Today I Learned (TIL)

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I've heard of it. In fact, my cover photo is from it.

I thought the night sky picture just looked cool, and liked the idea of the stream of glowing creatures flying out of the streetlight.
I learned that house centipedes can, in fact, regrow their legs.

This is a relief to me, as last night when I was closing the shades before bed, I noticed a huge house centipede run down the shade. I thought, I'm not going to be able to get any sleep in here with this thing, so I took a disposable cup and a paper towel, knocked him into it, and tried to take him outside. He jumped out many times, and I had to find him again and recapture him. Eventually I just slid the cup, and the centipede, across the floor to the door where I scooped him up and tossed him outside. But I noticed that during this, several of his legs came off and were still twitching.

As it turns out though, they can regrow their legs, and sometimes shed them when they feel threatened, which is probably what happened.

I hope he's OK...just not in the house.
I learned that house centipedes can, in fact, regrow their legs.

This is a relief to me, as last night when I was closing the shades before bed, I noticed a huge house centipede run down the shade. I thought, I'm not going to be able to get any sleep in here with this thing, so I took a disposable cup and a paper towel, knocked him into it, and tried to take him outside. He jumped out many times, and I had to find him again and recapture him. Eventually I just slid the cup, and the centipede, across the floor to the door where I scooped him up and tossed him outside. But I noticed that during this, several of his legs came off and were still twitching.

As it turns out though, they can regrow their legs, and sometimes shed them when they feel threatened, which is probably what happened.

I hope he's OK...just not in the house.
You are so sweet! 💞❤️ The part about “. . .his legs came off and were still twitching. . .” made me squirm a little (well, a LOT!) but seriously - you are so sweet because you are concerned about the welfare of a house centipede. The world needs more people like you. 😊
You are so sweet! 💞❤️ The part about “. . .his legs came off and were still twitching. . .” made me squirm a little (well, a LOT!) but seriously - you are so sweet because you are concerned about the welfare of a house centipede. The world needs more people like you. 😊

Aww, thanks. In my younger (and sometimes, shamefully, less younger, when I already should have known better) days, I was not always that considerate to insects and other such beings.

To try to make up for that, I try to catch them and throw them outside, if possible, and not to step on them outside either, if I can help it.

Sometimes if it's a common house spider, and out of the way, I just don't bother doing anything with them at all, I figure they won't harm me and will help control anything that gets inside anyway.
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We did, however, have a terrible ant invasion this summer. I had to squash, and vinegar, a lot of them.
But it wasn't something I liked doing. I wish they had just stayed outside in the first place, I'd have no problem with them there.
Aww, thanks. In my younger (and shamefully, less younger) days, I was not always that considerate to insects and other such beings.

To try to make up for that, I try to catch them and throw them outside, if possible, and not to step on them outside either, if I can help it.

Sometimes if it's a common house spider, and out of the way, I just don't bother doing anything with them at all, I figure they won't harm me and will help control anything that gets inside anyway.
I’m like that. I pretty much transfer everything outside except mosquitoes. They get the smack.
I am very much like both of you, I try not to hurt insects.

I've actually always liked insects in some way. My Grandma got some kitchen towels with cute bees on them, because she knew I liked bees. Insects have been a lifelong interest of mine.

I was talking to my friends about a month ago, and they said there was an insectarium in the big city around here.
I'm thinking someday I should go, it's officially on my bucket list!
I pretty much transfer everything outside except mosquitoes.

Thank you all. That makes me feel less odd for capturing the little guys and placing them outside.


Another little critter that I put outside. Good at hiding.
Took me half a day to catch him and he wasn't happy about being caught.

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