Table Talk at my place

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Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Jun 19, 2021
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So guys, I will be hosting a table talk for someone I care so much about, my Rob is also going to help, so it's not 2 V 1... it's interesting so I thought I'd share what happened.

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So my friend had a baby, the pregnancy was so complex because she got pregnant 3-4 months after the birth of her first born.
Most people shunned her and didnt understand, as you are supposed to wait 2 years after a C section. She wasn't being reckless, she was told she was infertile and took no precautions.
Her partner convinced her to keep the baby, she was worried for her health but she did as her husband instructed.
She was in a terrible way for months, it was hard watching someone I look up to crumble with pain, confusion, and depression.

One day her husband out of frustration, snapped at her after a test result came back negative for early break of water. He snapped because he works hard, was missing sleep for so many "false alarms"... However, it turned out the test was wrong, she was right, and the baby had to be taken out emergency c-section prematurely. Both her and the baby was in recovery for days before she could meet her baby. It was a very close call.

She felt like no one believed her, no one but me anyway (my gut is trust the mother... always... a mother knows). Her anger is at her husband, I have tried to convince her that the anger is misplaced and should be with the terrible healthcare providers.

The devil is strong guys, the devil is a lie. He will turn husband against wife, when they need each other the most. I will facilitate their table talk, I am excited to do so. I aim to make sure my friend who is like a sister to me, puts these feelings of resentment behind her, also for her husband to say sorry in a way fitting what she went through. I also will speak about the phone call me and him had where he was riddled with guilt, and overwhelmed with making decisions for his wife and new baby. On the call he expressed his deeper understanding that life is more important than any job and how he wished he was fighting her corner and not worrying about his job and being so irritated with lack of sleep.

He is a man, he has to provide, that is a heavy burden, he promised to keep his wife safe, and he failed. That is heavy, now is not the time to meet him with anger, now is the time to come together. I feel so emotional as I type this, because I know how I would feel if I was her, I know what I am asking of her, takes the help of Jesus, maybe she will trust him to mend what is broken.

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