Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️

Some people were genuinely interested so.... here I go... no need to respond or blah blah just ramblings from yours truly.
So... some people were like what's the rules of you relationship with Rob... so I will list them.
Rules for Cennie...
1. No sleeping with anyone else, however, flirting is fine as... I cant help it unless it's with his friends but... lol idk how im suppose to control that...
2. No overly revealing clothing at the gym
3. Women's only gyms unless with my brother
4. No hair styles, colours, or cuts without permission.
5. No spending money of Robs without permission.
Rules for Rob...
1. No shouting, hitting, grabbing...
2. Spoil me rotten
I like rules, I think i has something to do with the slight Autistic traits I have, I hate when people try to imply things, or say i'm implying things...I am not good at that, I just like it straight.
Also, we dont really argue as theres not much to argue about if we both follow the rules.
I do miss my crazy hair colours and taking pics at the gym because I had on a fire outfit, but.. it caused sooo many arguments im happier within the rules more than I was without the rules.
I dont make rules for Rob as such, they are more expectations I guess, I dont want abuse and I expect to be catered for and loved.