I just cannot seem to get things going on the right track, I have been over working, under sleeping, and doing newthings to make a part inside of me feel alive again, And yet it seems as if the world buried me years ago.....My existence at least from my perspective is very non as it is. Anyone have any suggestions to help me feel alive again i mean to be more specific, I go to work wondering why and see no point in it, I talk to ppl and wonder why im startinbg to feel no compassion for them or any connections for that fact, I go to bed and feel like I have been up to late and yet I have no reason to sleep I just do for the habit of it. Lately I have not looked forward to ANYTHING!, no matter what it is and the sad part is yesterday at work i was ut in my thigh by my workmate on the forklift and for a brief second I felt alive! I mean the pain i did not like but the feeling along with it if only for a brief moment made me feel awake from this nightmare we call life. Do not get me wrong I do not wish to die or kill myself I just need to revitalize my soul.....Sorry if this makes no sense I do not know how to explain it