You start by doing well for yourself. Accomplishing tasks in a thorough fashion will make you feel quite proud. Join a DBT program (group therapy). These sorts of things do exercises where you are forced to interact with people in a healthy fashion. They educate you on how to utilize this in real life. Take notes while you're in there and refer back to them regularly when the program is done. This sort of thing is invaluable. Learn to love yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, keep a journal, and get out more often. Like people said. Take it one step at a time and don't rush yourself. That will only stress you out.
Learn to sit back and enjoy life, bruh. You're a beautiful person, and you were born perfect. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Stand up for your beliefs, educate yourself. Don't be as dumb as everyone else. I wish you all the greatest of luck. I'm starting to come out of my funk, and I'm an newer member but I want to stick around to offer my wisdom and experiences. I've been where you guys are at and sometimes still go there. Just know that it will get better. Depression is a bitch though!