Kind of late..(had and still have my own horrormovie-life, so I apologize Soph-soprano)..BUT
I DO NO AGREE! No, ma`m! I am strongly against it, that you leave this site and us. Definitely not!
Even if you feel it is of no use for you
Even if you find comfort in something else
Even if the problems are still there, the grades, the college,
WE are still here
With our own problems
And yet
Stronger together
Sometimes smiling
Sometimes laughing out loud
So..allow me to be strongly against your leaving.
And you know why? On a personal level?
YOU...yes you...were here for me when I was down and reached or not a hand out for help
But you were here. For me, for others, for all of us.
YOU milady...won`t or can`t solve your problems perhaps here
But you most CERTAINLY can be of PRECIOUS IRREPLACEABLE HELP for others.
And besides that...
I like your stories
I like the way you write
you laugh
make me laugh (remember our chit-chat mrs soprano?
Cross my heart, hope to die
But this is one of the worst decisions and most stupid thing you could have said. (pardon my frank outburst)
So, if- and I know you do- you CARE, then here you stay. No objections allowed. (lol...I`m pushing the line now, but I know you have a healthy sense of humor).
Hmmm...please? please, please, please? Don`t leave!!!! I don`t want you to leave.