Unemployment :/

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Hello SullenGirl,

I have been unemployed twice already at the age of 27. I am so grateful that I start a new job next Monday but that is only for three months (there is a chance for extension).

In the first period I could manage very well. It was frustrating at times and I felt depressed as well but I hang on for the best. I came closer to God and found some new people along the way. That really helped me.

When I worked for a year, the company where I was working for couldn't extend my contract due to the economic crisis. I agree with you that you then are coming short on experience when you apply for new jobs. Another negative part is that I'm schooled in the building sector and it is still going bad in the building sector so there aren't a lot of jobs.

Now I lived at home for three months and this 'shorter' period was much harder so I'm really glad I found a job. It gets me out of the social isolation and I feel that was just a curse. I can understand how you feel!

One thing I can say is that you must not give up. Luckily, I'm not a big spender and I'm raising money to finance a new study. Though it's hard, keep your focus clear. It's maybe a thought to start with voluntering for things. It helps to break out the spiral that you feel you are in.

I wish you all the best and I know you will manage because you're going on with applying for jobs and that's really good!
i was stuck in a job i hated for years and then got sick of it anddecided to start my own business , i highly recomend to anyone to start their own business there are several easy ideas to start a business , myself i started a pressure cleaning business cleaning roofs and buildings and concrete etc. last year i earnt 20k plus about 12k from the government this is an easy biz to set up for a guy anywhere in the world , just need some tools some advertising and some know how and its easy, woman can start house cleaning businesses very easy ..
im 29 and unemployed and 95 kg, college drop out, staying with family. no career, no life:(

SullenGirl said:
Is anyone else here currently unemployed? I'm 20 and I live with my parents...my last job was seasonal, in other words not full time, so i get no unemployment benefits of course. So, I'm 100% broke and my mother is giving me money from time to time for doing things around the house and mowing the lawn...

I have been out of a job for about five or six months now and It's really getting me depressed. I can't stand it! I must have applied for at least 40 + jobs since my last job. I've been mostly applying to retail type jobs, which is what I have experience in, a well as waiting tables.

Anyway if you're going through the same thing, I'd be happy if someone responded; I feel so dejected/rejected and worthless right now. I have a 3.4 GPA in school which I think is pretty good, and that's the only thing I have to hold onto right now to feel good about myself and my existence. Having no money means no independence, and it makes me feel so small and worthless.

Being unemployed after you work hard for your college can be very frustrating. College cost should always be an issue in college selection, though a fair number of students know about this. A recent survey of recent freshmen by researchers from UCLA found it is becoming a very big factor in their selection of alma mater.
I know how you feel. Since leaving college when I was 19, I've spent around 2 years unemployed. I liked the free time to begin with. But having little money gets boring fast. Thankfully I am on an apprenticeship now which has so far lasted nearly 1 year and should continue. My advice to you would be to go psycho on job applications. Don't be afraid to try anything. Worst an employer will do is say no. My last unemployment period lasted 4 months. I applied for around 160 jobs in that period. I went psycho and it worked :]
SullenGirl said:
Is anyone else here currently unemployed? I'm 20 and I live with my parents...my last job was seasonal, in other words not full time, so i get no unemployment benefits of course. So, I'm 100% broke and my mother is giving me money from time to time for doing things around the house and mowing the lawn...

I have been out of a job for about five or six months now and It's really getting me depressed. I can't stand it! I must have applied for at least 40 + jobs since my last job. I've been mostly applying to retail type jobs, which is what I have experience in, a well as waiting tables.

Anyway if you're going through the same thing, I'd be happy if someone responded; I feel so dejected/rejected and worthless right now. I have a 3.4 GPA in school which I think is pretty good, and that's the only thing I have to hold onto right now to feel good about myself and my existence. Having no money means no independence, and it makes me feel so small and worthless.

have you tried voluntary work ?
it would keep you occupied, get you involved in something.

If I was unemployed, I would definitely do a few days charity work.
*raises hand* I'm currently... It's so hard to find a job. And I can't even do voluntary work or anything, because I could lose my ''unemployment support money''. Somehow in my country they see voluntary work as a real work or something (even if I would do it without paycheck), which is kind of silly. But job training without a paycheck feels so ''okay'' for them, which is why so many companies are recycling free job trainees without paychecks than hiring real workers with a real paychecks (because companies save some money of course .__.). It's so unfair. I want a real job, I just graduated few months ago and I have done enough job trainings for now. :/

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