Turned on and feeling like ****

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Well-known member
May 11, 2012
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I'm one of those unlucky ones, in that I'm on the smaller side down there... Yes, I'm one of those whining guys, but who forces you read? With small I mean less than 5 inches. If the random distribution of length is symmetrical, then that's about as rare as the ones over 7 inches...

There are some benefits to being small though. * Foreplay lasts longer: Once you drop your pants you get a chance to turn her on again from the start.* * Even if she's not that turned on, you can still enter her. Theoretically.*
(not really benefits, no? )

If I find a girl I like, and do get lucky, I'll have to hide my flaws as best I can so I don't ruin the mood. Just a shame that the flaw I must hide is the "main tool". That just gets clumsy.

Of course, size doesn't matter so much in the big picture. Luckily, it ONLY really matters when it comes to sex. There's the occasional joke, but the jokes usually come in situations where the size of your junk is completely irrelevant. So screw that. (That's how I cope.. Realizing it's utterly irrelevant 95% of my waking hours)

The problem is that I can't throw away my needs/instincts. For example watching pornography makes me depressed. Say what you want about porn not being real, but it seems there's nothing you can't do with a small (sub 5 inches small) thing that you can't do better with a normal/big one. No benefits. The result is that I can't get horny without at the same time feeling like a piece of ****.. Doesn't matter if I'm watching something or just fantasizing. Same thing.

Get thoughts like these: 'you'd never turn anyone on', 'most girls would get bored of you really quickly', 'you couldn't go at it that way, that would turn her off..', 'you can do many things, but never make a girl properly horny'. 'What's the point in trying?', 'You'll never get anywhere with this'.

Sounds silly? It probably is, but still very annoying and it honestly takes all the fun away.

Also I hear of women leaving their partners for this, or losing their appetite for sex. That's fair enough (goes the other way too), but a bit sad, and definitely a real problem. At that point it's not merely a 'irrelevant insecurity' anymore... And of course, impossible to fix.

Well, that's my rant. I'm sure other people (females, males, young, old) can relate somehow.. That insecurities in some form ruin all the fun.
just like with the fake breasted plastic surgeryed women in porn, the guys in it often get penile implants and the like. generally not a good idea to compare yourself to them. doesn't even make any sense.
Limlim said:
just like with the fake breasted plastic surgeryed women in porn, the guys in it often get penile implants and the like. generally not a good idea to compare yourself to them. doesn't even make any sense.

Doesn't make any sense how? Anyway, it's not only rooted in that. It's also the times you find women complaining, etc.

I do think I can tell the differences between what is freak shows and what isn't though, in porn..?
Oldyoung said:
Limlim said:
just like with the fake breasted plastic surgeryed women in porn, the guys in it often get penile implants and the like. generally not a good idea to compare yourself to them. doesn't even make any sense.

Doesn't make any sense how? Anyway, it's not only rooted in that. It's also the times you find women complaining, etc.

I do think I can tell the differences between what is freak shows and what isn't though, in porn..?

the idea behind plastic surgery is that most often you can't tell its been faked or altered. did you know that people in porn even perform something called anal bleaching? their ******** are too brown for camera so they bleach down there as well. puts a whole new meaning to ring of fire.
Trying to keep it as clean as possible here. :shy:

Although it may sound like a platitude, penis size isn't everything when it comes to sex. Although you may certainly feel insecure about your size, there are so many ways to pleasure a woman that don't involve your penis at all - oral, hands, the simple sensuality of kissing her, massaging her all over her body. And there are a lot of positions that can really work well when men are less well-endowed, and it gives an added bonus of sex not hurting for the woman and greater freedom to try more positions. And you probably know that most women don't climax from vaginal sex alone and your size doesn't have much to do with your ability to give her an orgasm.

So, it's not something to be ashamed of. Learn to make the most of what you have and become amazing at oral sex... then the world will be your oyster... when it comes to sex. :cool:
To me size isn't an issue. I can't even get a date so it's not like I have to impress anyone. :p

But remember the old proverb...it's the Indian, not the arrow.
My fiancee is cucasian and I'm Asian. Shes also taller than me.
We have sex all the time. Five times today already.

I havnt taken a ruler to mine..lol
It's just something i dont worry about nor obessed over.

I've also been with plenty of women. Not all women are
The same sexually....they all get off in different ways.
At the sametime each woman have verious ways of having
An orgasiam....

My fiancée has multiple orgsism during intercourse. Sometimes I can hit her G spot
during entercourse. It depends how I move
And position. She ejaculate during entercourse.
I can get her to gush like a fountain for hours.
Just becuase a woman orgaism dosnt necessary means she'll ejaculate.

Most women's G spot are. At. 2, 10, and 12 O clock two to three inchs inside of her
right above her plevec bone..It'll also shift from time to time. It'll also change in size.
From a size of a dime to the size of a quarter....
A 10" shalft sliding in and out of her...will never hit her G spot.
It helps to put a pillow under her hips.
Not all women have G spots...

Other times a woman gets off by having her pupetuary gland (excuse my spelling) rubbed.
It's deeper in side of her. Other women finds this very, very painful and dislike it.

A women's clit is very sensitive...but that's not where the wee wee gose into.lol

Sometime i'll only make out with my finacee...she'll have an oragiam or ejaculate before we
even have entercourse...

Err...she gose down on me...Of course i go down on her. It aint rocket science.

The KEY FACTOR....I must make her FEELS SEXY, Beautiful, and secure about her own body.
If i dont make her feel sexy...it dosnt matter what baby parts I rub.lol

Just google...man.
Watch helpful vedios with freaken instructions or read books
This reminded me of something a friend of mine said on her blog a couple weeks ago.

"It’s not the size of a man’s cock that matters
it’s not even how they use it…

what matters most is what they do with their mouth, and their hands, and most importantly, how inquisitive their minds are during sex."

I mean, think about it. You can get turned on by just thinking about certain things. Your entire body, including your *brain*, is one big erogenous zone, but somehow the entire sex discussion centres on penis in vagina intercourse. Sure, some bits feel better than other bits, but I think you're kind of missing out if you only limit yourself to one bit.
Date classier girls that wouldn't be all freaking out about having 5-inches...and holy crap, I would think that when people are having sex they would be focused on that instead of bitching and moaning about 5 vs 6 inches...really not a big deal...only trashy girls I've known would dump a guy over that and they're the types that bang random dudes and are mistresses, take other people's husbands etc...

At least you don't have a micro-penis...THOSE are the guys that I feel sorry for because their penis actually is like, a clit...super, incredible tiny...
Thanks for the replies. It's good to have my views challenged a bit. I still think of it as a flaw, but obviously not as important as I make it out to be.

And it was good to rant for once. Not something I usually complain about in the open.
Oldyoung said:
Also I hear of women leaving their partners for this. . .

You also hear of women not caring what size penis their man has. They love them all the same. Perhaps, if a person were just going after sex - be it a man or a woman - it may matter more. I have not a clue about that, as I've never gone after someone specifically for sex. If you think about it that much, it just becomes that much more of a problem. I don't know what to say to guys who really believe their penis is too small to make any woman happy, mainly because they'll never believe anything women say, especially if we tell them that they're fine.
LonelyInAtl said:
To me size isn't an issue. I can't even get a date so it's not like I have to impress anyone. :p

But remember the old proverb...it's the Indian, not the arrow.

Your proverb is somewhat obsolete and ******* colonialist/culturally imperialist.

@Penis size: stop watching as much porn: no one matches up to those guys, they've been selected specifically because of their penis. Also, they're on viagra, there's things you can do with a camera angle that can make a guys shlong look as big as a bed, and they sometimes use mayonnaise on money shots.
5 inches is okay, really. It's when it gets half-finger size that it becomes sad. Right now, look away from your dick. I know you think it's the centre of the universe, but it's not the most important course of the meal. Does it feel good when she does her thing with it? Good. Does it feel good when you touch it, have it touched? good. Do you please her ? Good. Focus on that.

As my mom used to say, you have a dick, and it works! So many people in the world do not have one, so be grateful. Enjoy your dick.
Now all we need is to figure out how a guy can have ****s to enjoy them. And I'm not talking about the muscularly type of ****s, though they're alright.

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