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I've been on this site for only a couple of weeks now. and in that time I haven't really gotten to know any of you. so for the sake of friendship I think it would be good if we got to know each other better. so I'll go first. I am 29 years old. and I'm from the united states of America. so of you may have heard of it? I am single, and I've never been married. although I did come close to it. ( engaged ) and I don't have any kids or pets. I am not very much of a social person off line. but on here or in a chat room I will talk your ear off. so in my spare time I watch lots of TV. my favorite shows are the office, House M.d, scrubs, my name is Earl, and lots of cartoons including the simpsons, south park, family guy, and futurama. my hobbies are reading, writing, studying and art. I do suffer from clinical depression and have been diagnosed with split personality disorder. which I'm sure some of you might find as odd. or even funny. but thats cool. cause it doesn't bother me. so now that I've told you all a little about myself. I'd like to get to know a little more about you, the people of a lonely life. what are your likes and dislikes, what makes you .... you? I look forward to reading your responses.
by the way, if any one is looking for a friend or just some one to talk. I've been told I am a good listener :)
Guest said:
I've been on this site for only a couple of weeks now. and in that time I haven't really gotten to know any of you. so for the sake of friendship I think it would be good if we got to know each other better. so I'll go first. I am 29 years old. and I'm from the united states of America. so of you may have heard of it? I am single, and I've never been married. although I did come close to it. ( engaged ) and I don't have any kids or pets. I am not very much of a social person off line. but on here or in a chat room I will talk your ear off. so in my spare time I watch lots of TV. my favorite shows are the office, House M.d, scrubs, my name is Earl, and lots of cartoons including the simpsons, south park, family guy, and futurama. my hobbies are reading, writing, studying and art. I do suffer from clinical depression and have been diagnosed with split personality disorder. which I'm sure some of you might find as odd. or even funny. but thats cool. cause it doesn't bother me. so now that I've told you all a little about myself. I'd like to get to know a little more about you, the people of a lonely life. what are your likes and dislikes, what makes you .... you? I look forward to reading your responses.
by the way, if any one is looking for a friend or just some one to talk. I've been told I am a good listener :)

Oh by the way, you all can call me Trent
Hey! Are you still same Trent I've been talking to? If you are, well haven't heard from you much lately. How's everything?
mchenrycruiser said:
mink said:
Hey! Are you still same Trent I've been talking to? If you are, well haven't heard from you much lately. How's everything?

theres no one else but me. the same old Trent is all I can be. but yeah, I haven't been on here for a while. I was feeling neglected. so I didn't see much of a reason to come in. but if you really want to know how every thing is going. and what I've been up to. I can exaggerate the truth to you. is that cool? I take it that if you were awake and reading this. you would have stamped your foot on the ground once for yes. so here it goes, on my last night in here. I was lying down on bed. in a deep sleep. when suddenly and without warning a witch came into my room. the dark shadow of her reflection was all I could see. but I know she was there because she spoke to me. Trent, she said. get out of bed! you and me are going on a little trip. to where I asked? to which she replied, the past. where the other half of your soul waits for you patiently. and I thought to myself. the other half of my soul waits for me? who could this other half be? so she took me to this place where I was happy. a place where the sun shined high in the sky. a place where birds did sing and fly. without notice the black witch left me. and for the first time in along time. I opened my eyes. and I could see. and there she was! standing right before me. her arms stretched wide. and the door to her heart opened. as if to welcome me inside. so there we stood. in sweet embrace. I told her I loved her. and she kissed my face. do you really? she asked me. do you really love me. from this, in till die. even if I make you cry? she replied to me. then once again; I was un happy. and the witch left me. back in bed. full of poison in my head. I'm better now. but that night I was dead. if you can read between the lines. you'll know what the metaphor means. its not a big secret. the only reason why I explained it that way was because I wanted to practice my writing. if it were not writing mink'us , I think I'd lose my mind. I really do. it just centers me. any way, other then the whole metaphor I've had a full and interesting couple of days. but I don't want to bore you with the details of my tedious life. so I wont. so moving on.... how have you been enjoying your time while I was away?
~ T.R.E.N.T

hey mchenrycruiser. I haven't forgotten your post. if you need a friend I'm here. but before we talk on the phone I think it would be cool if I got to know a little more about you. like, where are you from? because if your not from the united states I don't know if I can call you. all I have is a cell phone. but if your from the U.S too then it shouldn't be a problem. the thing is my free minutes don't start to 9 pm my time. ( stupid teen mobile ) also if you are from the U.S what state are you from. I'm from Texas myself :)
Hey Trent. Yeah I do get you with what you wrote. Nothing good lasts. Tedious life..well i have a boring life currently so there's nothing much to enjoy about lol. I've just been catching up on Grey's Anatomy from Season 1 to 3 at the moment and I've cried buckets buckets buckets. I could relate to it at some point. Saddens me but it helps you know? Like its helping with some closure. It's okay if you don't get me..lol..

Hang around here more and get to know the others, might just make you feel a whole lot better cos it did for me. ;)
Hey Trent,

I've been on this site for about a week and haven't really gotten to know anyone either...mostly just been reading peeps posts...seems to help me.

But I'm glad you introduced yourself. I'll do the same now. I'm female, 26 years old, from Canada. I just moved accross the country to study Chinese Medicine which is super awesome, but I've found that I'm really lonely here. I recently lost two of my best friends at the same time, one girl who I've known since I was a kid and she turned into this crazy superficial hipster chick and basically cut me out of her life. And the other best friend was my boyfriend (i guess x now) who I was dating for 5 years, but lost him because of my move out here.

Now I find myself alone like all the time, with no one to talk to really and hardly the motivation to go about doing all the daily stuff that people do. which led me here. (there's my sob story)

I'm into photography, studying and love watching obscure foreign movies. I'm also a bit of a TV series addict, but was away for a year overseas so I'm just catching up now. I LOVE SCRUBS!! so awesome, but am pretty much watching a lot of Lost and Heroes lately. Both a little wierd, but entertaining enough.

Anyways, nice to meet you. And I'm so glad I found this site. I haven't ever felt so alone in my life and it was really nice to stumble into this right when I needed it.
Lux said:
Hey Trent,

I've been on this site for about a week and haven't really gotten to know anyone either...mostly just been reading peeps posts...seems to help me.

But I'm glad you introduced yourself. I'll do the same now. I'm female, 26 years old, from Canada. I just moved accross the country to study Chinese Medicine which is super awesome, but I've found that I'm really lonely here. I recently lost two of my best friends at the same time, one girl who I've known since I was a kid and she turned into this crazy superficial hipster chick and basically cut me out of her life. And the other best friend was my boyfriend (i guess x now) who I was dating for 5 years, but lost him because of my move out here.

Now I find myself alone like all the time, with no one to talk to really and hardly the motivation to go about doing all the daily stuff that people do. which led me here. (there's my sob story)

I'm into photography, studying and love watching obscure foreign movies. I'm also a bit of a TV series addict, but was away for a year overseas so I'm just catching up now. I LOVE SCRUBS!! so awesome, but am pretty much watching a lot of Lost and Heroes lately. Both a little wierd, but entertaining enough.

Anyways, nice to meet you. And I'm so glad I found this site. I haven't ever felt so alone in my life and it was really nice to stumble into this right when I needed it.

You're studying Chinese Medicine? I don't know why but I actually genuinely find that really cool right now. :) And I love Heroes! :D:D

Well I can tell you Lux, I've never felt so alone until I joined this site and put myself on here talking to people, it makes me feel better. At least it does make me feel better, although it may not change my situation. I hope you'll feel better too, just stick around. :) And I'm really sorry to hear about you losing your two best friends.

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