I'm a 58 year old woman, married and divorced 3 times. I have 2 children. My 26 year old son has been on his own for some time now. My 20 year old daughter was living with me, working and going to school. We decided to move out in the country. Got everything set up, then she decided to move in with her boyfriend. Now, I'm all alone and isolated. I cry and cry. I don't know what to do with myself. I don't have any friends, and don't know how to make friends. It would be especially hard anyway since I live 8 miles from town. I'm a teacher on summer break, so my days are very long. I find myself watching TV all day long. Even at school, I'm a specials teacher and not considered part of the "group". Plus, when you work with kids all day long, it's hard to even find the time to talk to other adults at work. I don't know what to do. I don't want to do the matchmaking-dating scene on the internet. I don't really even want to date. I just want some friends to share thoughts with, or go to a movie, or whatever. I would appreciate any help you have to offer.