Story 'bout a story

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2007
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All right, I was a little bored and not very tired at all (bad combination), so I thought to myself "hey lets write a story before I go to bed", and well, I got a little carried away ^^


Jeremi stared at the watch on his wrist. 1 AM. Tired? Not at all. Jeremi knew he had to get up early for work the next day, but something kept him up. A story. He looked up at the monitor in front of him. Microsoft word stared back at him. An empty page, mocking him, telling him to go to sleep. ”Not before I’ve drowned you in words, page!” He wispered quietly. The fact that he was talking to his monitor was yet another good reason to go to bed. Jeremi had always written his stories after midnight. That’s usually when all the crazy ideas start popping into his mind. But now, nothing. ”Imagination, why have you forsaken me?” he thought to himself, bu the really wanted to scream it out. ”Just one little story, that’s all I want”
A loud knock broke trough the music coming out of the speakers on his desk, and Jeremi almost jumped out of the chair. He opened closed door to his bedroom. No one there. ”hmm, sleeping might not be such a bad idea af…” A loud knock echoed trough the room again. Jeremi was prepared for it this time. It was coming from one of the wardrobes. Jeremi’s heart was pounding hard and fast. He slowly approached one of the doors. With a quick motion he ripped it open. Nothing. Again, there was a loud knock, and now Jeremi knew which door it was coming from. He grabbed the handle and opened it slowly. A person stepped out, a man. Jeremi stumbled back against the wall. He grabbed his guitar case in panic, holding it up in front of him as protection. ”Hi there!” Said the man. ”I’m terrible sorry to just jump out like that, I didn’t mean to scare you”
”Uhh… hi” Jeremi responded. The fact that a middle aged man dressed in a white suit had just stepped out from his wardrobe in the middle of the night made him a little nervous.
”How’s the story coming along?” The man asked. His voice was enthustiastic.
”Uhh…Story?” Jeremi responded.
”Yeah, your story. Weren’t you writing a story”
Jeremi just stared at the man. Was he hallucinating?
”Not very good. I can’t come up with any ideas”
”Well, maybe I could help you with that!” Put down the guitarcase and take a seat”
Jeremi realised that he was still holding the guitarcase in front of him like a shield. He put it down against the wall, and sat down in front of the computer again.
”I’m sure we can come up with a good idea, mr Jeremi. You’ve done it so many times before without my help”
”What are you, my muse or something?”
The man responded with a big smile back to Jeremi
”Now, focus!” The man said and closed his eyes. ”I see a man. He’s dying! An unknown disease is spreading in his body, and the doctors don’t know how long he will live. He may only have a few days left to spend with his family”
”Too dramatic. Jeremi said. ”I can’t write stuff like that!”
”All right, then how about this. A woman, who uses a time machine and gets transported back to… to the days of the roman empire! Yes, yes, and she becomes the right hand of Julius Caesar himself! Legions and legions at her disposal! What will she do with the power?!”
”Hmm, not bad, but too long. I have to go to bed soon!”
”Okay okay, hold on. I got another idea”
The man stood silent.
”My god” The man said
”My god what?”
”I just got… the most fantastic idea a man could ever imagine, Jeremi” The man said out loud. ”An idea so great, that it could change the very foundations of this universe”
”Well, tell me!”
The man shook off the dreamy look in his eyes, and stared at Jeremi
”Tell you? I… No! This idea belongs to me. No one else shall have it!”
Jeremi rose up from his chair, and the man backed away
”What the hell man. I thought you were here to help me! Tell me the idea now! I need it!”
”No! Never!” The man yelled back.
He jumped back into the same wardrobe from which he had appeared. Jeremi stood by and watched in desperation. ”I must have that idea!” He tought to himself. He didn’t question the fact that his wardrobe had turned into a black hole. He simply jumped in, like the man had done.

Jeremi landed on a hard stone-like surface. He was surrounded by darkness. He spotted a light that appeared to come from far away. Footsteps echoed trough the air. Jeremi started running. He followed the sound. The air was dark and cold, and he could feel water splashing under his feet. He was too focused on the man to take notice on the surroundings. The light he saw grew in the distance. ”That story will change my whole life” He told himself ”I know it” Suddenly he screamed out loud as the stone floor under him disappeared. He fell into the blackness. Fell for what felt like minutes. Then there was a loud crash.

Jeremi opened his eyes slowly. He was lying on what felt like the same cold surface he had been running on. No, not the same. This one looked like marble. He got up on his feet. He didn’t feel like he was injured from the fall. ”How far did I fell? And where am I?” He looked around. He was in a large room. It looked like a dome. Jeremi couldn’t make out much from the darkness. In front of him stood a man in a white suit.
”You shouldn’t have followed me here” The man said with a booming voice.
”I just want my story” Jeremi said to the man with a voice not as booming. ”Give me my story so that I can go to sleep, please!”
”Why do you need the story?”
”Why I need the story? Well… I… just want to write it before I go to bed”
”But why do you want to write a story?”
”I...I don’t…”
”Do you want to post it on alonelylife?! Is that it? Why do you have to stay up late in the night and write a lousy story to post on a lousy forum, huh? To boost your self-confidence? Reputation points?”
”It’s not a lousy forum”
”What’s that now?”
”Give me the story!” Jeremi yelled
The man smiled.
”Oh, I’d rather die than give you the story” The man said. A sword appeared in his hand. ”And I will give you a chance to make that happend”
”Ummm....” Jeremy hesitated. He realized that the man was serious. He looked around him for a possible way to escape. He saw a sword laying beside him.
”Let’s do battle” The man said, and ran towards Jeremi with his sword raised.
Jeremi picked up the sword in desperation. ”Jesus crist! I don’t know how to do this!” He thought. He acted on instinct and started running in the opposite direction of the man.
”What the…” the man yelled. ”…Coward!”
Jeremi ran and ran, with the man closely beind him. He realized that his strategy wouldn’t really work, and his need for the story was greater than ever. He remembered all those cool chinese movies he had seen on the TV, and while he understood those movies weren’t very realistic, he felt inspired enough to turn around and face the man. With one swift move the man stopped. The man fell down to the floor, and Jeremi dropped the now bloodied sword. He had only one thing in mind
”The story” he said, looking down on the bloodied man laying on the floor.
”Ahh, it is a wonderful story” the man said, gasping for air. ”Too bad the world never got to read it”
”What? NO!” Jeremi yelled, but the man was now dead. Jeremi fell down on his knees in front of the man. He felt empty, not because he had killed another person, but because he still didn’t have a story. He let out a big yell, filled with frustration, filled with sadness. Then everything faded away

Jeremi woke up in his chair. With a confused look, he stared at his monitor. He let out a big sigh when he looked at his watch. 02:30 AM. ”**** this, I’m going to bed” He said to himself and turned off his computer
Nice. So... what was the awesome story idea that you didn't find out? Though I suppose it's pretty pointless to ask since you never found out...
But once I had a dream that I wrote the world's best song ever. I knew I was dreaming but I was trying really hard to memorize it before I woke up and then the alarm went off, I woke up and the song was gone. All I know is that it was about bananas. Don't ask me how that's the perfect song, I don't even like bananas. lol. But it still bugs me sometimes... I know it would have been epic if only I could remember it...

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