AmytheTemperamental said:
I am sure he takes enough flack from people, that you didn't have to go out of your way to say something to him. It most certainly isn't too late for anyone to better themselves. And you should be at least a little ashamed that you would purposely tell someone that. He's a person too.
Thank you. That was a very nice thing to say.
SofiasMami said:
I don't have much sympathy for trolls.
This is the second time in a matter of days that you have called me this. I ignored it the first time but not this time. Who do you think you are saying that? I know if I said that to someone in here you'd get all upset and defend that person. But when you say it it's justified. You seem you have a right to say it.
You said I have "no problem with consistently giving a virtual middle finger and slap in the face to other forum members who attempt to show him goodwill and kindness." Honestly I hope you are not talking about yourself here because of how you've been towards me I have had no connection with you here, a fact that has not kept me up at nights tossing and turning.
It's funny though that virtual middle finger that you mentioned started out with an extended hand from me and it extended even further when I made an offer a few months back to everyone. Maybe that is where you got confused because that's where the virtual middle finger took place and it was pointing at me and not you. The slap in the face is something I can confirm I received.
I was very happy not saying anything to you but this is the
second time that you have called me a troll and that it two times too many.
I don't want to give trouble to anyone in here or get it from anyone either. I am not asking you to be my friend or anything like that but I am asking you to be civil and if you don't want to just put me on ignore.
The last time there was any activity in this thread was in May of last year. That was until yesterday evening when someone felt that they had to come in and start on me for no reason. But I am always the one to blame.
I just want to co-exist. That's it.
TheRealCallie said:
I think you are doing quite well in bettering yourself. Yeah, you still have a few issues, but who the hell doesn't. You're working on them and that is ALL that matters. Don't let the naysayers get you down and keep working on yourself.
Just remember everything I've told you over the last year and keep working on it. If you struggle or take a step back or make a mistake, pick yourself up and try again. In the end, that's all that matters...what you do when you feel you are down and out.
Thank you. That's all I want to do. Just better myself.