Underground Music Label ONLY for loners

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Dec 24, 2019
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Hi.... Im a Loner like you guys....  New on this forum so pardon me if i dont know the codes and conventions of new users

Me? 28 years old Male 

Psychology Student, Visual Artist, Musician, Deejay and Music Producer (aka Interdisciplinary Artist)

I dislike violence and Reggaeton is more and more popular with the years... (no offends intended)

Not famous or anything but i've Rejected several Record Labels and Quitted even More because i don't like massive Macho Culture apraisal of Hypersexual impunity or sentimentalist inclusion based on fake guilt and pity, this is the Niche where Sociopaths charm those afraid of Rejection.

Ive been raving and partying for a long long long time... back in the day acid was in vogue and it was for friendly people.... you simply CAN NOT use psychedellics with dangerous people around cus it triggers intense psychosis and possibly heart attack if the fear and lack of trust is too much...

now the green tinted sixties minds are gone and theres only colombian neckties and people dressed in red around saying the wrong idioms to reinforce the wrong kind of self steem....

today's culture is filled with communalist violence and wackyness for scary monsters and super creeps.... YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THIS.

Im trying to Stablish my own Underground Music Label and hoped you guys liked my Music...

(There's a label boss interested in my project and wants a new indie record label to test my research) 

even share your own music if you think it aesthetically fits the profile.

I can tell you some about the research im engaged in...  

the Red-Yellow color code (Yellow-Red is different and is associated to the 27 Club, Intolerance, Heavy Metal Templarism and Nembutal) of Album Covers for Sentimentalist Communalist Listeners.. It is based on Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions (Like everything in mass media) and yeah is danceable music and Rumba stuff but vahhh i dont like it.... It traumatized Gustav Mahler cus he got punched by his dad when he was listening to a Polka called 'Agustin.....something in german',,, then he became friend of Sigmund Freud and Voila,, whatever the heck Adolf Hitler did was because of THAT wether he was bullied or not (He was Freud's Patient and he was a tyrannical loner)

UNDERGROUND MUSIC LABEL ONLY FOR LONERS  (Ages??? 18 to 40 years old...but everyone in here is more than invited to check it out)

(Post email for Free Promo Songs, if you'd like the Mp3 or WAV for other Deejays)

anyway...let's make lonelyness trendy, chic and non-suicidal again.... 

it's a new era with a lot of computers, online shopping and awesome websites like this one where people can know each other without surrendering to the dynamics of dominant culture or joining a death cult in the california desert.


ISOLATION KILLS ...And Speed too

Thanks for reading.




APENDIX OF MY RESEARCH: (FEEL FREE TO TEST IT USING GOOGLE'S PICTURE SEARCH BAR AND LOOK FOR THE COLORS IN ALBUM COVERS OF OLD AND NEW MUSIC... The Fonts are the main attitude and the background is the elicited emotion in a particular situation)

Target Subject of Art in High Culture: Pomum/Tapestry
·        Ridicule way to be Corrupt: Samsara. Red-Yellow.
·        Corrupted way to be Ridicule: Samsara. Red-Yellow.
·        Criminal due to Rudeness: Samsara. Red-Yellow.
·        Rude due to Criminality: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Vulnerable way to be Strong: Nirvana. Blue-Orange.
·        Strong way to be Vulnerable: Nirvana. Yellow-Blue.
·        Redeemed by the Aftermath: Nirvana. Purple-Yellow.
·        Doomed by the Aftermath: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Congruent way to be Evil: Purgatory. Yellow-Red/Black-Red.
·        Loved and Caring: Nirvana. Orange-Blue.
·        Unloved and Indifferent: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Bizarrely and Licentiously Innocent: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Innocently and Carelessly Bizarre: Nirvana. Black-Red.
·        Tautologically Pathetic: Samsara. Red-Yellow.
·        Sustainable Lifestyle: Nirvana. Orange-Blue.
·        Corrupt and Sensationalist Lifestyle: Samsara. Red-Yellow.
·        Blatant Copycats: Samsara. Red.
Target Subject of Art in Low Culture: Herod/Salome
·        Supremacist Esteem of Privilege: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Power: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Entertainment: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Communalism: Samsara. Red-Yellow.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Authority: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Revenge: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Rudeness: Samsara. Red-Yellow.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Skepticism: Samsara. Red-Yellow.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Race War: Samsara. Black-White.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Exoteric Holy War: Samsara. Yellow-Red.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Sex War: Samsara. Red-Black.
·        Supremacist Esteem of Elitism: Samsara. Red-White.

Heuristic Formula for Underground Success:

·        Overlap of Scientifically Adaptive Criteria and Trends Apophatic to Mass Behavior.
·        Ethnographic Curatorship of Primigenial Proto-Theories in a Scientifically Valid Context.
·        Total Avoidance of Massified Media.
·        Rely on the Church of Pantokrator to keep Kids away from the Art.
·        Support a Pacifist Psychological Congruence despite any Implication of Publicity.
·        Play Unknown Songs from Well Known and Iconic Artists.
·        Envision the Possibility and Refer to the Event like its already Happening so the Public don’t want to feel left out and will actually make it Happen.
·        Release New Material following a Polyhedral Parenthesis of an Era or Societal Phase with the Use of Narrative Ellipses based on Antecedents and Possible Outcomes.
·        Redeem a Transnational Sense of Equality and Freedom in the form of Diversity and Healthy Alterity.
·        Total Avoidance of Herod and Salome.
Heuristic Formula for Mainstream Success:
·        Overlap of Gentrification, Underground Aesthetics and Communal Ethos.
·        Total Support of Massified Media.
·        Rely on the Government to keep Kids exposed to the Art.
·        Support Charity to earn Good Publicity.
·        Play the Most Popular Songs from Iconic Artists or Discover New Talent that sound similar to the Hype Trends.
·        Release New Material Every Season.
·        Redeem the Dominant Culture, a Monist Communalism or a Segmented Minority for the sake of Homogeneity.
·        Total Avoidance of Tapestry, Pomum and Herod.

According to Galeno's four humor theory theres a profile im specially interested in reivindicate with my music:

- Phlegmatic-Melancholic Humour
- Melancholic-Phlegmatic Humor
- Sanguine-Melancholic Humour
- Sanguine-Plegmatic Humour

You can check out yours in this website... is a safe link so you can google it in case it's too organized and fishy 666



  • Plutchik wheel of emotion.png
    Plutchik wheel of emotion.png
    113 KB

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