swift is hotter and Simone Simons are hotter.

In general, -2 years is better than +2 years, and that seems logical.
The funny thing about men, women, and dominance is that I never received so much fan mail and adoration from men in my life as the days when I trolled forums without conscience, instead of trying to be kind on them and saving the shenanigans for when they wouldn't actually hurt anyone. The fact that I pushed people around, even online, far outweighed the fact that I caused pain to these men.

Just saying. I wonder if it applies offline? I haven't seen far enough into most social settings to know.
AFrozenSoul said:
@Tealeaf: I did not catch you there are plenty of men who make millions of dollars off of teaching men how to get around your conspiracy.

Sounds like a lot of men are getting mislead and ripped off lol.

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