Seems like a post best aimed at the Miscellaneous Issues section.
Either way, anger is a pretty piss poor emotion, in my opinion. Most likely to hurt others, who aren't at fault or otherwise responsible for any of the **** you feel. It's better to feel sorrow so you just harm yourself and potentially anyone who actually care about you nearby (which is negligible) but then again, each to their own. I get angry pretty quickly at small things, and can begin to hate someone for the most retarded things, but I back this up with pretty good restrain, superhuman attention span, infinite patience and crippling honesty. Well, maybe.
Hot-headed. It's probably fufilling an emotional bridge you've never crossed, or at least laying a foundation for something you are missing when you get angry though, which is why you like it. Maybe.
That or you're potentially mentally challenged/young and think being angry makes you like the hulk (and thus awesome) or something. I wouldn't know.
Humans are unique. Isn't it great?