All you lonely people, I love you!
I wish I could personally save each and every one of you...wish I had the money, the time, the energy, the patience, and the ability to help you not be lonely. I've been lonely my whole life and I know the deep sorrow it can bring.
I'm actually doing better, have sort of befriended a couple people. There is one mom whose kid plays with mine. She's very cool, and today she came to visit. I was making her a grilled cheese sandwich and my hands started shaking, I was so nervous. I got scared that I would burn it, or she would find my 'cooking' gross or something...
But happy to have someone to talk with about life.
I wish I could personally save each and every one of you...wish I had the money, the time, the energy, the patience, and the ability to help you not be lonely. I've been lonely my whole life and I know the deep sorrow it can bring.
I'm actually doing better, have sort of befriended a couple people. There is one mom whose kid plays with mine. She's very cool, and today she came to visit. I was making her a grilled cheese sandwich and my hands started shaking, I was so nervous. I got scared that I would burn it, or she would find my 'cooking' gross or something...
But happy to have someone to talk with about life.