Someone (edit: LonelySutton - great idea!) suggested making a thread like this, but I don't see it anywhere (if there is one already please delete this)
a bit like a delayed chat, to survive these holy days when society rubs it in to people who by accident or choice are not in a group.
this is my starting contribution:
(Grumpy cat deserves getting all those millions, if you ask me )
just write your reflections, or how do you plan to spend your day in solitude, or share whatever you feel like sharing
a bit like a delayed chat, to survive these holy days when society rubs it in to people who by accident or choice are not in a group.
this is my starting contribution:
(Grumpy cat deserves getting all those millions, if you ask me )
just write your reflections, or how do you plan to spend your day in solitude, or share whatever you feel like sharing