Want to Throw My Arms Around the World...

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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All you lonely people, I love you!

I wish I could personally save each and every one of you...wish I had the money, the time, the energy, the patience, and the ability to help you not be lonely. I've been lonely my whole life and I know the deep sorrow it can bring.

I'm actually doing better, have sort of befriended a couple people. There is one mom whose kid plays with mine. She's very cool, and today she came to visit. I was making her a grilled cheese sandwich and my hands started shaking, I was so nervous. I got scared that I would burn it, or she would find my 'cooking' gross or something...

But happy to have someone to talk with about life.
What an interesting thought, lonelygirl. However, I don't think it is up to any single person to save all the lonely people here. In fact, I think that each individual is the only one capable of "saving" themselves.

While the people on this forum, including you :))), play an important role in providing comfort, feedback, and a sense of community to each other, I think in the end, the final solution to loneliness is an internal one, and unique to each individual. People must first appreciate and love themselves as they are, and then allow themselves to reach out and form deep and meaningul connections with others, in order to stop being lonely.

Now obviously, forming a connection with someone requires another person, but no one can satisfy the needs of every lonely person. We have to each keep trying to make bonds until we find someone that we can honestly and truly relate to and care for. That is why it is so important that this forum has a diverse and varied group of members. It helps each person's chances of finding someone that they can form a true and long-lasting relationship with. I am very grateful to have found something like that through this site, and I hope everyone else does too.

PS- I loved grilled cheese sandwiches!
You are only positive because you found someone. Everyone has or will find someone except for a few people. I am one of them. It seems everyone on this forum has a friend or a girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse, or they will one day. Enjoy your happy lives. The few of us really lonely people will rot in silence and not remind you of the hell and darkness that this world is for us.
Guest- How do you know you will never find someone? I never had a real friend until I joined this site, and I've never had a boyfriend or anything like that. For a long time I thought it wasn't even possible for me to have any type of relationship.

Maybe if you register, you will find a friend here. There are plenty of people here who are still looking for friends- they are in the same position that you are, and the same position that I was in before I came here. Perhaps you could hit it off with one of them. You won't know until you try.
Guest, I'd suggest you read some of Elaeagnus's early posts before you say that. This site CAN bring people closely together. It takes a little effort, sure, but sometimes extremely lonely people can find someone. This is a place where that becomes possible.

I hope you find it one day too:)
Sorry folks, I get frustrated sometimes. I expected you to get all angry at me, but you responed so kindly. I am genuinely humbled. Perhaps I will give the site a try one day. Things are very confusing now.
You have nothing to lose by registering. My loneliness was very real too but when it went it went suddenly and completely. This site is to thank for that.
Thanks for posting back and I hope to see you around again:)
I agree with Michael and the others--that registering would be a really great idea, fast, easy, and you've nothing to lose, right? That way you can PM with people and get to know people on an individual level. We have several AWESOME people on this sight that I've befriended, such as Angelus, Cooljohn, Tony30 and several others. Please, why not?


You are very correct as always. I know that a lot of loneliness is really internal in nature. However, if I can be a friend to the friendless, this is my role in life. I don't fancy myself a Mother Theresa of the social misfit or anything like that--I'm a wreck myself. I am just trying to be someone to listen.

Love all of you darlings.
I get nervous when I meet people too. I tend to stay quiet because I'm not sure of what to say. I've definitely learned what NOT to say, or do for that matter. Its taken a while but I've done it. I call it the George Costanza method: do everything the opposite of what you would normally do and see the outcome (does anyone remember the Seinfeld episode?). It works.

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