What Are The Things In Life That You Are Most Proud Of?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
The things that I'm most proud of in my life are:

1. Saving a friend from drowning when I was 8yo.
2. Graduating High School.
3. Giving up the liquor.
4. Winning a "TMNT" contest from the local cable company at that time.
5. Helped a friend quit drinking and gambling.
6. Accepting the Lord.
1. Change in Lifestyle - I changed from an old, boring, fat, ugly, depressed, egotist, self-centered, lonely, anxious about everything teenager into a young, respectful, confident, physically fit, happy, good-mood, selfless, low anxiety, positive teenager. I am most proud of this!

2. Intelligence - Being academically gifted in all fields. I have won awards and been admitted into national programs, I am also very advanced in the fields of Mathematics and Science. I'm looking very much forward to studying Calculus next year in a real classroom (and continuing with Precalculus when I change now). I've always been a good student (Mostly A's, some B's). All of this without any friends in school (zero legit, I talked to no-one) and being severely depressed and suicidal! Even though, I know I have a bright future ahead of me.

3. Family - Yes my family. I am very proud of my father, mother, and grandparents. Although I am lonely and depressed, they are excellent people and I am proud of being part of my family. They all are educated people and have or have had good jobs. I think I would have already offed myself if it wasn't for such a good family. I am absolutely grateful.

4. Skills - Writing skills, acting skills, basketball skills, cooking skills (working on that), and possibly more lol. I've been told I'm a good writer, by my parents, relatives, teachers, and regular people that have read everything I wrote; that I am very creative and very detailed and well thought-out. Acting skills, I did a little thing before and the instructor there was very impressed at my abilities, I conveyed everything very nice. Basketball skills, although I don't consider myself I pro, I like the sport and I'm kind of good at it. Cooking skills, well, its in development! My little brother loves my food.

5. Getting out of the ****-hole called Loneliness. Work in progress!
i am not a follower, i am also not a leader, i am a loner, but most importantly...i am not a follower

i have stared death in the eye and taken a principled stand at the risk of my own demise...many don't

i have consistently chosen my principles over money

that i've managed to pass along none of the violence that was put onto me.

my belief in a higher meaning despite it being trendy not to

I am the most proud of that I saved my mother's life. She had a health attack, I had to call an ambulance, she was dying, I had a panick attack at the same time, because of that. She is my everything, I can't live without her. She is my true joy. She makes me feel so much happier and better, everyday. Only one hug, and I feel good. Anyway, I saved her life, even that I was panicking, screaming and shaking. She is alive because of me.
lonelyfairy said:
I am the most proud of that I saved my mother's life. She had a health attack, I had to call an ambulance, she was dying, I had a panick attack at the same time, because of that. She is my everything, I can't live without her. She is my true joy. She makes me feel so much happier and better, everyday. Only one hug, and I feel good. Anyway, I saved her life, even that I was panicking, screaming and shaking. She is alive because of me.
Commendable. Way to keep your head clear enough to help. I hope that your mother never has another. I can't begin to imagine how scared to two of you were.
nerdygirl said:
I haven't killed all 'o humanity yet... but 'tis also me biggest regret in life.

'o the huge manatee?

1. My manners
2. My patience
3. That I have a mother as loving as I do
4. That Even though I feel like giving up time after time, I keep on fighting for the life I desire
5. My Beliefs (Pretty much all my family just uses and cons there way through life)
6. That after 10 years without a single friend, I have made 2. Both of which are freaking amazing human beings.
nerdygirl said:
I haven't killed all 'o humanity yet... but 'tis also me biggest regret in life.

Matey, if ye killed all the folks on tis here planet, who would be left to pillage n' plunder, I ask o' ya?

On-topic (sort of?) : I don't know what I'm most proud of in life, but it's probably not my pirate impersonating skills!
One day in the pavilion at Karakorum he [Genghis Khan] asked an officer of the Mongol guard what, in all the world, could bring the greatest happiness.

"The open steppe, a clear day, and a swift horse under you," responded the officer after a little thought, "and a falcon on your wrist to start up hares."

"Nay," responded the Khan, "to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best."
- Harlod Lamb, KAHN: THE EMPEROR OF ALL MEN, pages 106-107
1.) Graduating College
2.) A long journey, but finally figuring out how to build my Self Esteem and Self Confidence.
3.) Moving out of my birth state to pursue my dreams and goals.
1. Being an honest, moral person.

2. Being the first person in my family to go to University

3. Putting other people's feelings above mine, even if it's kind of a negative thing sometimes

4. Having the determination to get myself fit and live more healthily

5. Being sincere. So many people BS others, I'm happy that I've always been open with people.

6. Not taking the easy route. Sounds weird, but a lot of what I've done I've done for the challenge.
I suppose that my answer yesterday should have been a piratey answer, but it was my real one. I'm most proud that I haven't killed everybody yet, but at the same time... boy, do I wish I could.
nerdygirl said:
I suppose that my answer yesterday should have been a piratey answer, but it was my real one. I'm most proud that I haven't killed everybody yet, but at the same time... boy, do I wish I could.

I didn't mean it! I swear! No! NOOOOOOOO!

I thought the Bible said something like, 'pride goeth before a fall'?

If there's anything I'm 'proud' of in this world it's my two kids. They are great.

Otherwise, although I've worked my ass off to accomplish an assortment of save-the-world tasks they failed. Not much reason to be proud of them except that I did my best.

Though vanity has never been in my makeup and pride never my downfall there are things I am pleased about with myself:
1. I have learned that the most important thing in life is to be yourself and not live a lie.
2. I have sought truth and faced reality even when it hurt or scared the **** out of me.
3. I have shaken off the illusion that there is no such thing as god and we are on our own. The crutch of religion and the false hope of belief was, more than anything else, the destruction of my life.
4. I hold tightly to the moral standards and values that are important for the preservation of humanity: love, respect, compassion, forgiveness.
5. I refuse to give in to the selfish, nasty, rude attitudes 99 out of a 100 people in this country hold.

Those are the big ones. Otherwise I'm pleased to be skilled and talented and experienced. Useless traits at the moment but still they come in handy once in a while. Given the proper tools and equipment I could cut trees, haul them to the sawmill, truck them to a building site, build a house, finish it, wire it, plumb it, install a desk and computer and sit down and write a story about what I did. Then I could go to the kitchen and cook up a good meal to celebrate. I've done every one of those tasks in my life professionally except haul logs. I have a degree in history and have completed two technical schools. I've traveled, I've learned, I've seen more and learned more than anyone I've known. ...but still I have not accomplished **** because the one thing I have never been able to figure out is people. Go figure.
I've not started any fights, nor have I stolen from my fellow bluecollars or white collars. I seem to be slowly migrating towards the latter. I had a lot of issues back as a kid and a teen, but I managed to wade through all that **** by gritting teeth and trying to focus on a possibility of a better future.

Still, guess I'm most proud out of the fact that I do not make a habit out of lying- if I got to have at least one good point, I aim to make honesty such. I might have other failings, many, in fact, but I am what I appear to be, and speak my mind, or at least, stop myself from doing so where it would cause problems.

I also thought myself a pretty clever guy, and get a lot of comments on how I have a way with words. I do love witty dialogue and puns. Never been much for speeches, and I'm a nervous wreck most of the time, but I tend to manage to sieve away all those social anxieties when I get down to jot down my line of thought on a keyboard. Don't think I'll ever make a writer or a humorist of any kind, but the potential was once there, I think...
LoneKiller said:
lonelyfairy said:
I am the most proud of that I saved my mother's life. She had a health attack, I had to call an ambulance, she was dying, I had a panick attack at the same time, because of that. She is my everything, I can't live without her. She is my true joy. She makes me feel so much happier and better, everyday. Only one hug, and I feel good. Anyway, I saved her life, even that I was panicking, screaming and shaking. She is alive because of me.
Commendable. Way to keep your head clear enough to help. I hope that your mother never has another. I can't begin to imagine how scared to two of you were.

She no longer had that anymore, thankfully... :(

I was very scared, but a little voice inside my heart told me: ''do something!!!''.

It was definitely the scariest day of my life. :(

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