Suggestion for Health and Fitness

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Suggestion for Health and Fitness

How about it?

It'd be great to have a forum to chat with others and share advice for weight loss tips, weight management, eating healthier, fitness etc.

After gaining a lot of weight from overeating because of loneliness three years ago, I have since lost the weight, and what really inspired me was hearing others' stories and sharing my own experiences on weight loss forums etc.

I'm not too sure what the proper terminology is...if it's forum/ board/ section etc. But I think you get the point...=P
evanescencefan91 said:
hey that sounds like a good idea

I agree. It would be nice to see some logs and progress updates from fellow users in the future. A nice idea as well for people looking to become active and in need of some suggestions.

Well i'm 5'10 and 198 lbs, after four weeks of following this book

I am now about 190 lbs. It gives you a routine, tells you what it does etc. i recommend this book to everyone i got it at chapters. Physically, i'm tired, but it's getting easier and easier. My work has a gym so i go there. But joining a gym is easy too, if your like me and little nervous about that just remember "You are Everything...They are nothing!"

As for dieting...lets say i'm terrible at it ha ha but am still seeing results. nothing huge and major but slow and progressive. Only thing i did change, I eat oatmeal every morning and love it actually, keeps me full untill break where i have a granola bar and coffee. than at lunch i eat some rice or a sandwich. I'm a guy who likes his food. so i developed a habbit of eating everything in small bites and ridiculously slow. It's actually helping me to eat less.

Excersize is key so I don't recommend load of diets or going hungry, remember it's a life style change you need, not a temporary solution. I'm still in the beginning of a better life style but i already feel better. and again, that book was a huge help! i recommend it
that sounds like an excellent idea! chatting about who went running today , even though its cold as hell
last time you had soda poles, and weekly health goals for all!

woooohoooooo!!! im in!
it sounds like this may be better as a permanent thread rather than like an actual section in the forum...

Dont know why.

Just how I see it :)
Wii Fitness! I love it. In fact, I'd love a Wii Fit buddy....if anyone's interested. I'm not overweight, quite the opposite, but I'm hoping I can use the Wii to overcome some of the fitness issues from my illness.
A diet and fitness thread would be awesome. Apologies in advance if I start preaching my no carbohydrates gospel to the world.
Whirligig said:
A diet and fitness thread would be awesome. Apologies in advance if I start preaching my no carbohydrates gospel to the world.

Preach it sister! Actually as someone who's predominately vegetarian, I love carbs to death. But those simple, super refined carbs and sugar are evil I tell you, EVIL.
Brother, not sister. :D

Carbs bad. Carbs = insulin = Triacylglycerols = bad.

Thus speaketh the carb fascist.
4 Tips to Reduce Depression Through Exercise

4 Tips to Reduce Depression Through Exercise

People live a very stressful life these days and as a result of which they face with a good number of health problems. Life is so busy that people don’t spent any time on exercising or relaxing. This results in tension, high blood pressure, depression, health problems and frustration. Just being physically fit can help you get rid of most of the above problems. All you need to do is spend some time exercising every week and you will feel much better. Here are some tips that can help you to reduce depression from your life.

1.Planning: first and the most important thing is to plan out your workout sessions. You need to spend around 30 minutes on your workout session 2 to 3 times every week. No matter what happens don’t compromise on your workouts.

2.exercise: pick up some exercise that you can perform easily. What happens in depression is that your muscles get stiff, by exercising you bring flexibility to your muscles and they gain more strength. Some doctors say that walking, cycling and swimming are the best exercises that can help you reduce stress. These exercises affect all your body parts and you feel more relaxed.

3.Change: it is important that you get a change after some time. Try to get a day off and go out with your family. If you are away from your work for one day you will feel more relaxed. Spend some time with your children and play games with them, if you can get yourself involved with them for an hour or so you will be more active then before. Relaxing will reduce any depression from your body
and you will feel refresh. Go out for a walk or swimming with a friend of your and try not to discuss any of your office works. The main purpose here is to forget everything and relax as much as you can.

4.Socializing: this is another great way to help you get rid of a depressing situation. All you need to do is go to a club and make new friends. They can be your gym partners or you neighbors. Talk to them and share as much as you can, this will help to forget everything and you will fell refreshed. It is possible to get rid of depression so it is important that you follow the above steps with consistency. You can even contact a doctor for more suggestions and tips.

*signature removed*
Good advice, Martin...thank you for posting something helpful for a change. :) I hope you enjoy your ban though - spammers are not tolerated here.
Diet? Diet?!?!?!?! Ive never been on a diet an entire day of my life. Diets mean that you arent eating as much, which means that you might be missing out on some key nutrition that your body might need to help maintain stability. People just need to keep themselves active. Diets cause stress on your body and your immune system. Don't do them.
Diet doesn't always mean reduction of can mean a change in type of food, but same amount of caloric intake.

And I agree that exercise/activity is the key--both to fitness and to mental/psychological health. Human beings were meant to run around!

Badjedidude said:
Diet doesn't always mean reduction of can mean a change in type of food, but same amount of caloric intake.

And I agree that exercise/activity is the key--both to fitness and to mental/psychological health. Human beings were meant to run around!


lol, I JUST got your screen name! :p Bad Jedi dude, lol.

:club: I cant believe I didnt catch that before now.
i have a horrible addiction to sugar. sometimes it gets so bad that all i will eat is candy. when i was 20 yrs old i went from 120lbs to 180lbs. I felt miserable.

it took me two years but i lost a total of 60lbs. the key for me was focusing on one thing at a time. So for the first year i thought nothing about changing what i ate, but i devoted all my energy into getting myself to exercise. It took some time, and id miss weeks at time, but after a few months i got a routine going. the second year i started South Beach Diet and i also became a certified personal trainer. South Beach is a great program because it teaches you how to eat healthy. there is a general fear of "carbs," which is not healthy, but this diet teaches you how to eat from all the food groups in a healthy way. On this diet i lost all my cravings for candy. I didnt even want it. I lost a lot of weight. The diet requires considerable time, though. i was only working weekends at the time so I could do it. Its also expensive.

Once i got a 9-5 job i stopped the diet, stopped exercising, and put on weight again. Not a lot, just ten pounds, but i felt gross again. Ever since then my life has been a bit of turmoil and I havent established a good workout program. My weight has fluctuated between 130 - 145lbs. My eating habits are terrible again, too. But one thing at a time. I am working on getting a good workout program going. I think this next year will be the year. I am moving to a better location (there are no sidewalks here to run on) and i will have more time.

Looking forward to next year!
Badjedidude said:
Hey, congrats on the weight loss! And 130-140 isn't bad!


no its not bad. but if I consider that if I put on only 3lbs a year, in thirty years i will weight 230lbs! that means by the time im 50 yrs old i will be sick and practically immobile. And thats only 3lbs/yr. imagine if it were 5lbs or 10lbs a year. id die by the time i was 60. 50 is retirement time. i dont want to be sick, dying, and confined to a chair then! i want to travel and enjoy my time off. So while the weight im at right now isnt bad, if i keep putting on a little weight all the time (which is what is happening with my current lifestyle) then i will have no life by the time i can explore the world. and thats not even considering the weight i will put on when i have kids. men are so lucky that they dont have to have babies.

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