THE Christmas thread - 2014

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
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Someone (edit: LonelySutton - great idea!) suggested making a thread like this, but I don't see it anywhere (if there is one already please delete this)

a bit like a delayed chat, to survive these holy days when society rubs it in to people who by accident or choice are not in a group.

this is my starting contribution:


(Grumpy cat deserves getting all those millions, if you ask me ;) )

just write your reflections, or how do you plan to spend your day in solitude, or share whatever you feel like sharing
Love the Grumpy Cat.

I plan to do my best to make it through the day tomorrow without getting ticked off at my family. I feel like it's not really Xmas this year, due to them bringing drama into my home. There won't be a next though, Im very determined.

After tomorrow, Im going to do some shopping, meet a friend that's in town for the holiday (haven't seen her in a year) and take my kid to a movie. THAT will feel more like Xmas to me, even if it's the day after. So, Im determined to have my Christmas happy time, even if it's the day after. :)
actually it should be titled "THE christmas alone thread"
how do I change the title? Is that possible?
Peaches said:
actually it should be titled "THE christmas alone thread"
how do I change the title? Is that possible?

hmmm...I think a mod would have to do it for you, as far as the title.
Uh oh. :p I wont be alone. I shouldn't have posted?
Although not spending it alone, I wish I was, so I'm gonna post in here too :D

talking about how it's better being alone, someone just asked me: what did you find under the Christmas tree? (there is my mother visiting)

My answer: the presents that I put myself the day before, not even a note to thank me for the pretty things that I got her


now she is going to cry and make a scene, as hundreds of times before, because she is so bad and I don't love her (note: shouldn't it be me the one to make a scene, in case? Not only I am unloved, but I also have to feel guilty about it)

I wonder why I got stuck with these people, if I had a minimum of financial stability I could just walk away and forget about them
:( Hug, Peaches. Some parents are like that and it hurts a lot. You could walk away, but I don`t think you have the heart to abandon her. So what else can you do, other than accept her way of manifesting, while finding a way not to let it affect you too much. Easier said than done, I know, especially when it comes to family. There are people, parents, who expect to receive from others exactly that what they didn't give. They want to fill their void, fulfill their needs, feel entitled to behave selfish and become sort of energetic vampires. The options aren`t many: either walk away without looking back or continue to do good even to those who hurt you. (Hug)

This Christmas is a sad one for me. I just want to sleep and wake up next year when the holidays are over. (almost every year I feel this way during winter holidays, but this year 10x more so).
I am not completely alone, but I feel lonely. My daughter`s at her father`s for a week, my father came here for the holidays, but we`re both grieving over my mom, and the cat looks exactly like the one in the 1st post.

However... Merry Christmas to everyone! 2x to those lonely and alone.
lol zero, that comment about the cat made me laugh out loud, I wish I could see your cat :D


Oh god that cat makes me laugh...

If its cats you like try this ..sound turned up. The music goes purrfickly!

Peaches said:
actually it should be titled "THE christmas alone thread"
how do I change the title? Is that possible?

Do you want the title changed? It would be a good idea so people don't confuse it with the other two Christmas threads running right now.
lol, Peaches, the grumpy jingle-all-the-way-to-hell-photo is awesome. best description of the day.
Oh I love grumpy cat! Full disclosure. I will be going someplace this year -- my brother's -- but I know for a fact it won't be long until I won't have that luxury so I post.

Last night was kind of a lonely night so... this is what I did, I went to bed. LOL!! And I ended up watching a few great things. And went to bed happy. If you are alone today what helps you pass the time?

My suggestion? MOVIES!!!
jaguarundi said:
Oh god that cat makes me laugh...

If its cats you like try this ..sound turned up. The music goes purrfickly!


Jag, that video was my xmas greetings post on Facebook ;) we think alike
Peaches said:
jaguarundi said:
Oh god that cat makes me laugh...

If its cats you like try this ..sound turned up. The music goes purrfickly!


Jag, that video was my xmas greetings post on Facebook ;) we think alike

Laugh..tears were rolling down my legs when I first saw that vid lol !

Today however i am feeling cat related stress . Two of my cats don't get along. As an extra special Boxing Day gift, one of them decided to make a point, and peed all over the jeans and sweater I had left in the floor by the washing machine.

Nice, kitties, really really fecking nice...

Hope you are feeling a little better today Peaches my dear? X

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