well well well

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It was a bit chilly out. It was dark as I recall. Odd it seems we would be there after dark, but I suppose no reason not. We were lovers then, young ones at that, but lovers still. I can still remember how beautiful she was.

I lead the way behind a dumpster. I must have seemed like a bit of a bad boy to her at the time. Such a thing couldn't be farther from the truth, but we all need a little excitement in our lives. I sparked the bowl and we both partook of it's smoke. Just enough though, I always made it clear temperance and moderation were of utmost importance. She always took me serious, always listened so well, she understood what i was saying.

Our senses now heightened, the beauty of our surroundings unfolded upon us. We strolled slowly over to the bridge to gaze over the fog covered waters. The street lamp illuminated the haze bellow as i held her tight. Never again in my life would I feel that complete, that serene. The two of us alone, sharing the same moment of beauty. A true rapture of the senses. Holding her, feeling her security in my arms as she leaned back into me. The joy of providing her with such security such comfort, overwhelming my senses. As if I was holding the universe itself, bringing it the very purpose of admiring it's existence. I absolutely adored her, she was mine and I hers.

I look back expecting the better memories to be that of some great orgasm or sexual event, but no. Just that one moment holding her, staring at the same beauty and sharing the same moment. She loved me so, as did I her, but I always held back.

We weren't just a couple, not just lovers, we were pals. She could read my mind after a while, which wasn't always good, but amazing in how someone can come to know you so well. I loved her so much, I miss her so much, life is just amazing. The moment is gone so fast. She has become someone else now, still the same, but older. she moved on and i had others as well, but I'll never forget the most perfect moment i've ever had in my life. The day we shared that beauty as I held her in my arms. Words could not describe how complete and warm holding her made me feel.

This was just a creative writing exercise and attempt at reliving the best moment of my life.

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