i have a depressing day as usual...come back from school feeling like **** than my family wouldnt give me a break too. Mum and Dad are argueing about something really silly and stupid. I believe both of them are really lonely people...my mum just sits at the poker machine and gambles the loneliness and money away, but she does it reponsibilityly so i dont really mind. my dad just sleeps his loneliness off. Thats what i believe is going on in my family from my observations even though it might not be true. I love my family but I hate this depressing house...i wanna get out... oh recently i found out one of my closest friends wouldnt really care if i died tomorrow...i know this, how? she told me-and what hurts me more? i really love her but she would never ever have any interest in me, every day i have to hear her talk about how perfect her boyfriend that only talks to her once every 2 months ilteraly...and this hurts, ******* sick of this unrequited love. Anyways another depressing day with me thinking in the end who do i live for in this life? what is my purpose if i am just invisible to people-having people not caring if i am gone tomorrow
ah ****- what a life!
anyways end of my rant...i hardly rant...just only on really bad days
ah ****- what a life!
anyways end of my rant...i hardly rant...just only on really bad days